Raga playing - Ravi playing - in the beginning - isn't improvisationally peaking yet - and then it eases - what series of tones! - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Raga - jam with? teach, learn?
'Three Ragas' (1957) is great :) ... they soar ... and well before Monterey - Ravi Shankar is still playing - and also before Concert for Bangladesh ...
How can we grow compassion in the world?
World University & School's Peace and Social Justice Studies' subject
(http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies) ...
is one way.
Ravi is not just still playing. He is still amazing among players! I saw him recently on the same stage as his daughter, Anushka. Incredible!
Great :) ... would like to focus another Concert for Bangladesh vis-a-vis rising oceans due to global warming, where Bangladesh with its huge numbers of people on very low land, will again suffer the most ... see Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' ... how to change a world economy running on fossil fuels .... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ocean_%26_Climate_Management_Plan's Ocean and Climate Change Plan is one approach ... and another concert ?
Revkin, Andrew. 2010. [http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/29/climate-responses-primal-easy-ethical-hard/ Climate Responses: Primal Easy, Ethical Hard]. September 29. New York, NY: The New York Times.
George Harrison, Ravi Shankar et al. -
Ringo Starr - The Concert For Bangladesh - It Don't Come Easy [HD]
Ravi Shankar PT 2 Madison Square Gardens Aug, 1971
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/oceans-raga-playing-not.html - September 30, 2010)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Green Oaks: From the sleeping deck at Harbin Hot Springs, I can see the first sun glancing on the ridge to the south, Harbin Hot Springs' Research
Harbin ethnography:
... In this book, I include some of the histories of virtual Harbin which I have generated, all of which I examine in some detail in the next section: HISTORIES OF HARBIN HISTORICAL AND ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH.
To conclude this section on HARBIN HISTORIES, ACTUAL AND VIRTUAL, I came across this morning (September 30, 2010) a journal note in my organizer from June 14, 2000, which expresses a history of some of the beauty of Harbin, from before my time as a resident (January-June 2005), and my focused field work time in 2008 and early 2009, and which may go on for a long time to come.
Harbin June 14 2000
From the sleeping deck at Harbin Hot Springs, I can see the first sun glancing on the ridge to the south. There are approximately 25 of us in sleeping bags and colorful blankets on the deck. There are a surprising number of mothers and children sleeping together on pads in the open air. Last night in the large, main warm pool we watched the sun meld into twilight, then night.
The unique culture of this community and the physical beauty of the place are what have drawn me back to Harbin repeatedly. It's a haven in the wilderness of modernization, which has sprung up around a natural hot springs at the end of a road 10 miles away from Middletown, California and 2 1/2 hours northeast, through wine country, from San Francisco.
In a way Harbin is a place of dreams made real by the people who live here. There's gentleness among the residents and visitors, an alternative, colorfully clothed way of existence and thinking, a different way of life, an interest in being naked with each other, which centers on the pools. The physical design of the five-pool area is spacious - 300 or 400 people can be here on a weekend with ease. All of Harbin, especially the pool area, blends with the hillside and is comfortable beauty.
In the hills surrounding Harbin there live probably 100 or 200 residents who work in this unique community. Nudity, spiritual teachings, sarongs, batik, woven clothes, top knots, pendants, amulets, long hair, dread locks, yoga, hippie-culture-descendants and a relaxed way of living in a beautiful setting are integral to life here. The fig tree in full, glorious three-lobed leaf above the main pool adds to the marvelous qualities of this place.
Harbin Beauty
The potted plants lining one wall of the pool,
As well as the forested hillside close to the main pool,
Make this place welcoming,
As does the view of the valley from the main pool,
The people coming naked out of the changing area to shower,
The pastel colors of the walls separating the warm pool from the hot pool,
The whale's mouth in the hot pool room out of which the watery bounty of Harbin flows,
The wind chimes in the tree near the cold pool,
The bouquets of flowers around the pools,
The ancient stone stairway leading up the hill to nowhere,
The colorful objects in the trees
And the opportunity to rest naked on the sun deck
And spend the night on the sleeping deck.
That Harbin allows people to come and camp by the creek and also provides visitors with an open, large deck specifically for sleeping is uniquely wonderful. In its 30 or so years of history -- Bob Hartman, now called Ishvara, bought the land in the early 1970s -- it has had its personality conflicts. It must have attracted a very eclectic, interestingly weird group of people early on (and still does) but to this day it seems to have stayed pretty close to its roots, receiving people into a community where soaking and heart consciousness ideas of relaxation and release go hand and hand. Or at least getting away from it all and relaxing in an interesting place. It's the people, their ideas and way of thinking that makes this place unlike any other. There's an administrative structure at Harbin and the place makes money - between 2 and 3 million dollars a year when I last asked a year ago. The Harbin residents who work here cleaning the pool area, the 50 or so guest rooms and in the restaurant, cafe and health food store get paid about minimum wage, while people who sell their massage and Watsu (water dance) skills do better. But Harbin also, for example, will nominally lease space for a restaurant or other businesses to long time residents to own and operate.
One woman in the changing room last night was saying to her friend how strongly some teachings at Harbin, and how Harbin itself, kept drawing her back to visit. Her friend told her there was a pipe circle coming up on Saturday night. I don't know whether her friend was leading the pipe circle or not.
Openness of body and openness of mind, relaxation of gender ...
(MacLeod, Harbin Journal 2000-2001, June 14, 2000)
And the Harbin web site is probably the best, current, online site for Harbin history; it primarily provides information about Harbin and visiting it.
Concurrent with these actual and virtual Harbin histories above, there are the beginnings of a body of historical research about Harbin itself. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/green-oaks-from-sleeping-deck-at-harbin.html - September 30, 2010)
... In this book, I include some of the histories of virtual Harbin which I have generated, all of which I examine in some detail in the next section: HISTORIES OF HARBIN HISTORICAL AND ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH.
To conclude this section on HARBIN HISTORIES, ACTUAL AND VIRTUAL, I came across this morning (September 30, 2010) a journal note in my organizer from June 14, 2000, which expresses a history of some of the beauty of Harbin, from before my time as a resident (January-June 2005), and my focused field work time in 2008 and early 2009, and which may go on for a long time to come.
Harbin June 14 2000
From the sleeping deck at Harbin Hot Springs, I can see the first sun glancing on the ridge to the south. There are approximately 25 of us in sleeping bags and colorful blankets on the deck. There are a surprising number of mothers and children sleeping together on pads in the open air. Last night in the large, main warm pool we watched the sun meld into twilight, then night.
The unique culture of this community and the physical beauty of the place are what have drawn me back to Harbin repeatedly. It's a haven in the wilderness of modernization, which has sprung up around a natural hot springs at the end of a road 10 miles away from Middletown, California and 2 1/2 hours northeast, through wine country, from San Francisco.
In a way Harbin is a place of dreams made real by the people who live here. There's gentleness among the residents and visitors, an alternative, colorfully clothed way of existence and thinking, a different way of life, an interest in being naked with each other, which centers on the pools. The physical design of the five-pool area is spacious - 300 or 400 people can be here on a weekend with ease. All of Harbin, especially the pool area, blends with the hillside and is comfortable beauty.
In the hills surrounding Harbin there live probably 100 or 200 residents who work in this unique community. Nudity, spiritual teachings, sarongs, batik, woven clothes, top knots, pendants, amulets, long hair, dread locks, yoga, hippie-culture-descendants and a relaxed way of living in a beautiful setting are integral to life here. The fig tree in full, glorious three-lobed leaf above the main pool adds to the marvelous qualities of this place.
Harbin Beauty
The potted plants lining one wall of the pool,
As well as the forested hillside close to the main pool,
Make this place welcoming,
As does the view of the valley from the main pool,
The people coming naked out of the changing area to shower,
The pastel colors of the walls separating the warm pool from the hot pool,
The whale's mouth in the hot pool room out of which the watery bounty of Harbin flows,
The wind chimes in the tree near the cold pool,
The bouquets of flowers around the pools,
The ancient stone stairway leading up the hill to nowhere,
The colorful objects in the trees
And the opportunity to rest naked on the sun deck
And spend the night on the sleeping deck.
That Harbin allows people to come and camp by the creek and also provides visitors with an open, large deck specifically for sleeping is uniquely wonderful. In its 30 or so years of history -- Bob Hartman, now called Ishvara, bought the land in the early 1970s -- it has had its personality conflicts. It must have attracted a very eclectic, interestingly weird group of people early on (and still does) but to this day it seems to have stayed pretty close to its roots, receiving people into a community where soaking and heart consciousness ideas of relaxation and release go hand and hand. Or at least getting away from it all and relaxing in an interesting place. It's the people, their ideas and way of thinking that makes this place unlike any other. There's an administrative structure at Harbin and the place makes money - between 2 and 3 million dollars a year when I last asked a year ago. The Harbin residents who work here cleaning the pool area, the 50 or so guest rooms and in the restaurant, cafe and health food store get paid about minimum wage, while people who sell their massage and Watsu (water dance) skills do better. But Harbin also, for example, will nominally lease space for a restaurant or other businesses to long time residents to own and operate.
One woman in the changing room last night was saying to her friend how strongly some teachings at Harbin, and how Harbin itself, kept drawing her back to visit. Her friend told her there was a pipe circle coming up on Saturday night. I don't know whether her friend was leading the pipe circle or not.
Openness of body and openness of mind, relaxation of gender ...
(MacLeod, Harbin Journal 2000-2001, June 14, 2000)
And the Harbin web site is probably the best, current, online site for Harbin history; it primarily provides information about Harbin and visiting it.
Concurrent with these actual and virtual Harbin histories above, there are the beginnings of a body of historical research about Harbin itself. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/green-oaks-from-sleeping-deck-at-harbin.html - September 30, 2010)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Indian gharial: The original virtual Harbin in OpenSim, Interactive, Avatars communicated by text & voice in real time, Virtual Harbin Spirituality
Harbin ethnography:
... This merging of actual and virtual fantasy, which is instantiated in place, creates new opportunities at actual Harbin, especially in terms of intimacy, but also in terms of psychedelics, (music) and ecstasy.
The original virtual Harbin in OpenSim (which was stolen) was a virtual world which was interactive, where avatar figures could communicate by text and voice in real time, and which connected to my friends OpenSim island where I had a built a warm pool in which my avatar soaked, as well as green rolling hills, and was situated, place-wise, on hard drives in California and Massachusetts. While these virtual Harbins in OpenSim didn't involve immersive technologies such as DataGloves, head-mounted displays, and special-purpose rendering engines (Morningstar and Farmer 1991, in Boellstorff 2008: 51), it did make possible new forms of narrative, new expressions of hypermedia, and did also make possible integration of media elements in new ways (Packer and Jordan 2000). It was thus completely different from virtual reality of pre-graphical virtual worlds, which were entirely text based (Boellstorff 2008:51), and somewhat different from Second Life. The differences between this Harbin virtual world, virtual reality, and the Harbin New Age thinking – very alternative universes – are significant. In a virtual historical sense, in some of my early experiences in 2006 in Second Life, women avatars offered and explored intimacy, and invited me to their beautiful homes, which included warm pools. As avatar representations, such experiences are interesting, but 'not the real thing.' So, intimacy, and virtual body freedom, have been part of graphical, interactive, virtual worlds, such as Second Life, for a long time, perhaps as a substitute for the more combat-oriented uses of many early text-based virtual worlds, as well as present multimedia virtual worlds, such as World of War Craft. But such possibilities pale in relation to the possibilities of New Age thinking and symbolization, especially in relation to brain-computer devices, with, for example, substances like psylocibyn in mushrooms. To go into – to meditate on or get absorbed in the profundity of - the sacred symbol Om, while listening to a Harbin kirtan (Hindu-originating, musical offering, often devotional in nature) in a virtual Harbin, with a head set, and on mushrooms, for example, will open many new virtual worlds, in people's bodyminds, for individuals around the world. At the same time, one could then head into one's bathtub while visiting the virtual Harbin pools with a friend - and listening to music. There are many potential, unfolding, completely open-ended, new human experiences here.
While the most informative Harbin history – virtual (text-based here) and actual – is perhaps Ellen Klages' actual history of Harbin, “Harbin Hot Springs: Healing Waters, Sacred Land,” Ishvara himself, and perhaps the long time editor of the “Harbin Hot Springs Quarterly: Heart Consciousness Church Retreats, Events and Workshops” as well as the Harbinger, a biweekly are two of the richest, Harbin sources of history. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/10/indian-gharial-original-virtual-harbin.html - September 29, 2010)
... This merging of actual and virtual fantasy, which is instantiated in place, creates new opportunities at actual Harbin, especially in terms of intimacy, but also in terms of psychedelics, (music) and ecstasy.
The original virtual Harbin in OpenSim (which was stolen) was a virtual world which was interactive, where avatar figures could communicate by text and voice in real time, and which connected to my friends OpenSim island where I had a built a warm pool in which my avatar soaked, as well as green rolling hills, and was situated, place-wise, on hard drives in California and Massachusetts. While these virtual Harbins in OpenSim didn't involve immersive technologies such as DataGloves, head-mounted displays, and special-purpose rendering engines (Morningstar and Farmer 1991, in Boellstorff 2008: 51), it did make possible new forms of narrative, new expressions of hypermedia, and did also make possible integration of media elements in new ways (Packer and Jordan 2000). It was thus completely different from virtual reality of pre-graphical virtual worlds, which were entirely text based (Boellstorff 2008:51), and somewhat different from Second Life. The differences between this Harbin virtual world, virtual reality, and the Harbin New Age thinking – very alternative universes – are significant. In a virtual historical sense, in some of my early experiences in 2006 in Second Life, women avatars offered and explored intimacy, and invited me to their beautiful homes, which included warm pools. As avatar representations, such experiences are interesting, but 'not the real thing.' So, intimacy, and virtual body freedom, have been part of graphical, interactive, virtual worlds, such as Second Life, for a long time, perhaps as a substitute for the more combat-oriented uses of many early text-based virtual worlds, as well as present multimedia virtual worlds, such as World of War Craft. But such possibilities pale in relation to the possibilities of New Age thinking and symbolization, especially in relation to brain-computer devices, with, for example, substances like psylocibyn in mushrooms. To go into – to meditate on or get absorbed in the profundity of - the sacred symbol Om, while listening to a Harbin kirtan (Hindu-originating, musical offering, often devotional in nature) in a virtual Harbin, with a head set, and on mushrooms, for example, will open many new virtual worlds, in people's bodyminds, for individuals around the world. At the same time, one could then head into one's bathtub while visiting the virtual Harbin pools with a friend - and listening to music. There are many potential, unfolding, completely open-ended, new human experiences here.
While the most informative Harbin history – virtual (text-based here) and actual – is perhaps Ellen Klages' actual history of Harbin, “Harbin Hot Springs: Healing Waters, Sacred Land,” Ishvara himself, and perhaps the long time editor of the “Harbin Hot Springs Quarterly: Heart Consciousness Church Retreats, Events and Workshops” as well as the Harbinger, a biweekly are two of the richest, Harbin sources of history. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/10/indian-gharial-original-virtual-harbin.html - September 29, 2010)
Japanese Macaques, Hot Springs, Adaptations, Evolution, World Univ & Sch Primatology 'Subject'
If Japanese Macaques can 'adapt' to natural, warm pools in snowy parts of Japan, I don't see why humans can't either (not here at http://harbin.org/ though - adaptations often take millions of years & happen to populations). In evolutionary and primatological language, what kind of 'adaptation' have these Macaques made?
For Macaques around warm pools, how would this relate to the concept of troopbonding (Money 1988), an exigency - and a kind of adaptation, but not an adaptation - in terms of evolutionary biology? Would troops of Macaques increased reproductive successes, due to the warmth of hot springs in winter, be significant in an understanding of evolutionare biology or troopbonding?
Adaptations work on genes; prehensile grasp and color vision are 2 examples.
Two references:
This is apparently something they learned to do recently, c. 1963 ... http://www.tofugu.com/2010/01/13/japanese-snow-monkeys-warm-your-heart-with-hot-springs/ ... I'll try to locate the journal reference ... Humans, of course, have been doing it much longer.
Akira Suzuki, An ecological study of wild Japanese monkeys in snowy areas - focused on their food habits, Primates, 1965, Springer.
Here's a fact sheet - http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/japanese_macaque. They appear to live mostly in forests, with winter visits to warm pools, and their fur may be an unique adaptation, - but possibly not to warm pools. I'm interested in the possible parallels with human visits to hot springs, in terms of evolution.
Here's World University & School's Primatology page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Primatology - to which I added the Suzuki reference above. I also found this at the Wisconsin page: "In Shiga Heights in central Japan, the macaques enter and remain in hot springs in the winter, probably to regulate their body temperature behaviorally (Hori et al. 1977)" - not an adaptation though ...
With an interest in evolutionary biology, primates, hot springs, and anthropology, I'm looking to other primate species to begin to think about ways in which hot springs may be significant in their lives. How might one conceive of primates vis-a-vis hot springs in terms of evolutionary biology?
I'm curious, too, how anthropological / ethnographic field work (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology) and primatological field work (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Primatology) can learn from each other.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/japanese-macaques-hot-springs.html - September 29, 2010)
For Macaques around warm pools, how would this relate to the concept of troopbonding (Money 1988), an exigency - and a kind of adaptation, but not an adaptation - in terms of evolutionary biology? Would troops of Macaques increased reproductive successes, due to the warmth of hot springs in winter, be significant in an understanding of evolutionare biology or troopbonding?
Adaptations work on genes; prehensile grasp and color vision are 2 examples.
Two references:
This is apparently something they learned to do recently, c. 1963 ... http://www.tofugu.com/2010/01/13/japanese-snow-monkeys-warm-your-heart-with-hot-springs/ ... I'll try to locate the journal reference ... Humans, of course, have been doing it much longer.
Akira Suzuki, An ecological study of wild Japanese monkeys in snowy areas - focused on their food habits, Primates, 1965, Springer.
Here's a fact sheet - http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/japanese_macaque. They appear to live mostly in forests, with winter visits to warm pools, and their fur may be an unique adaptation, - but possibly not to warm pools. I'm interested in the possible parallels with human visits to hot springs, in terms of evolution.
Here's World University & School's Primatology page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Primatology - to which I added the Suzuki reference above. I also found this at the Wisconsin page: "In Shiga Heights in central Japan, the macaques enter and remain in hot springs in the winter, probably to regulate their body temperature behaviorally (Hori et al. 1977)" - not an adaptation though ...
With an interest in evolutionary biology, primates, hot springs, and anthropology, I'm looking to other primate species to begin to think about ways in which hot springs may be significant in their lives. How might one conceive of primates vis-a-vis hot springs in terms of evolutionary biology?
I'm curious, too, how anthropological / ethnographic field work (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology) and primatological field work (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Primatology) can learn from each other.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/japanese-macaques-hot-springs.html - September 29, 2010)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ichthyolites: The Harbin temple looks like a space ship this evening, an illuminated plant seed, Into the pools to soak
The Harbin temple looks like a space ship this evening, an illuminated plant seed which might spin off through the universe into unknown lands and worlds, like a gene pod on the wind.
Into the pools I went to soak and soak. Ease comes, the world changes, things harmonize. People come in an out of the pool, beautiful, mostly naked, all ages. I see a friendly face.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/ichthyolites-harbin-temple-looks-like.html - September 28, 2010)
Into the pools I went to soak and soak. Ease comes, the world changes, things harmonize. People come in an out of the pool, beautiful, mostly naked, all ages. I see a friendly face.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/ichthyolites-harbin-temple-looks-like.html - September 28, 2010)
Old Red Sandstone: Spiritual, innovative, experimental, science fiction, and exploratory thinking, Fantasy, Creativeness, Open Codes for Freedom
Harbin ethnography:
... But a lot is all one at Harbin, spiritually.
While spiritual, innovative, novelistic, experimental, science fiction, and exploratory thinking can all seem like fantasy, their rich creativenesses in the context of Harbin's New Age spirituality, open codes, both for navigating the freedoms of Harbin, as well as enjoying what's here – in the now. People find freedom both at Harbin, and in thinking creatively, and Harbin's milieu – including its clothing-optionalness in the pool area – seems to facilitate rich freedom of thought, especially in this milieu which emerges from the '60s. In an historical sense, for example, a new friend, JaiMama, who leads Ayayuasca rituals in Brazil, told me yesterday that
“one time, in the early 80s, he and a girlfriend took 2 hits of acid at 6 in the morning and spent the day in the pools. Around noon, they both ate ecstasy for the rest of the afternoon, and went off later to make love in a room for 3 or 4 hours. She was so open - and he had never had a clearer, better experience in life - and their love making was incredible - but toward the end, she closed up emotionally. I think this may be emblematic of Harbin, and possibly in 'tame' ways, of some of life here in the 70s.” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2010, September 2010)
Actual fantasy and virtual fantasy vis-a-vis spirituality, especially Hindu-originating, and symbols come together in new forms of interactive communication in actual and virtual Harbin, particularly virtual Harbin. This merging of actual and virtual fantasy, which is instantiated in place, creates new opportunities at actual Harbin, especially in terms of intimacy, but also in terms of psychedelics, (music) and ecstasy.
The original virtual Harbin in OpenSim (which was stolen) was a virtual world which was interactive, where avatar figures could communicate by text and voice in real time, and which connected to my friends OpenSim island where I had a built a warm pool in which my avatar soaked, as well as green rolling hills, and was situated, place-wise, on hard drives in California and Massachusetts. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/old-red-sandstone.html - September 28, 2010)
... But a lot is all one at Harbin, spiritually.
While spiritual, innovative, novelistic, experimental, science fiction, and exploratory thinking can all seem like fantasy, their rich creativenesses in the context of Harbin's New Age spirituality, open codes, both for navigating the freedoms of Harbin, as well as enjoying what's here – in the now. People find freedom both at Harbin, and in thinking creatively, and Harbin's milieu – including its clothing-optionalness in the pool area – seems to facilitate rich freedom of thought, especially in this milieu which emerges from the '60s. In an historical sense, for example, a new friend, JaiMama, who leads Ayayuasca rituals in Brazil, told me yesterday that
“one time, in the early 80s, he and a girlfriend took 2 hits of acid at 6 in the morning and spent the day in the pools. Around noon, they both ate ecstasy for the rest of the afternoon, and went off later to make love in a room for 3 or 4 hours. She was so open - and he had never had a clearer, better experience in life - and their love making was incredible - but toward the end, she closed up emotionally. I think this may be emblematic of Harbin, and possibly in 'tame' ways, of some of life here in the 70s.” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2010, September 2010)
Actual fantasy and virtual fantasy vis-a-vis spirituality, especially Hindu-originating, and symbols come together in new forms of interactive communication in actual and virtual Harbin, particularly virtual Harbin. This merging of actual and virtual fantasy, which is instantiated in place, creates new opportunities at actual Harbin, especially in terms of intimacy, but also in terms of psychedelics, (music) and ecstasy.
The original virtual Harbin in OpenSim (which was stolen) was a virtual world which was interactive, where avatar figures could communicate by text and voice in real time, and which connected to my friends OpenSim island where I had a built a warm pool in which my avatar soaked, as well as green rolling hills, and was situated, place-wise, on hard drives in California and Massachusetts. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/old-red-sandstone.html - September 28, 2010)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Oldest Tree: World University & School's DREAM TEAM?
What's World University & School's DREAM TEAM?
It's a great university's focused group with Knowledge, Experience, Vision and Resources.
The dream WUAS will help SO many people, and it's already a growing reality :) http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-tree-world-university-schools.html - September 27, 2010)
It's a great university's focused group with Knowledge, Experience, Vision and Resources.
The dream WUAS will help SO many people, and it's already a growing reality :) http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-tree-world-university-schools.html - September 27, 2010)
Highland Tropical Pitcher Plant: Online linguistic expressions of virtual Harbin, Oneness of Harbin as place
Harbin ethnography:
... Yahoo groups, Harbin mailing lists, the School of Shiatsu and Massage Mailing List (SSM), Harbin Hot Springs' groups on Facebook, some made officially by Harbin and others made by visitors ...
While many of these forms of online communication are linguistic expressions of virtual Harbin, they all return, in some ways, to the oneness of Harbin place, where they have been inspired, or from which they somehow emerge. Multiple possibilities and forms of communication emerge with digital technologies, but key aspects of Harbin's 'language' are informed by the spiritual, astrological, New Age expressions of 'oneness,' loosely drawn from Sanskrit, Hindu, eastern, and all-over-the-map traditions and articulated by hippies, particularly on the ground at actual Harbin, but also emergently in these digital communications. Harbin's creative contributions to this 'language' include the new water movement, healing and dance form “Watsu” (water shiatsu) and many related water movement forms, all with names (Tantsu, Water Damce … ), and their own rich languages, besides many other novel Harbin innovations in art and buildings. But I trip out, ethnographically, when I hear some Harbin residents talk about the New Age. It can be really wild, and soar to new, unriffed, spiritual, linguistic jams. Heartsong's language … But a lot is all one at Harbin, spiritually.
While spiritual, innovative, novelistic, experimental, science fiction, and exploratory thinking can all seem like fantasy, their rich creativenesses in the context of Harbin's New Age spirituality, open codes, both for navigating the freedoms of Harbin, as well as enjoying what's here – in the now. ....
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/highland-tropical-pitcher-plant-online.html - September 27, 2010)
... Yahoo groups, Harbin mailing lists, the School of Shiatsu and Massage Mailing List (SSM), Harbin Hot Springs' groups on Facebook, some made officially by Harbin and others made by visitors ...
While many of these forms of online communication are linguistic expressions of virtual Harbin, they all return, in some ways, to the oneness of Harbin place, where they have been inspired, or from which they somehow emerge. Multiple possibilities and forms of communication emerge with digital technologies, but key aspects of Harbin's 'language' are informed by the spiritual, astrological, New Age expressions of 'oneness,' loosely drawn from Sanskrit, Hindu, eastern, and all-over-the-map traditions and articulated by hippies, particularly on the ground at actual Harbin, but also emergently in these digital communications. Harbin's creative contributions to this 'language' include the new water movement, healing and dance form “Watsu” (water shiatsu) and many related water movement forms, all with names (Tantsu, Water Damce … ), and their own rich languages, besides many other novel Harbin innovations in art and buildings. But I trip out, ethnographically, when I hear some Harbin residents talk about the New Age. It can be really wild, and soar to new, unriffed, spiritual, linguistic jams. Heartsong's language … But a lot is all one at Harbin, spiritually.
While spiritual, innovative, novelistic, experimental, science fiction, and exploratory thinking can all seem like fantasy, their rich creativenesses in the context of Harbin's New Age spirituality, open codes, both for navigating the freedoms of Harbin, as well as enjoying what's here – in the now. ....
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/highland-tropical-pitcher-plant-online.html - September 27, 2010)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Swan Take Off: Check out the editable Robotics' subject at World Univ & Sch, Lego Mindstorms NXT as a 'reference,' MIT course on Lego Robotics
Check out the editable Robotics' subject at World University & School
with the cool Lego Mindstorms NXT as a 'reference,' :)
and a MIT course on Lego Robotics
Here are MIT course photos:
Mindstorms NXT (Lego) is programmable ...
haven't seen many internet robots, for example, adapted avatars in Second Life ...
but I'd like WUaS to excel in Web Robot development, here:
Check out Theo Jansen's incredible creatures in his TED Talk at this WUaS Robotics' page.
How can we end users easily come to script autonomous web robots? ... like building in Second Life, or like editing a Wikipedia page, including cognitively? (See the MIT OCW Cognitive Roobotics' free, open course at the WUAS robotics' page).
Will/would WUaS award a BA Law, Medical or Ph.D. degree to an avatar robot which freely learned the material / did research? Yes.
But such hypothetical avatars with agency are thinking questions - they may be a long time in coming.
See the Richard Rorty avatar examples in this blog vis-a-vis avatar agency.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/swan-take-off-check-out-editable.html - September 26, 2010)
with the cool Lego Mindstorms NXT as a 'reference,' :)
and a MIT course on Lego Robotics
Here are MIT course photos:
Mindstorms NXT (Lego) is programmable ...
haven't seen many internet robots, for example, adapted avatars in Second Life ...
but I'd like WUaS to excel in Web Robot development, here:
Check out Theo Jansen's incredible creatures in his TED Talk at this WUaS Robotics' page.
How can we end users easily come to script autonomous web robots? ... like building in Second Life, or like editing a Wikipedia page, including cognitively? (See the MIT OCW Cognitive Roobotics' free, open course at the WUAS robotics' page).
Will/would WUaS award a BA Law, Medical or Ph.D. degree to an avatar robot which freely learned the material / did research? Yes.
But such hypothetical avatars with agency are thinking questions - they may be a long time in coming.
See the Richard Rorty avatar examples in this blog vis-a-vis avatar agency.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/swan-take-off-check-out-editable.html - September 26, 2010)
avatar agency,
global university,
Richard Rorty
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Red Ginger: Eliciting Loving Bliss neurophysiology, when we want it, as we want it - like turning on music, or making music
Eliciting Loving Bliss neurophysiology, when we want it, as we want it - like turning on, or making, music which moves you, in our bodyminds? ...
Let's think this through ...
The Loving Bliss Eliciting subject at World University and School is a beginning place for this conversation:
... an editable subject :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/red-ginger-eliciting-loving-bliss.html - September 25, 2010)
Let's think this through ...
The Loving Bliss Eliciting subject at World University and School is a beginning place for this conversation:
... an editable subject :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/red-ginger-eliciting-loving-bliss.html - September 25, 2010)
global university,
loving bliss,
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wild Geraniums: World University & School Presentation at Nonprofit Commons in Second Life
Here's the transcript for World University & School's part of today's Nonprofit Common's talk in Second Life
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: Next we have Aphilo Aarde talking about world university and school
[9:25] Preston Addens claps. Thanks, Dancers and Kasuku!
[9:26] Glitteractica Cookie: Give it up for Aphilo!
[9:26] Mimi Muircastle: such an important project - on behalf of everyone!
[9:26] Gentle Heron: Thanks Dancers and Kasuku.
[9:26] Dancers Yao: yes of course
[9:26] Oronoque Westland: great work Dancers
[9:26] Oronoque Westland: hey Aphilo
[9:26] Aphilo Aarde: Hello All, Nonprofit Commons
[9:27] MacZ Urbanowicz: ola!!
[9:27] Buffy Beale: Hiii Aphilo!
[9:27] Mimi Muircastle: welcome!
[9:27] Buffy Beale: my prof!
[9:27] jacmacaire Humby: Hi..
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: Nice to see all of you again!
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: I'm developing World University & School
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: And I'm here again to tell you a little about it.
[9:28] MacZ Urbanowicz: sign me up
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: It's an open, wiki school - where YOU can teach
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: :)
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: It's like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware/ Berkeley Webcast and other great Open Course Ware, also
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: This is the URL for the present
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University
[9:29] Glitteractica Cookie: what is the twitter handle?
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: I'm going to talk about it until about 9:40 SLT and then we have a conversation
[9:29] Glitteractica Cookie: ok
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS is planning on offering free degrees
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: potentially through collaborating with great universities like MIT and Berkeley
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: Matriculating classes in the current plan
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: will begin in 2014 for BAs, Law, MDs and PH.D. degrees
[9:30] Mimi Muircastle: (whispers go bears )
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: There's already :) a free Harvard doctoral degree
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: at World Univ & Sch
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: for 25 students in 2011 and 2012 for which people who applied
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: and got in, would then move to Cambridge, MA
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Free_Ph.D.s
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: is the link for the Harvard doctoral degree and where subsequent free degrees will be found
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: World Univ & Sch is a wiki - and open and free
[9:32] MacZ Urbanowicz: wow, and i just did mine for a cool 70K
[9:32] Buffy Beale: Amazing how you've pulled this together Aphilo
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: If you want to add a subject, in anything - just do it ...
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: :), MacZ
[9:32] In Kenzo: many years of work from what we've seen, great job Aphilo
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
[9:33] MacZ Urbanowicz: got anything in French yet?
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: This is the subjects link
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: There are some basic French resources
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: at the Languages' page
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages
[9:34] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS would like to be in ALL 3000-8000 languages - each one its own school
[9:34] MacZ Urbanowicz: yowser!
[9:34] Aphilo Aarde: Wikipedia by way of comparison is in around 272 languages. And facilitate a universal translator building on Google Translate etc
[9:35] Aphilo Aarde: The best free, existing model for language learning I know of, and which is a model for WUaS
[9:35] MacZ Urbanowicz: yes, some of it is in how you interpret what a 'language' is
[9:35] Aphilo Aarde: is the Goethe Institutes, free Second Life German classes and daily conversation opportunites
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: Yes - here's the Second Life URL for the Goethe Institute
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Goethe%20Institut/128/128/2
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ ... WUaS would like to consider languages to include dialects, pidgeons and creoles
[9:37] MacZ Urbanowicz: you may want to warn folks that they need to buy books to go along with classes
[9:37] Aphilo Aarde: partly because WUaS also hopes to become not only a school in EACH language, but also potentially a kind of archive
[9:37] MacZ Urbanowicz: the MIT books can cost $200
[9:37] Gentle Heron: Two questions Aphilo: (1) What is your accrediting institution? (2) Are you going to use Open Textbooks?
[9:37] Gentle Heron: ah Mac, you anticipated my second question!
[9:37] Aphilo Aarde: Good questions, MacZ and Gentle Heron
[9:37] Mimi Muircastle: same questions :)
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS is working toward accreditation by the same organization that accredits Stanford and Berkeley
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: and this process takes time
[9:38] Gentle Heron: Which one is that?
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: WASC
[9:38] Mimi Muircastle: wasc?
[9:39] MacZ Urbanowicz: western associations of schools and colleges
[9:39] MacZ Urbanowicz: regional accreditation
[9:39] Gentle Heron: right
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: And there are rich text book opportunities here at WUAS
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: in the already extensive library resources section which is wiki
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: But WUaS hopes to become a great university, collaborating with MIT OCW and Berkeley Webcast for example
[9:40] Aphilo Aarde: MIT OCW has many links to Amazon.com ... knowledge resources aren't extensive enough f
[9:40] Aphilo Aarde: when you just use text books ...
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: So WUaS will of course use textbooks, but for the accredited coursework, students will also be buying their own books, - like MIT OCW
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: At present I'm teaching a class on Harvard's virtual Island on Second Life for WUAS credit
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: on the INformation Technology revolution - it's open and free and on Saturdays from 11a-1p SLT
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: http://socinfotech.pbworks.com/ is the URL
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: As a first for-credit class, I hope it will contribute to the accredtiation process
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: And in January, World University and School
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: will stream FOR CREDIT a UC Berkeley class - live
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: It's a Biological Anthropology class taught by Terry Deacon on Tues and
[9:43] Buffy Beale: wow that's good news Aphilo
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Thurs
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Questions?
[9:43] MacZ Urbanowicz: i would suggest looking into using journal articles
[9:43] MacZ Urbanowicz: instead of texts
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ - we want to do this ...
[9:44] Gentle Heron: Accredited courses do not necessarily require expensive texts... more and more profs are using free open textbooks, because then they have the ability to re-work the text, because they are Creative Commons licensed.
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: at least for international community
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: If, like Stanford or MIT, WUAS and school needs to pay for journal subscriptions,
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: we need to build an endowment ... and then potentially we can open journals up to the world
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: or get authors to donate
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: their articles
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: That's the goal ... perhaps - we're working on fund raising ...
[9:45] MacZ Urbanowicz: and links to author pages
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: if we can pay what Harvard pays for all its journal subscriptions ... and then
[9:45] Gentle Heron: Many degree-granting institutions already have the ability to allow students access to journals to which they subscribe electronically
[9:45] MacZ Urbanowicz: very expensive
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: you, who add your name to WUaS list - in the works -
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: - simply an email address - can then have access
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ ... WUaS is planning on becoming a World University
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: but we do need to raise monies for this
[9:46] MacZ Urbanowicz: i don't know if you remember we're working on a community college system in Mali, West Africa
[9:46] Mimi Muircastle: are you a nonprofit at this time?
[9:46] MacZ Urbanowicz: so i'm neck deep in this stuff
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, Gentle .... we're moving in that direction
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, I remember ...
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Mimi, WUaS incorporated in April 2010 ... so yes, we are treated as a nonprofit
[9:47] Mimi Muircastle: ty:) great!
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Other questions?
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: I talked here at Nonprofit Commons a few months ago - and for the record -
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: here's the transcript - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/10/introducing-world-university-school.html from Firday, October 16, 2009.
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: What's great about World Univ & Sch is that YOU can teach here if you want to
[9:49] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks for digging up that link Scott/Aphilo
[9:49] Aphilo Aarde: And there interesting subjects - I'm very interested, for example,
[9:49] Aphilo Aarde: in how eliciting the neurophysiology of Loving Bliss works
[9:50] Ozma Malibu: Aphilo the AERA has a page of open access educational journals. Just an interesting trend.
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: So there's a wiki subject here about this -
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_%28eliciting_this_neurophysiology%29
[9:50] Robo Mirabella: it also is a wonderful investment toward the realization of access toeducation as a universal right
[9:50] Buffy Beale: it sure is!
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: and a talk by Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty, for example, who talks about this
[9:51] LOM Runner: yeah, college kids are in so much debt now. It was all over the news
[9:51] Glitteractica Cookie: We need to move to the open mic protion of the meeting momentarily
[9:51] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, Robo ... Wikipedia has set a great precedent - with 272 languages, and around 14 million articles, starting in aobut 2000, and with a $10 million budget and 35 people on staff
[9:51] Aphilo Aarde: Thank you, Glitteractica
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: You all can connect with Philo after the meeting
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, free degrees will be invaluable ... like the free k-12 education in this country
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: But now we need to let folks announce their stuff
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, I'm Aphilo Aarde / Scott MacLeod and much of this information is
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: here http://scottmacleod.com
[9:52] MacZ Urbanowicz: Glitter please
[9:52] Buffy Beale: thanks again Aphilo
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Apilo!
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Thanks
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes macz?
[9:53] Aphilo Aarde: :)
[9:53] MacZ Urbanowicz: announcement
[9:53] Maybe Morahan: great information
[9:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, you are up
[9:53] MacZ Urbanowicz: are there new folks here?
[9:53] Maybe Morahan raises hand
[9:53] Glitteractica Cookie: It appears taht there are many new folks
[9:54] MacZ Urbanowicz: yes, but they have to volunteer in order to get a mentor ;)
[9:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more new people
[9:54] Buffy Beale: hey, welcome Maybe
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more announcements for the larger group?
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: does anyone esle have an open mic announcement?
[9:55] ShaunG Lynch: I have a quick follow-up report
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: ok shaunG
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: go ahead
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: A few weeks ago I told you all hat some of my fundraising students would be doing their group projects assessing the fundraising operations of nonprofits orgs
[9:56] jacmacaire Humby: Yes I have a quick video contest to explain..
[9:56] Glitteractica Cookie: ok Jac, after Shaun
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: Well, one of the groups has decided to do their project working with Bridges for Women, and have already been in touch with Buffy
[9:56] jacmacaire Humby: thanks :)
[9:56] Buffy Beale: yahooey, will be of such benefit to Bridges
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: It's the first time I've had students do a project through SL
[9:57] ShaunG Lynch: Also, my office hours with my students are on Monday nights from 6 to 7 pm SLT and Wednesday mornings from 8 to 9 a.m. SLT
[9:57] Glitteractica Cookie: That is very cool
[9:58] ShaunG Lynch: I'm available at those times to assist ANYONE who wants guidance on fundraising or marketing matters
[9:58] Glitteractica Cookie: feel free to let us know and we (nonprofitcommons@techsoup.org) will tweet your office hours for you
[9:58] Glitteractica Cookie: or just post to our google group
[9:58] ShaunG Lynch: That's it for me
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: Here's the URL for the World Univ & Sch's part of today Nonprofit Common's talk - transcript
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/geranium-world-univ-sch-presentation-at.html
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: for future reference
[9:59] Penguin Kuhn: great to hear, Shaun
[9:59] Buffy Beale: yes Bridges are very excited about this and so am I
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: Great, Shaun!
[9:59] Buffy Beale: ty Aphilo
[10:00] Aphilo Aarde: :)
BEFORE the World University and School Talk above:
[9:12] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[9:12] Connected
[9:13] Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Berkman/135/107/26
[9:14] Dancers Yao: slide 7
[9:14] Voice not available at your current location
[9:14] Dancers Yao: you will need to play with the book to get each slide
[9:14] Dancers Yao: but it did work before!
[9:14] In Kenzo: Dancers takes great shots & is exploring machinima captures too :)
[9:15] In Kenzo: Be sure to go INSIDE the waterfall at Elder Voices.
[9:15] Buffy Beale: yes was noticing the great pics
[9:15] Dancers Yao: touch....then menu, then more, then take copy.
[9:15] Dancers Yao: Ink is making a wonderful machinima
[9:15] In Kenzo: (almost done - for stories of impact)
[9:16] Elder Voices whispers: Touch contents to turn pages, touch cover for menu ...
[9:16] Dancers Yao: It has been an adventure for us, as we work each day in real life to stop abuse
[9:17] Elder Voices whispers: Touch contents to turn pages, touch cover for menu ...
[9:17] MacZ Urbanowicz: great job yao - on that book
[9:17] Dancers Yao: this can mean testifying in court, and sometimes having our own life threatened
[9:18] Dancers Yao: so we appreciate a virtual world....
[9:18] Dancers Yao: and hope to find a way people could work with problems without violence
[9:18] In Kenzo: Dancers, Kasuku and I had a good talk about what kinds of health services would be most helpful here at NPC -- help finding insurance/care, specialty doctors, the right medical test to diagnose tougher cases....
[9:19] Dancers Yao: health care should be a healing experience
[9:19] In Kenzo: lots of education, they have a good movie to share at their next public event!
[9:19] MacZ Urbanowicz: ((book doesn't allow copy))
[9:19] Dancers Yao: go to more and take copy
[9:20] Glitteractica Cookie: Dancers, what is the URL and twitter handle for your org?
[9:20] Dancers Yao: www.eldervoices.net
[9:21] Robo Mirabella: your work is most daring in this target of people denied proper care - congrats and brava!!
[9:21] Mimi Muircastle: access to health care = extremely important human right - thank you for the work you all do
[9:21] Dancers Yao: Thank you all and I hope you will visit soon....
[9:21] Kasuku Magic: Thank you all for coming
[9:21] Glitteractica Cookie: thank you Dancers!
[9:22] Oronoque Westland: there is no take copy Dancers
[9:22] ShaunG Lynch: Late arrival: Shaun Lynch, SGL Philanthropic Services, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; http://www.sglps.com; @shaunlynch
[9:22] In Kenzo: We are hoping to schedule regular education events on Health so we can dig deeper into these issues and would love to hear what topics are most meaningful for you here at NPC, so feel free to email us offline too if you have ideas.
[9:22] Dancers Yao: go more than take copy on menu
[9:22] Oronoque Westland: no can do
[9:22] Gentle Heron: Dancers, I don't have "more" on the menu
[9:23] In Kenzo: Dancers was already able to connect one of our community members to a good doc to treat Lyme disease
[9:23] In Kenzo: weird, the object says it's shared with group and available to copy....
[9:23] Kasuku Magic: Right click on book - will say more at bottom of pie - then click take copy
[9:23] MacZ Urbanowicz: original needs to be set to copy
[9:24] Dancers Yao: more is on the bottom of the selection when you first see the hand to touch
[9:24] Gentle Heron: no pie in Viewer 2 sorry
[9:24] Dancers Yao: right click
[9:24] In Kenzo: Dancers, it may be a glitch
[9:24] MacZ Urbanowicz: folks
[9:24] Dancers Yao: will send you a book
[9:24] In Kenzo: you have it set right in the object menu
[9:24] MacZ Urbanowicz: the problem is with the book
[9:24] Glitteractica Cookie: maybe you can send a notice to the techsoup group with the copyable object
[9:24] In Kenzo: but Viewer2 isn't letting us copy it today
[9:24] Oronoque Westland: I am a TechSoup member, not NPC
[9:24] In Kenzo: we can send it to the group via message
[9:24] In Kenzo: as Glitteractica mentioned
[9:24] Dancers Yao: IM me if you want one...will place it in your inventories.
[9:24] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks in kenzo
[9:24] Oronoque Westland: that would be great Ink
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, we will make that happen
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Dancers for your presentation
[9:25] In Kenzo: thanks Dancers, Kasuku for sharing your work today
[9:25] In Kenzo: I can't wait to read your FULL book!
[9:25] Kasuku Magic: Thank you In Kenzo - always
[9:25] Aphilo Aarde: Thank you, Dancers!
AFTER the above World University and School talk:
[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, next is Jac
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: OK.. It's concerning the VIDEO CONTEST "ACT NOW" http://www.notimeleft.org/ organized by "8 - NO TIME LEFT"... ( And you? How do you see the world today? )...
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: In 2000, 191 Governments committed themselves to reduce poverty in the world. In 2009, 8 directors (Wim Wenders, Jane Campion, Mira Nair, Gael Garcia Bernal, Jan Kounen, Gaspar Noe, Abderrahmane Sissako and Gus Van Sant), joined their forces to create THE MOVIE 8, and they are leaving their places today, so that others can speak abour the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS...
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: Participants have just to send a short film, made between July 1 and October 30, 2010, from 3-15 minutes around one of the 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS : fight against poverty and hunger, education for all, equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, fight against AIDS and other diseases, commitment to a more sustainable environment and establishing a global partnership for development.
[10:01] jacmacaire Humby: For more details see : http://www.notimeleft.org/
[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Jac
[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Anyone else have final announcements for open mic?
[10:01] jacmacaire Humby: t present, some prices have not yet staffed.
So there is still opportunities for partnerships at several levels (from 40,000 euros to 10,000 euros). So, feel free to contact us now for your opportunities or other ideas for gifts.
[10:02] MacZ Urbanowicz: meeting after for mentors :)
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: we are at time, so last call for announcements
[10:02] Gentle Heron: Recent NY TImes editorial by Bono on implementing the Millenium Development Goals: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/opinion/19bono.html
[10:02] jacmacaire Humby: Have a nice week-end.. :)
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: interesting, gentle
[10:02] jacmacaire Humby: If someone have some contacts with BONO??
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: Any final announcements for the larger groupo?
[10:02] Mimi Muircastle: interesting meeting - saw that article - love Bono:)
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: Last call for open mic announcements
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: going... going...
[10:03] Ozma Malibu: Mentor meeting after a short break!
[10:03] Ninlil Xeltentat: Here are the many ways to can get involved with Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons blog
@npsl http://www.twitter.com/npsl
Google Group:
[10:03] Ninlil Xeltentat: Facebook:
Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft every Tues., 8PM SLT
Monthly Networking Event: The first Thurs. of every month, at Common Ground, Plush, 7PM SLT
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, well, all of you who want to stay to check out the mentor meeting for new avatars stay here, and the rest of you.... see you next week!
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks again for another wonderful meeting
[10:04] Ninlil Xeltentat: thank you everyone!!!
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: bye all
[10:04] Kasuku Magic: Thank you very much Glitteractica, Penguin, Kali, & Nenlil for everything - always :)
[10:04] Ozma Malibu: Mentor meeting in 10 minutes - if you are a mentor, want to be a mentor, or need a mentor!
[10:04] Dancers Yao: thank you all
[10:04] Buffy Beale: thanks for another great meeting
[10:04] In Kenzo: Ozma--- here's a link for you
[10:04] Ninlil Xeltentat: a great big thank you to the presenters, and all of our wonderful volunteers
[10:04] jacmacaire Humby: Bye everyone..
[10:04] In Kenzo: http://npsl.wiki.techsoup.org/Mentors+Questions
[10:04] In Kenzo: working on populating this now :)
[10:04] In Kenzo: for all avatars on the HelpDesk email alias.
[10:05] Mimi Muircastle: that is going to be so helpful, InK!
[10:05] Ozma Malibu: That is quite wonderful
[10:05] Penguin Kuhn: yay
[10:06] In Kenzo: have a great day everyone
[10:06] Buffy Beale: u2 Ink
[10:06] In Kenzo: please mentors, i appreciate your additions to this page :)
[10:07] In Kenzo: you've handled many types of requests and we want to make sure we help everyone know how to handle the basic questions as they arise.
[10:08] Ozma Malibu: absolutely, inK, we can definitely contribute. It's all about getting the information together!
[10:09] Mimi Muircastle: agree Ozma - I will be right back for our meeting if that works???
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/geranium-world-univ-sch-presentation-at.html - September 24, 2010)
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: Next we have Aphilo Aarde talking about world university and school
[9:25] Preston Addens claps. Thanks, Dancers and Kasuku!
[9:26] Glitteractica Cookie: Give it up for Aphilo!
[9:26] Mimi Muircastle: such an important project - on behalf of everyone!
[9:26] Gentle Heron: Thanks Dancers and Kasuku.
[9:26] Dancers Yao: yes of course
[9:26] Oronoque Westland: great work Dancers
[9:26] Oronoque Westland: hey Aphilo
[9:26] Aphilo Aarde: Hello All, Nonprofit Commons
[9:27] MacZ Urbanowicz: ola!!
[9:27] Buffy Beale: Hiii Aphilo!
[9:27] Mimi Muircastle: welcome!
[9:27] Buffy Beale: my prof!
[9:27] jacmacaire Humby: Hi..
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: Nice to see all of you again!
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: I'm developing World University & School
[9:27] Aphilo Aarde: And I'm here again to tell you a little about it.
[9:28] MacZ Urbanowicz: sign me up
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: It's an open, wiki school - where YOU can teach
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: :)
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: It's like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware/ Berkeley Webcast and other great Open Course Ware, also
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: This is the URL for the present
[9:28] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University
[9:29] Glitteractica Cookie: what is the twitter handle?
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: I'm going to talk about it until about 9:40 SLT and then we have a conversation
[9:29] Glitteractica Cookie: ok
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS is planning on offering free degrees
[9:29] Aphilo Aarde: potentially through collaborating with great universities like MIT and Berkeley
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: Matriculating classes in the current plan
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: will begin in 2014 for BAs, Law, MDs and PH.D. degrees
[9:30] Mimi Muircastle: (whispers go bears )
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: There's already :) a free Harvard doctoral degree
[9:30] Aphilo Aarde: at World Univ & Sch
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: for 25 students in 2011 and 2012 for which people who applied
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: and got in, would then move to Cambridge, MA
[9:31] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Free_Ph.D.s
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: is the link for the Harvard doctoral degree and where subsequent free degrees will be found
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: World Univ & Sch is a wiki - and open and free
[9:32] MacZ Urbanowicz: wow, and i just did mine for a cool 70K
[9:32] Buffy Beale: Amazing how you've pulled this together Aphilo
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: If you want to add a subject, in anything - just do it ...
[9:32] Aphilo Aarde: :), MacZ
[9:32] In Kenzo: many years of work from what we've seen, great job Aphilo
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
[9:33] MacZ Urbanowicz: got anything in French yet?
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: This is the subjects link
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: There are some basic French resources
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: at the Languages' page
[9:33] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages
[9:34] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS would like to be in ALL 3000-8000 languages - each one its own school
[9:34] MacZ Urbanowicz: yowser!
[9:34] Aphilo Aarde: Wikipedia by way of comparison is in around 272 languages. And facilitate a universal translator building on Google Translate etc
[9:35] Aphilo Aarde: The best free, existing model for language learning I know of, and which is a model for WUaS
[9:35] MacZ Urbanowicz: yes, some of it is in how you interpret what a 'language' is
[9:35] Aphilo Aarde: is the Goethe Institutes, free Second Life German classes and daily conversation opportunites
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: Yes - here's the Second Life URL for the Goethe Institute
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Goethe%20Institut/128/128/2
[9:36] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ ... WUaS would like to consider languages to include dialects, pidgeons and creoles
[9:37] MacZ Urbanowicz: you may want to warn folks that they need to buy books to go along with classes
[9:37] Aphilo Aarde: partly because WUaS also hopes to become not only a school in EACH language, but also potentially a kind of archive
[9:37] MacZ Urbanowicz: the MIT books can cost $200
[9:37] Gentle Heron: Two questions Aphilo: (1) What is your accrediting institution? (2) Are you going to use Open Textbooks?
[9:37] Gentle Heron: ah Mac, you anticipated my second question!
[9:37] Aphilo Aarde: Good questions, MacZ and Gentle Heron
[9:37] Mimi Muircastle: same questions :)
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: WUaS is working toward accreditation by the same organization that accredits Stanford and Berkeley
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: and this process takes time
[9:38] Gentle Heron: Which one is that?
[9:38] Aphilo Aarde: WASC
[9:38] Mimi Muircastle: wasc?
[9:39] MacZ Urbanowicz: western associations of schools and colleges
[9:39] MacZ Urbanowicz: regional accreditation
[9:39] Gentle Heron: right
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: And there are rich text book opportunities here at WUAS
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: in the already extensive library resources section which is wiki
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources
[9:39] Aphilo Aarde: But WUaS hopes to become a great university, collaborating with MIT OCW and Berkeley Webcast for example
[9:40] Aphilo Aarde: MIT OCW has many links to Amazon.com ... knowledge resources aren't extensive enough f
[9:40] Aphilo Aarde: when you just use text books ...
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: So WUaS will of course use textbooks, but for the accredited coursework, students will also be buying their own books, - like MIT OCW
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: At present I'm teaching a class on Harvard's virtual Island on Second Life for WUAS credit
[9:41] Aphilo Aarde: on the INformation Technology revolution - it's open and free and on Saturdays from 11a-1p SLT
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: http://socinfotech.pbworks.com/ is the URL
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: As a first for-credit class, I hope it will contribute to the accredtiation process
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: And in January, World University and School
[9:42] Aphilo Aarde: will stream FOR CREDIT a UC Berkeley class - live
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: It's a Biological Anthropology class taught by Terry Deacon on Tues and
[9:43] Buffy Beale: wow that's good news Aphilo
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Thurs
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Questions?
[9:43] MacZ Urbanowicz: i would suggest looking into using journal articles
[9:43] MacZ Urbanowicz: instead of texts
[9:43] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ - we want to do this ...
[9:44] Gentle Heron: Accredited courses do not necessarily require expensive texts... more and more profs are using free open textbooks, because then they have the ability to re-work the text, because they are Creative Commons licensed.
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: at least for international community
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: If, like Stanford or MIT, WUAS and school needs to pay for journal subscriptions,
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: we need to build an endowment ... and then potentially we can open journals up to the world
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: or get authors to donate
[9:44] MacZ Urbanowicz: their articles
[9:44] Aphilo Aarde: That's the goal ... perhaps - we're working on fund raising ...
[9:45] MacZ Urbanowicz: and links to author pages
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: if we can pay what Harvard pays for all its journal subscriptions ... and then
[9:45] Gentle Heron: Many degree-granting institutions already have the ability to allow students access to journals to which they subscribe electronically
[9:45] MacZ Urbanowicz: very expensive
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: you, who add your name to WUaS list - in the works -
[9:45] Aphilo Aarde: - simply an email address - can then have access
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, MacZ ... WUaS is planning on becoming a World University
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: but we do need to raise monies for this
[9:46] MacZ Urbanowicz: i don't know if you remember we're working on a community college system in Mali, West Africa
[9:46] Mimi Muircastle: are you a nonprofit at this time?
[9:46] MacZ Urbanowicz: so i'm neck deep in this stuff
[9:46] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, Gentle .... we're moving in that direction
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, I remember ...
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Mimi, WUaS incorporated in April 2010 ... so yes, we are treated as a nonprofit
[9:47] Mimi Muircastle: ty:) great!
[9:47] Aphilo Aarde: Other questions?
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: I talked here at Nonprofit Commons a few months ago - and for the record -
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: here's the transcript - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/10/introducing-world-university-school.html from Firday, October 16, 2009.
[9:48] Aphilo Aarde: What's great about World Univ & Sch is that YOU can teach here if you want to
[9:49] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks for digging up that link Scott/Aphilo
[9:49] Aphilo Aarde: And there interesting subjects - I'm very interested, for example,
[9:49] Aphilo Aarde: in how eliciting the neurophysiology of Loving Bliss works
[9:50] Ozma Malibu: Aphilo the AERA has a page of open access educational journals. Just an interesting trend.
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: So there's a wiki subject here about this -
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_%28eliciting_this_neurophysiology%29
[9:50] Robo Mirabella: it also is a wonderful investment toward the realization of access toeducation as a universal right
[9:50] Buffy Beale: it sure is!
[9:50] Aphilo Aarde: and a talk by Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty, for example, who talks about this
[9:51] LOM Runner: yeah, college kids are in so much debt now. It was all over the news
[9:51] Glitteractica Cookie: We need to move to the open mic protion of the meeting momentarily
[9:51] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, Robo ... Wikipedia has set a great precedent - with 272 languages, and around 14 million articles, starting in aobut 2000, and with a $10 million budget and 35 people on staff
[9:51] Aphilo Aarde: Thank you, Glitteractica
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: You all can connect with Philo after the meeting
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, free degrees will be invaluable ... like the free k-12 education in this country
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: But now we need to let folks announce their stuff
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Yes, I'm Aphilo Aarde / Scott MacLeod and much of this information is
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: here http://scottmacleod.com
[9:52] MacZ Urbanowicz: Glitter please
[9:52] Buffy Beale: thanks again Aphilo
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Apilo!
[9:52] Aphilo Aarde: Thanks
[9:52] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes macz?
[9:53] Aphilo Aarde: :)
[9:53] MacZ Urbanowicz: announcement
[9:53] Maybe Morahan: great information
[9:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, you are up
[9:53] MacZ Urbanowicz: are there new folks here?
[9:53] Maybe Morahan raises hand
[9:53] Glitteractica Cookie: It appears taht there are many new folks
[9:54] MacZ Urbanowicz: yes, but they have to volunteer in order to get a mentor ;)
[9:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more new people
[9:54] Buffy Beale: hey, welcome Maybe
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more announcements for the larger group?
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: does anyone esle have an open mic announcement?
[9:55] ShaunG Lynch: I have a quick follow-up report
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: ok shaunG
[9:55] Glitteractica Cookie: go ahead
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: A few weeks ago I told you all hat some of my fundraising students would be doing their group projects assessing the fundraising operations of nonprofits orgs
[9:56] jacmacaire Humby: Yes I have a quick video contest to explain..
[9:56] Glitteractica Cookie: ok Jac, after Shaun
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: Well, one of the groups has decided to do their project working with Bridges for Women, and have already been in touch with Buffy
[9:56] jacmacaire Humby: thanks :)
[9:56] Buffy Beale: yahooey, will be of such benefit to Bridges
[9:56] ShaunG Lynch: It's the first time I've had students do a project through SL
[9:57] ShaunG Lynch: Also, my office hours with my students are on Monday nights from 6 to 7 pm SLT and Wednesday mornings from 8 to 9 a.m. SLT
[9:57] Glitteractica Cookie: That is very cool
[9:58] ShaunG Lynch: I'm available at those times to assist ANYONE who wants guidance on fundraising or marketing matters
[9:58] Glitteractica Cookie: feel free to let us know and we (nonprofitcommons@techsoup.org) will tweet your office hours for you
[9:58] Glitteractica Cookie: or just post to our google group
[9:58] ShaunG Lynch: That's it for me
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: Here's the URL for the World Univ & Sch's part of today Nonprofit Common's talk - transcript
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/geranium-world-univ-sch-presentation-at.html
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: for future reference
[9:59] Penguin Kuhn: great to hear, Shaun
[9:59] Buffy Beale: yes Bridges are very excited about this and so am I
[9:59] Aphilo Aarde: Great, Shaun!
[9:59] Buffy Beale: ty Aphilo
[10:00] Aphilo Aarde: :)
BEFORE the World University and School Talk above:
[9:12] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[9:12] Connected
[9:13] Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Berkman/135/107/26
[9:14] Dancers Yao: slide 7
[9:14] Voice not available at your current location
[9:14] Dancers Yao: you will need to play with the book to get each slide
[9:14] Dancers Yao: but it did work before!
[9:14] In Kenzo: Dancers takes great shots & is exploring machinima captures too :)
[9:15] In Kenzo: Be sure to go INSIDE the waterfall at Elder Voices.
[9:15] Buffy Beale: yes was noticing the great pics
[9:15] Dancers Yao: touch....then menu, then more, then take copy.
[9:15] Dancers Yao: Ink is making a wonderful machinima
[9:15] In Kenzo: (almost done - for stories of impact)
[9:16] Elder Voices whispers: Touch contents to turn pages, touch cover for menu ...
[9:16] Dancers Yao: It has been an adventure for us, as we work each day in real life to stop abuse
[9:17] Elder Voices whispers: Touch contents to turn pages, touch cover for menu ...
[9:17] MacZ Urbanowicz: great job yao - on that book
[9:17] Dancers Yao: this can mean testifying in court, and sometimes having our own life threatened
[9:18] Dancers Yao: so we appreciate a virtual world....
[9:18] Dancers Yao: and hope to find a way people could work with problems without violence
[9:18] In Kenzo: Dancers, Kasuku and I had a good talk about what kinds of health services would be most helpful here at NPC -- help finding insurance/care, specialty doctors, the right medical test to diagnose tougher cases....
[9:19] Dancers Yao: health care should be a healing experience
[9:19] In Kenzo: lots of education, they have a good movie to share at their next public event!
[9:19] MacZ Urbanowicz: ((book doesn't allow copy))
[9:19] Dancers Yao: go to more and take copy
[9:20] Glitteractica Cookie: Dancers, what is the URL and twitter handle for your org?
[9:20] Dancers Yao: www.eldervoices.net
[9:21] Robo Mirabella: your work is most daring in this target of people denied proper care - congrats and brava!!
[9:21] Mimi Muircastle: access to health care = extremely important human right - thank you for the work you all do
[9:21] Dancers Yao: Thank you all and I hope you will visit soon....
[9:21] Kasuku Magic: Thank you all for coming
[9:21] Glitteractica Cookie: thank you Dancers!
[9:22] Oronoque Westland: there is no take copy Dancers
[9:22] ShaunG Lynch: Late arrival: Shaun Lynch, SGL Philanthropic Services, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; http://www.sglps.com; @shaunlynch
[9:22] In Kenzo: We are hoping to schedule regular education events on Health so we can dig deeper into these issues and would love to hear what topics are most meaningful for you here at NPC, so feel free to email us offline too if you have ideas.
[9:22] Dancers Yao: go more than take copy on menu
[9:22] Oronoque Westland: no can do
[9:22] Gentle Heron: Dancers, I don't have "more" on the menu
[9:23] In Kenzo: Dancers was already able to connect one of our community members to a good doc to treat Lyme disease
[9:23] In Kenzo: weird, the object says it's shared with group and available to copy....
[9:23] Kasuku Magic: Right click on book - will say more at bottom of pie - then click take copy
[9:23] MacZ Urbanowicz: original needs to be set to copy
[9:24] Dancers Yao: more is on the bottom of the selection when you first see the hand to touch
[9:24] Gentle Heron: no pie in Viewer 2 sorry
[9:24] Dancers Yao: right click
[9:24] In Kenzo: Dancers, it may be a glitch
[9:24] MacZ Urbanowicz: folks
[9:24] Dancers Yao: will send you a book
[9:24] In Kenzo: you have it set right in the object menu
[9:24] MacZ Urbanowicz: the problem is with the book
[9:24] Glitteractica Cookie: maybe you can send a notice to the techsoup group with the copyable object
[9:24] In Kenzo: but Viewer2 isn't letting us copy it today
[9:24] Oronoque Westland: I am a TechSoup member, not NPC
[9:24] In Kenzo: we can send it to the group via message
[9:24] In Kenzo: as Glitteractica mentioned
[9:24] Dancers Yao: IM me if you want one...will place it in your inventories.
[9:24] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks in kenzo
[9:24] Oronoque Westland: that would be great Ink
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, we will make that happen
[9:25] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Dancers for your presentation
[9:25] In Kenzo: thanks Dancers, Kasuku for sharing your work today
[9:25] In Kenzo: I can't wait to read your FULL book!
[9:25] Kasuku Magic: Thank you In Kenzo - always
[9:25] Aphilo Aarde: Thank you, Dancers!
AFTER the above World University and School talk:
[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, next is Jac
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: OK.. It's concerning the VIDEO CONTEST "ACT NOW" http://www.notimeleft.org/ organized by "8 - NO TIME LEFT"... ( And you? How do you see the world today? )...
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: In 2000, 191 Governments committed themselves to reduce poverty in the world. In 2009, 8 directors (Wim Wenders, Jane Campion, Mira Nair, Gael Garcia Bernal, Jan Kounen, Gaspar Noe, Abderrahmane Sissako and Gus Van Sant), joined their forces to create THE MOVIE 8, and they are leaving their places today, so that others can speak abour the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS...
[10:00] jacmacaire Humby: Participants have just to send a short film, made between July 1 and October 30, 2010, from 3-15 minutes around one of the 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS : fight against poverty and hunger, education for all, equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, fight against AIDS and other diseases, commitment to a more sustainable environment and establishing a global partnership for development.
[10:01] jacmacaire Humby: For more details see : http://www.notimeleft.org/
[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Jac
[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Anyone else have final announcements for open mic?
[10:01] jacmacaire Humby: t present, some prices have not yet staffed.
So there is still opportunities for partnerships at several levels (from 40,000 euros to 10,000 euros). So, feel free to contact us now for your opportunities or other ideas for gifts.
[10:02] MacZ Urbanowicz: meeting after for mentors :)
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: we are at time, so last call for announcements
[10:02] Gentle Heron: Recent NY TImes editorial by Bono on implementing the Millenium Development Goals: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/opinion/19bono.html
[10:02] jacmacaire Humby: Have a nice week-end.. :)
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: interesting, gentle
[10:02] jacmacaire Humby: If someone have some contacts with BONO??
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: Any final announcements for the larger groupo?
[10:02] Mimi Muircastle: interesting meeting - saw that article - love Bono:)
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: Last call for open mic announcements
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: going... going...
[10:03] Ozma Malibu: Mentor meeting after a short break!
[10:03] Ninlil Xeltentat: Here are the many ways to can get involved with Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons blog
@npsl http://www.twitter.com/npsl
Google Group:
[10:03] Ninlil Xeltentat: Facebook:
Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft every Tues., 8PM SLT
Monthly Networking Event: The first Thurs. of every month, at Common Ground, Plush, 7PM SLT
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, well, all of you who want to stay to check out the mentor meeting for new avatars stay here, and the rest of you.... see you next week!
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks again for another wonderful meeting
[10:04] Ninlil Xeltentat: thank you everyone!!!
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: bye all
[10:04] Kasuku Magic: Thank you very much Glitteractica, Penguin, Kali, & Nenlil for everything - always :)
[10:04] Ozma Malibu: Mentor meeting in 10 minutes - if you are a mentor, want to be a mentor, or need a mentor!
[10:04] Dancers Yao: thank you all
[10:04] Buffy Beale: thanks for another great meeting
[10:04] In Kenzo: Ozma--- here's a link for you
[10:04] Ninlil Xeltentat: a great big thank you to the presenters, and all of our wonderful volunteers
[10:04] jacmacaire Humby: Bye everyone..
[10:04] In Kenzo: http://npsl.wiki.techsoup.org/Mentors+Questions
[10:04] In Kenzo: working on populating this now :)
[10:04] In Kenzo: for all avatars on the HelpDesk email alias.
[10:05] Mimi Muircastle: that is going to be so helpful, InK!
[10:05] Ozma Malibu: That is quite wonderful
[10:05] Penguin Kuhn: yay
[10:06] In Kenzo: have a great day everyone
[10:06] Buffy Beale: u2 Ink
[10:06] In Kenzo: please mentors, i appreciate your additions to this page :)
[10:07] In Kenzo: you've handled many types of requests and we want to make sure we help everyone know how to handle the basic questions as they arise.
[10:08] Ozma Malibu: absolutely, inK, we can definitely contribute. It's all about getting the information together!
[10:09] Mimi Muircastle: agree Ozma - I will be right back for our meeting if that works???
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/geranium-world-univ-sch-presentation-at.html - September 24, 2010)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Harvest Moon: World University & School, For the People, Will complement FREE K-12 education in the U.S., Of service to President Obama.
World University & School is
For the People, &
will complement, &
WE can add to,
the free K-12 education in the U.S.,
and at all levels.
As the free, open, editable WUaS develops, &
makes FREE, online degrees possible,
it will also be of service to President Obama.
And perhaps he'll even be able to let people know about it,
here and abroad,
as President,
to extend its benefits to U.S citizens &
people around the world
(WUaS is planning for ALL 3000-8000 languages and ALL 200-ish countries).
Let's build the World Univ & Sch TEAM -
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/harvest-moon-world-university-school.html - September 23, 2010)
For the People, &
will complement, &
WE can add to,
the free K-12 education in the U.S.,
and at all levels.
As the free, open, editable WUaS develops, &
makes FREE, online degrees possible,
it will also be of service to President Obama.
And perhaps he'll even be able to let people know about it,
here and abroad,
as President,
to extend its benefits to U.S citizens &
people around the world
(WUaS is planning for ALL 3000-8000 languages and ALL 200-ish countries).
Let's build the World Univ & Sch TEAM -
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/harvest-moon-world-university-school.html - September 23, 2010)
Polygonum cilinode: Multiple, virtual Harbins already exist in some ways, not only in the form of email lists, Yahoo groups, online workshop groups
Harbin ethnography:
... Such a virtual Harbin becomes an ongoing exploration of a kind of countercultural, Harbin freedom, and expressions of free speech, of which actual Harbin is the seed.
Multiple, virtual Harbins already exist in some ways, not only in the form of email lists, Yahoo groups, online workshop groups, e.g. HAI groups, and groups on social networking sites such as Tribe.com, but also in the form of eclectic, spiritual networks among people staying in touch away from Harbin property, all connected by Harbin's oneness. Some researchers have considered these as virtual worlds, albeit primarily not in real time, since the mid-1990s (Kollack and Smith 1999:5, in Boellstorff 2008:50). Yahoo groups, Harbin mailing lists, the School of Shiatsu and Massage Mailing List (SSM), Harbin Hot Springs' groups on Facebook, some made officially by Harbin and others made by visitors ...
While many of these forms of online communication are linguistic expressions of virtual Harbin, they all return, in some ways, to the oneness of Harbin place, where they have been inspired, or from which they somehow emerge....
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/polygonum-cilinode-multiple-virtual.html - September 23, 2010)
... Such a virtual Harbin becomes an ongoing exploration of a kind of countercultural, Harbin freedom, and expressions of free speech, of which actual Harbin is the seed.
Multiple, virtual Harbins already exist in some ways, not only in the form of email lists, Yahoo groups, online workshop groups, e.g. HAI groups, and groups on social networking sites such as Tribe.com, but also in the form of eclectic, spiritual networks among people staying in touch away from Harbin property, all connected by Harbin's oneness. Some researchers have considered these as virtual worlds, albeit primarily not in real time, since the mid-1990s (Kollack and Smith 1999:5, in Boellstorff 2008:50). Yahoo groups, Harbin mailing lists, the School of Shiatsu and Massage Mailing List (SSM), Harbin Hot Springs' groups on Facebook, some made officially by Harbin and others made by visitors ...
While many of these forms of online communication are linguistic expressions of virtual Harbin, they all return, in some ways, to the oneness of Harbin place, where they have been inspired, or from which they somehow emerge....
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/polygonum-cilinode-multiple-virtual.html - September 23, 2010)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wild clematis: Why World University & School? Why wiki learn & teach 'Loving Bliss Eliciting'? why write an actual / virtual Harbin ethnography?
Why World University & School?
Because an open, teaching & learning, wiki school will HELP so MANY people.
Why learn & teach 'Loving Bliss Eliciting'?
Because this neurophysiology is one of the best experiences there is.
And why write an actual / virtual Harbin ethnography?
It's something about the waters, the freedom & the milieu at http://harbin.org :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/wild-clematis-why-world-university.html - September 22, 2010)
Because an open, teaching & learning, wiki school will HELP so MANY people.
Why learn & teach 'Loving Bliss Eliciting'?
Because this neurophysiology is one of the best experiences there is.
And why write an actual / virtual Harbin ethnography?
It's something about the waters, the freedom & the milieu at http://harbin.org :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/wild-clematis-why-world-university.html - September 22, 2010)
Female sweet gale flower: Developing the metaphor of bodymind as musical-instrument with lovely voices, v-a-v possibilities for duets, trios, quartets
In what remarkable ways can we develop the metaphor of bodymind as musical-instrument with lovely voices, v-a-v the possibilities for duets, trios, quartets, etc., among friends? :)
Is it possible to teach & learn this at World Univ & Sch from HOME, for example, beginning with the Virtual Choir subject -
And then with contact improv? :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/female-sweet-gale-flower-developing.html - September 22, 2010)
Is it possible to teach & learn this at World Univ & Sch from HOME, for example, beginning with the Virtual Choir subject -
And then with contact improv? :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/female-sweet-gale-flower-developing.html - September 22, 2010)
contact improv,
global university,
Pyrola secunda: About virtual Harbin in OpenSim, in an actual, historical sense, This Harbin simulation was on my own computer's hard drive
Harbin ethnography:
... Nakedness in virtual worlds is also fully developed, and will make related workshops in-world fascinating ethnographically.
One of the significant things about virtual Harbin in OpenSim, in an actual, historical sense, before it was stolen with my laptop and knapsack, is that this Harbin simulation was on my own computer's hard drive, and not on a computer server elsewhere. Similarly, my friend, too, had his own virtual island in OpenSim on his own hard drive onto which my avatar, from the software on my own machine, could move; I and my computer were in California and my friend and his computer were in Massachusetts. OpenSim contrasts with Second Life, where your and other people's and organization's virtual islands reside on Linden Lab's Second Life servers, possibly somewhere in the SF Bay Area, where Linden Lab is the system administrator, whereas with OpenSim, you can be your own SysAdmin, if you are skilled at, and enjoy hacking; it's also possible to use OpenSim on its own grid, and pay a small amount, as well as to network OpenSim islands with Second Life islands, – they are interoperable, and share the same library of assets. This possibility for both end users' control of the actual, hard drive location of the simulations, and then the ability to network them - computer-to-computer via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – the language of protocols of the whole internet) from wherever any potential laptop is located, allows for end user autonomy. In addition, OpenSim software is free, (but buggy), and it uses the internet's distributedness, which is THE key, remarkable aspect of this worldwide, real time, communication network, so end users can become part of the network directly. In terms of agency, or end user choice, too, that virtual Harbin, as developable software, existed on my own hard drive, and was networkable, makes it an information technology for ongoing envisioning of what's possible virtually in a self selected group – among Harbinites - without the 'structure,' or the rules, of a for-profit company, for example. Open source virtual worlds hold much promise for exploration of freedom, representationally and interactively. Such a virtual Harbin becomes an ongoing exploration of a kind of countercultural, Harbin freedom, and expressions of free speech, of which actual Harbin is the seed.
Multiple, virtual Harbins already exist in some ways, not only in the form of email lists, Yahoo groups, online workshop groups, e.g. HAI groups, and groups on social networking sites such as Tribe.com, but also in the form of eclectic, spiritual networks among people staying in touch away from Harbin property, all connected by Harbin's oneness. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/pyrola-secunda-about-virtual-harbin-in.html - September 22, 2010)
... Nakedness in virtual worlds is also fully developed, and will make related workshops in-world fascinating ethnographically.
One of the significant things about virtual Harbin in OpenSim, in an actual, historical sense, before it was stolen with my laptop and knapsack, is that this Harbin simulation was on my own computer's hard drive, and not on a computer server elsewhere. Similarly, my friend, too, had his own virtual island in OpenSim on his own hard drive onto which my avatar, from the software on my own machine, could move; I and my computer were in California and my friend and his computer were in Massachusetts. OpenSim contrasts with Second Life, where your and other people's and organization's virtual islands reside on Linden Lab's Second Life servers, possibly somewhere in the SF Bay Area, where Linden Lab is the system administrator, whereas with OpenSim, you can be your own SysAdmin, if you are skilled at, and enjoy hacking; it's also possible to use OpenSim on its own grid, and pay a small amount, as well as to network OpenSim islands with Second Life islands, – they are interoperable, and share the same library of assets. This possibility for both end users' control of the actual, hard drive location of the simulations, and then the ability to network them - computer-to-computer via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – the language of protocols of the whole internet) from wherever any potential laptop is located, allows for end user autonomy. In addition, OpenSim software is free, (but buggy), and it uses the internet's distributedness, which is THE key, remarkable aspect of this worldwide, real time, communication network, so end users can become part of the network directly. In terms of agency, or end user choice, too, that virtual Harbin, as developable software, existed on my own hard drive, and was networkable, makes it an information technology for ongoing envisioning of what's possible virtually in a self selected group – among Harbinites - without the 'structure,' or the rules, of a for-profit company, for example. Open source virtual worlds hold much promise for exploration of freedom, representationally and interactively. Such a virtual Harbin becomes an ongoing exploration of a kind of countercultural, Harbin freedom, and expressions of free speech, of which actual Harbin is the seed.
Multiple, virtual Harbins already exist in some ways, not only in the form of email lists, Yahoo groups, online workshop groups, e.g. HAI groups, and groups on social networking sites such as Tribe.com, but also in the form of eclectic, spiritual networks among people staying in touch away from Harbin property, all connected by Harbin's oneness. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/pyrola-secunda-about-virtual-harbin-in.html - September 22, 2010)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Corallorhiza maculata: Computer History Museum "BACK to SCHOOL" event today about American Digital Learning, History of Educational Media Successes?
The Computer History Museum's (and Common Sense Media's) "BACK to SCHOOL" event today (in California near Silicon Valley) about American Digital Learning, with Federal Communications' Commision Chairman and a head of the Department of Education among other educators, holds great promise. OPEN information technological RESOURCES and BANDWIDTH are ahead. It's a CREATIVE OPPORTUNITY in history for Open, Helpful, Interactive and Multimedia TEACHING and LEARNING RESOURCES ... World University and School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ is one of many opportunities.
What will we make of it?
What about FUN MOTIVATION ("Flow" per Csikszentmihalyi), and generating a culture of curiosity / learning, with so many resources now available? How can students come to want to learn, and especially with the emerging resources (apart from in the family)? (Kids generally want to learn, and do so through playing. Give kids in the emerging world OLPCs, as Nick Negroponte suggests, and let them play?)
In terms of an history of successful U.S. educational media - from, say, "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" to "Sesame Street" to contemporary, interactive, FREE, digital "SUPER WHY!" (http://pbskids.org/superwhy/) and "CYBERCHASE" (http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/) - how to build on these, so that kids learn because the media is fun - learning from the lessons of educational history - and apart from family or teachers, in these instances?
(What's a better, simple history than this above? - This was my own constructed-on-the-spot history which I mentioned in conversation with PBS Kids' vice president. Another would be from an ABC Primer to MIT Open Course Ware. I'm not an historian of successful, educational media in American, especially the transition from T.V. to digital).
There's support for educational innovation today in the U.S. at the governmental level, but perhaps not, somehow, culturally!
(I would hypothesize that the culture of learning in this country will change due to conversation between kids and adults, where the adults value and model learning (with perhaps, in part, the knowledge in, and standards of, MIT OCW in mind - http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm), and talk about ideas and learning. I would further postulate that the cultures of learning are different in Sweden and Singapore, for example, and are comparable, - that the U.S. has much to learn from their practices and, particularly, the LANGUAGE of learning in those countries. Both may offer more structured ways of thinking than in the U.S. I also think there are so many experts with rigorous views of learning in the the U.S. that change of culture is almost impossible. Families and subcultures/identities will develop their own languages for successful learning and teaching, and that information technology may disseminate some of this, but that culture will change only due to conversation / talking ... this is only hypothesis. What's the evidence and history?).
World Univ & Sch - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast & other great Open Course Ware - is planning to offer free, online BA, Law, MD and PhD degrees to some matriculating classes beginning in 2014. There's one free Doctoral Degree at Harvard on-the-ground here now - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses. Interactivity in virtual worlds.
Here's the Education subject at World University & School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Education
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/corallorhiza-maculata-computer-history.html - September 21, 2010)
What will we make of it?
What about FUN MOTIVATION ("Flow" per Csikszentmihalyi), and generating a culture of curiosity / learning, with so many resources now available? How can students come to want to learn, and especially with the emerging resources (apart from in the family)? (Kids generally want to learn, and do so through playing. Give kids in the emerging world OLPCs, as Nick Negroponte suggests, and let them play?)
In terms of an history of successful U.S. educational media - from, say, "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" to "Sesame Street" to contemporary, interactive, FREE, digital "SUPER WHY!" (http://pbskids.org/superwhy/) and "CYBERCHASE" (http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/) - how to build on these, so that kids learn because the media is fun - learning from the lessons of educational history - and apart from family or teachers, in these instances?
(What's a better, simple history than this above? - This was my own constructed-on-the-spot history which I mentioned in conversation with PBS Kids' vice president. Another would be from an ABC Primer to MIT Open Course Ware. I'm not an historian of successful, educational media in American, especially the transition from T.V. to digital).
There's support for educational innovation today in the U.S. at the governmental level, but perhaps not, somehow, culturally!
(I would hypothesize that the culture of learning in this country will change due to conversation between kids and adults, where the adults value and model learning (with perhaps, in part, the knowledge in, and standards of, MIT OCW in mind - http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm), and talk about ideas and learning. I would further postulate that the cultures of learning are different in Sweden and Singapore, for example, and are comparable, - that the U.S. has much to learn from their practices and, particularly, the LANGUAGE of learning in those countries. Both may offer more structured ways of thinking than in the U.S. I also think there are so many experts with rigorous views of learning in the the U.S. that change of culture is almost impossible. Families and subcultures/identities will develop their own languages for successful learning and teaching, and that information technology may disseminate some of this, but that culture will change only due to conversation / talking ... this is only hypothesis. What's the evidence and history?).
World Univ & Sch - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast & other great Open Course Ware - is planning to offer free, online BA, Law, MD and PhD degrees to some matriculating classes beginning in 2014. There's one free Doctoral Degree at Harvard on-the-ground here now - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses. Interactivity in virtual worlds.
Here's the Education subject at World University & School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Education
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/corallorhiza-maculata-computer-history.html - September 21, 2010)
Goodyera pubescens: History of actual Harbin workshops, All kinds of alternative things, from therapy sessions to New Age spirituality
Harbin ethnography:
... It belonged to a resident – a lot of hippies in the 1960s and early 70s took to sailing and living on boats - but I can also imagine that in some of the farther-out envisionings of Harbinites, this ship was also on high ground for when oceans rose, possibly in a global warming sense, but also possibly in an apocalyptic sense. All of this comes out of the Harbin soup of life over the years.
The history of actual Harbin workshops has long been part of life there. In the 1960s, too, people were heading up to Harbin or down to Esalen for workshops on all kinds of alternative things, from therapy sessions to New Age spirituality. Harbin's founder, Ishvara, too, went to, and facilitated, many of these over the years. Stan Dale, who founded the Human Awareness Institute and more recently their “Love, Intimacy and Sexuality” workshops, was long a part of the Harbin community. The Harbin Conference Center, built in the early 1980s, has a plaque on it” The Stan Dale Conference Center.” And Ishvara once characterized Stan Dale as knowing exactly what Harbin was about. While a remarkable number of spiritual and intimacy related workshops have happened at Harbin over the decades, including recently Tantra workshops, Paul Lowe workshops, Steve and Lokita workshops, annual Polyamory gatherings, the Human Awareness Institute's “Love, Intimacy and Sexuality” workshops (this workshop's name has developed over the years) found a niche at Harbin. Teaching, learning and understanding intimacy in the milieu of Harbin, with its clothing-optional pools, is an idea that emerges fulsomely from the 1960s, because it explores sexuality (in which many people are interested), perhaps questions the authority of taboos of main stream society, and creates something new in terms of intimacy, and helping people with possibly hangups about intimacy. Stan's workshops over the years also built a community of HAI folks at Harbin that give shape to workshops to this day there (http://www.harbin.org/workshops.htm and HAI website: http://www.hai.org/workshops_near_you.html). Although I haven't yet taken a HAI workshop, I really like the energy of HAI folks; through workshops, and the teaching and learning of love intimacy and sexuality – emerging from clear-minded thinking about questions of how to affirm this - HAI normalize these for those who take the workshops. In the beautiful milieu of actual Harbin with warm water pools always nearby, and apart from city and people's daily life, many attendees find freedom and enjoyment in these workshops and some come back again and again. In a way, Harbin is about clothing-optionalness, about intimacy as well as the beauty of the body, and Harbin workshops develop these. Nakedness in virtual worlds is also fully developed, and will make related workshops in-world fascinating ethnographically.
One of the significant things about virtual Harbin in OpenSim, in an actual, historical sense, before it was stolen with my laptop and knapsack, is that this Harbin simulation was on my own computer's hard drive, and not on a computer server elsewhere. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/goodyera-pubescens-history-of-actual.html - September 21, 2010)
... It belonged to a resident – a lot of hippies in the 1960s and early 70s took to sailing and living on boats - but I can also imagine that in some of the farther-out envisionings of Harbinites, this ship was also on high ground for when oceans rose, possibly in a global warming sense, but also possibly in an apocalyptic sense. All of this comes out of the Harbin soup of life over the years.
The history of actual Harbin workshops has long been part of life there. In the 1960s, too, people were heading up to Harbin or down to Esalen for workshops on all kinds of alternative things, from therapy sessions to New Age spirituality. Harbin's founder, Ishvara, too, went to, and facilitated, many of these over the years. Stan Dale, who founded the Human Awareness Institute and more recently their “Love, Intimacy and Sexuality” workshops, was long a part of the Harbin community. The Harbin Conference Center, built in the early 1980s, has a plaque on it” The Stan Dale Conference Center.” And Ishvara once characterized Stan Dale as knowing exactly what Harbin was about. While a remarkable number of spiritual and intimacy related workshops have happened at Harbin over the decades, including recently Tantra workshops, Paul Lowe workshops, Steve and Lokita workshops, annual Polyamory gatherings, the Human Awareness Institute's “Love, Intimacy and Sexuality” workshops (this workshop's name has developed over the years) found a niche at Harbin. Teaching, learning and understanding intimacy in the milieu of Harbin, with its clothing-optional pools, is an idea that emerges fulsomely from the 1960s, because it explores sexuality (in which many people are interested), perhaps questions the authority of taboos of main stream society, and creates something new in terms of intimacy, and helping people with possibly hangups about intimacy. Stan's workshops over the years also built a community of HAI folks at Harbin that give shape to workshops to this day there (http://www.harbin.org/workshops.htm and HAI website: http://www.hai.org/workshops_near_you.html). Although I haven't yet taken a HAI workshop, I really like the energy of HAI folks; through workshops, and the teaching and learning of love intimacy and sexuality – emerging from clear-minded thinking about questions of how to affirm this - HAI normalize these for those who take the workshops. In the beautiful milieu of actual Harbin with warm water pools always nearby, and apart from city and people's daily life, many attendees find freedom and enjoyment in these workshops and some come back again and again. In a way, Harbin is about clothing-optionalness, about intimacy as well as the beauty of the body, and Harbin workshops develop these. Nakedness in virtual worlds is also fully developed, and will make related workshops in-world fascinating ethnographically.
One of the significant things about virtual Harbin in OpenSim, in an actual, historical sense, before it was stolen with my laptop and knapsack, is that this Harbin simulation was on my own computer's hard drive, and not on a computer server elsewhere. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/goodyera-pubescens-history-of-actual.html - September 21, 2010)
White Pine Lake: Coming into conversation with Thoreau about loving bliss eliciting online
Coming into conversation with Henry David Thoreau about loving bliss eliciting in relation to online media ...
How might this work?
And so as to explore related processes / models for learning and loving bliss eliciting, to transform one's own neurophysiology?
And easily?
How might this work?
I find in reading online excerpts from his journal, posted daily (http://hdt.typepad.com/), I sometimes in recent months add one of the many, many plant species he mentions. Occasionally his writing moves beyond the descriptive, and then it's engaging for me in terms of coming into conversation about loving bliss eliciting, but only then.
How to come into elicit loving bliss while reading Thoreau, more, even most, fulsomely?
And coming into conversation with music about online loving bliss eliciting, in a similar way?
It's easier, in my experience, but not always richly resoundingly, or when I want it.
I'm curious to find out how to elicit this neurochemistry, like a bow stroke on a cello can elicit bliss.
And with friends? :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/white-pine-lake-coming-into.html - September 21, 2010)
How might this work?
And so as to explore related processes / models for learning and loving bliss eliciting, to transform one's own neurophysiology?
And easily?
How might this work?
I find in reading online excerpts from his journal, posted daily (http://hdt.typepad.com/), I sometimes in recent months add one of the many, many plant species he mentions. Occasionally his writing moves beyond the descriptive, and then it's engaging for me in terms of coming into conversation about loving bliss eliciting, but only then.
How to come into elicit loving bliss while reading Thoreau, more, even most, fulsomely?
And coming into conversation with music about online loving bliss eliciting, in a similar way?
It's easier, in my experience, but not always richly resoundingly, or when I want it.
I'm curious to find out how to elicit this neurochemistry, like a bow stroke on a cello can elicit bliss.
And with friends? :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/white-pine-lake-coming-into.html - September 21, 2010)
loving bliss,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Conure: Which speakers of other languages will volunteer to translate section headings of World Univ & Sch? Wikipedi is in 272 languages
I wonder which speakers of other languages will volunteer first to begin to translate section headings of WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ - into their languages. The beginnings of the Spanish WUaS have been up for well over a year. It's a fascinating project - like Wikipedia w MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast & wiki-facilitating people-to-people teaching.
Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is in around 272 languages & we all did it. And WUaS is planning for all 3000-8000 languages.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/conure-which-speakers-of-other.html - September 20, 2010)
Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is in around 272 languages & we all did it. And WUaS is planning for all 3000-8000 languages.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/conure-which-speakers-of-other.html - September 20, 2010)
global university,
Scuttlefish: What about Harbin, or what happens there, as kinds of 'principles' will emerge from actual Harbin to inform virtual Harbin
Harbin ethnography:
... Such ethnographic study of psychedelics and virtual Harbin will further understanding of end-users, entheogens, and virtual Harbin building.
What about Harbin, or what happens there, as kinds of 'principles' (Boellstorff 2008:49) will emerge from actual Harbin to inform virtual Harbin? In this ethnographic examination of what's possible in conceiving virtual Harbin, before it begins to be built by many avatars, what is significant at Harbin, counter-culturally, include its emergence from the 1960s its hippie vision, the actual Harbin valley as natural world, its counter-cultural freedom, its clothing-optionalness, its pools and pool area, as alternative, creative, exploratory, and much of the life there now. Additionally, in what ways is it possible to design virtual Harbin as a kind of model for what might be possible in terms of the the 12 - 13 ranches to the north, that Ishvara are part of his vision for expanding actual Harbin (Harbin Quarterly Summer 2009)? In my ethnographic reading of Harbin, it has long been a place for spiritual / meditative (vis-a-vis easing into the warm pool and in terms of service, community and meditation) vs. furthur explorations of living the future (Living the Future 1996) in sometimes far out ways. For example, when I was at Harbin in the mid-1990s, there was a ship in dry dock on Harbin property. It belonged to a resident – a lot of hippies in the 1960s and early 70s took to sailing and living on boats - but I can also imagine that in some of the farther-out envisionings of Harbinites, this ship was also on high ground for when oceans rose, possibly in a global warming sense, but also possibly in an apocalyptic sense. All of this comes out of the Harbin soup of life over the years.
The history of actual Harbin workshops has long been part of life there. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/scuttlefish-what-about-harbin-or-what.html - September 20, 2010)
... Such ethnographic study of psychedelics and virtual Harbin will further understanding of end-users, entheogens, and virtual Harbin building.
What about Harbin, or what happens there, as kinds of 'principles' (Boellstorff 2008:49) will emerge from actual Harbin to inform virtual Harbin? In this ethnographic examination of what's possible in conceiving virtual Harbin, before it begins to be built by many avatars, what is significant at Harbin, counter-culturally, include its emergence from the 1960s its hippie vision, the actual Harbin valley as natural world, its counter-cultural freedom, its clothing-optionalness, its pools and pool area, as alternative, creative, exploratory, and much of the life there now. Additionally, in what ways is it possible to design virtual Harbin as a kind of model for what might be possible in terms of the the 12 - 13 ranches to the north, that Ishvara are part of his vision for expanding actual Harbin (Harbin Quarterly Summer 2009)? In my ethnographic reading of Harbin, it has long been a place for spiritual / meditative (vis-a-vis easing into the warm pool and in terms of service, community and meditation) vs. furthur explorations of living the future (Living the Future 1996) in sometimes far out ways. For example, when I was at Harbin in the mid-1990s, there was a ship in dry dock on Harbin property. It belonged to a resident – a lot of hippies in the 1960s and early 70s took to sailing and living on boats - but I can also imagine that in some of the farther-out envisionings of Harbinites, this ship was also on high ground for when oceans rose, possibly in a global warming sense, but also possibly in an apocalyptic sense. All of this comes out of the Harbin soup of life over the years.
The history of actual Harbin workshops has long been part of life there. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/scuttlefish-what-about-harbin-or-what.html - September 20, 2010)
Hare & Rhino: Maddy Pryor, Steeleye Span, Folk Rock Music subject at World University and School
Came upon Maddy Pryor today, who used to be the lead singer for Steeleye Span ... used to listen to this Folk Rock Music a lot in the '70s ...
Some favorite songs by Maddy Pryor & Steeleye Span:
Steeleye Span: The weaver and the factory maid
Misty Moisty Morning
Maddy Pryor : The Fabled Hare
Folk Rock Music subject at World University and School:
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/maddy-pryor-steeleye-span-folk-rock.html - September 20, 2010)
Some favorite songs by Maddy Pryor & Steeleye Span:
Steeleye Span: The weaver and the factory maid
Misty Moisty Morning
Maddy Pryor : The Fabled Hare
Folk Rock Music subject at World University and School:
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/maddy-pryor-steeleye-span-folk-rock.html - September 20, 2010)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Aralia nudicaulis: Raga-musician communication & improvisation, as form, can generate loving bliss between people
Raga-musician communication & improvisation, as form, can generate loving bliss between people, as can singing, rock & roll, chamber music (as well as contact improv jams and cuddle puddles:) ... making music (e.g. playing and practicing - have to think through how to make practice very enjoyable) gets people 'there' :)
And music-making is a good form of learning ... it's edifying. too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Music :)
Check out the budding music-making possibilities from your HOME computer at World University & School ...
there's a music school -
with many instruments - potentially ALL - and
computer orchestras -
... the beginnings of online virtual choirs -
In what ways might we facilitate generating the neurophysiology of loving bliss possible via music with these subjects here at WUaS?
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/aralia-nudicaulis-raga-musician.html - September 19, 2010)
And music-making is a good form of learning ... it's edifying. too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Music :)
Check out the budding music-making possibilities from your HOME computer at World University & School ...
there's a music school -
with many instruments - potentially ALL - and
computer orchestras -
... the beginnings of online virtual choirs -
In what ways might we facilitate generating the neurophysiology of loving bliss possible via music with these subjects here at WUaS?
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/aralia-nudicaulis-raga-musician.html - September 19, 2010)
chamber music,
choral music,
contact improv,
loving bliss,
Wild Apple: Visiting North Beach, San Francisco, in 2010, Beats & Hippies, 'The Love Book,' Grateful Dead 1966 and on the Internet Archive
North Beach, San Francisco - lots of people on the street talking to each other ... cafe life. Air is soft, temperate ... feels Mediterranean.
... pass by the Beat Museum (and gift shop) ... A guide there is saying 'Hippies were right,' 'spiritual,' 'had empathy for others' ... Kerouac's "On the Road ..."
City Lights bookstore is down the road, as is the Green Tortoise hostel. Beats & hippies wrote a lot ... Brautigan's (!!!) "In Watermelon Sugar" ... Art is
... smell pot (marijuana) at the corner of Broadway & Kearney. City Lights Booksellers & Publishers is open at 9:35 pm on a Saturday ... Via Ferlinghetti sign
World Univ & Sch seeks well-motivated students for matriculating classes in 2014 - people who read with relish, think with love http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/
The sign in City Light's Booksellers says 'Have a Seat - Read a Book' - so I'm tweeting (twitter). Drumming on the street outside: 'Don't Give Up' song ...
In City Lights, I'm reading, now in the rocking Poet's Chair, The Love Book - Tibetan script - by Leonore Kandel - In 1966, this book, it says ~ the cops came and closed down The Psychedelic Shop in the Haight, as well as City Lights - too hot (sexy, - as well as a beautiful, exuberant celebration, in words, of fucking - "To Fuck with Love" was the title of one poem in this thin volume) ... glad City Lights is selling this now
Good drumming goes on on the street outside ... I put down 'The Love Book' and pick up Bob Hass's new book of poetry "The Apple Trees at Olema" - heard him read at Berkeley (where he's also a professor of poetry) recently :)
North Beach is really commercial these day shops everywhere ...
... went to hear Jeff Zittrain (his lead guitar rocks) and the Flaming Telepaths at Giordanos Bros. (with its Pittsburgh decor). Zittrain rocks
just returning from Harbin earlier in the day
And here are the Dead from 1967 at the Internet Webarchive:
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/wild-apple-visiting-north-beach-san.html - September 19, 2010)
... pass by the Beat Museum (and gift shop) ... A guide there is saying 'Hippies were right,' 'spiritual,' 'had empathy for others' ... Kerouac's "On the Road ..."
City Lights bookstore is down the road, as is the Green Tortoise hostel. Beats & hippies wrote a lot ... Brautigan's (!!!) "In Watermelon Sugar" ... Art is
... smell pot (marijuana) at the corner of Broadway & Kearney. City Lights Booksellers & Publishers is open at 9:35 pm on a Saturday ... Via Ferlinghetti sign
World Univ & Sch seeks well-motivated students for matriculating classes in 2014 - people who read with relish, think with love http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/
The sign in City Light's Booksellers says 'Have a Seat - Read a Book' - so I'm tweeting (twitter). Drumming on the street outside: 'Don't Give Up' song ...
In City Lights, I'm reading, now in the rocking Poet's Chair, The Love Book - Tibetan script - by Leonore Kandel - In 1966, this book, it says ~ the cops came and closed down The Psychedelic Shop in the Haight, as well as City Lights - too hot (sexy, - as well as a beautiful, exuberant celebration, in words, of fucking - "To Fuck with Love" was the title of one poem in this thin volume) ... glad City Lights is selling this now
Good drumming goes on on the street outside ... I put down 'The Love Book' and pick up Bob Hass's new book of poetry "The Apple Trees at Olema" - heard him read at Berkeley (where he's also a professor of poetry) recently :)
North Beach is really commercial these day shops everywhere ...
... went to hear Jeff Zittrain (his lead guitar rocks) and the Flaming Telepaths at Giordanos Bros. (with its Pittsburgh decor). Zittrain rocks
just returning from Harbin earlier in the day
Grateful Dead - RARE Cold Rain & Snow (1966)
And here are the Dead from 1967 at the Internet Webarchive:
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/wild-apple-visiting-north-beach-san.html - September 19, 2010)
Cal Berkeley,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Trifolium arvense: WUaS is incorporated, Reed College-like teaching and learning, Open class this semester on Harvard's virtual island in Second Life
World University & School is incorporated and has the very beginnings of resources coming in to develop great, focused, Reed College-like teaching and learning http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/
... talking about Humanities-focused, ideas in an enjoyable serious way, around a table - starting with ancient Greek texts (Homer) in Reed's case.
Come join the conversation at open, free, editable WUaS: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
Just finished teaching my second open, free class this semester on Harvard's virtual island in Second Life - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com. Come join the conversation ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/trifolium-arvense-wuas-is-incorporated.html - September 18, 2010)
... talking about Humanities-focused, ideas in an enjoyable serious way, around a table - starting with ancient Greek texts (Homer) in Reed's case.
Come join the conversation at open, free, editable WUaS: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
Just finished teaching my second open, free class this semester on Harvard's virtual island in Second Life - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com. Come join the conversation ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/trifolium-arvense-wuas-is-incorporated.html - September 18, 2010)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Clusea Rosa: A 'Flow,' enjoyment experience is an ABSORBED MIND, Beings Enjoying Life Photos, Add music to 'Loving Bliss Eliciting' subject
'Flow,' enjoyment experience, per Csikszentmihalyi, is an ABSORBED MIND. See his 3 or 7 minute video on this at World Univ & Sch's 'Happiness' subject - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Happiness
See, too, the photos at the WUAS 'Beings Enjoying Life' subject linked from there,
as well as add music to 'Loving Bliss Eliciting' subject :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/clusea-rosa-flow-enjoyment-experience.html - September 17, 2010)
See, too, the photos at the WUAS 'Beings Enjoying Life' subject linked from there,
as well as add music to 'Loving Bliss Eliciting' subject :)
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/clusea-rosa-flow-enjoyment-experience.html - September 17, 2010)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Klamath Mtn Wilderness: Both actual, & now virtual, Harbin Hot Springs are great adventures, v-a-v Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters' hippie bus “Furthur”
Harbin ethnography:
... And people's actual 'stuff,' at actual Harbin, will continue to interface, and sometimes find ease, sometimes unsettledness, etc., in milieus like the Harbin warm pool, and with people at Harbin – a kind of oneness of virtual 'stuff.'
In many ways both actual, and now virtual, Harbin Hot Springs are great adventures, in the sense of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters' hippy bus “Furthur” (http://www.nofurthur.com/images/furthur_newbus.jpg). Harbin has explored and experimented in countercultural spheres of sex, drugs and rock and roll vis-a-vis clothing-optionalness and intimacy, probably some psychedelic tripsters along the way in the past, and, for example, unconditional dances these days with a wide variety of music including rock. Some of this has happened through Harbin workshops more recently perhaps. And what a long strange trip it's been (Grateful Dead) … and we're still on it here in this actual / virtual ethnography – here we go - furthur. I need to learn more about psychedelic workshops in the 1970s, but entheogens have a history at Harbin. As I see it, Harbin can be read as one big trip. In one LSD story I've heard from around the years 1968 or 1969 - a few years before Ishvara bought the property in 1972 - and perhaps when Harbin was 'Harbinger University,' a psychedelic university for exploring the frontiers of science, someone at Harbin had heard that the cops were coming. He had a lot of LSD on him and knew of a big hole in the ground in the Meadow Area, so he and someone he knew, Tokesan, went and hid in this hole for about 3 days. What a high time they must have had. As I've heard this story, there are kinds of hippie, absurd, upside-down humor, smart-response-to-law-enforcement, let's-get-high aspects to this story; and, for all I know, they might have just been in the warm pool, with the stash under a hat on their head. I've found I have to think about the stories I've heard about Harbin, in its context of the watery milieu there. In virtual worlds, it will be interesting to explore in what ways people tripping on psychedelics from home, while visiting virtual Harbin, will create and do, with what technologies, and in what ways these technologies will help us learn more, scientifically and ethnographically, about psychedelic experiences. The virtual Harbin milieu, as well as the limitations of virtual, digital technologies will raise further, fascinating, similarities, comparisons and contrasts between actual and virtual Harbin, especially in terms of place, since individual avatars can freely simulate Harbin's nature, its waters and, for example, holes in the ground. Such ethnographic study of psychedelics and virtual Harbin will further understanding of end-users, entheogens, and virtual Harbin building.
What about Harbin, or what happens there, as kinds of 'principles' (Boellstorff 2008:49) will emerge from actual Harbin to inform virtual Harbin? ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/klamath-mtn-wilderness-both-actual-now.html - September 16, 2010)
... And people's actual 'stuff,' at actual Harbin, will continue to interface, and sometimes find ease, sometimes unsettledness, etc., in milieus like the Harbin warm pool, and with people at Harbin – a kind of oneness of virtual 'stuff.'
In many ways both actual, and now virtual, Harbin Hot Springs are great adventures, in the sense of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters' hippy bus “Furthur” (http://www.nofurthur.com/images/furthur_newbus.jpg). Harbin has explored and experimented in countercultural spheres of sex, drugs and rock and roll vis-a-vis clothing-optionalness and intimacy, probably some psychedelic tripsters along the way in the past, and, for example, unconditional dances these days with a wide variety of music including rock. Some of this has happened through Harbin workshops more recently perhaps. And what a long strange trip it's been (Grateful Dead) … and we're still on it here in this actual / virtual ethnography – here we go - furthur. I need to learn more about psychedelic workshops in the 1970s, but entheogens have a history at Harbin. As I see it, Harbin can be read as one big trip. In one LSD story I've heard from around the years 1968 or 1969 - a few years before Ishvara bought the property in 1972 - and perhaps when Harbin was 'Harbinger University,' a psychedelic university for exploring the frontiers of science, someone at Harbin had heard that the cops were coming. He had a lot of LSD on him and knew of a big hole in the ground in the Meadow Area, so he and someone he knew, Tokesan, went and hid in this hole for about 3 days. What a high time they must have had. As I've heard this story, there are kinds of hippie, absurd, upside-down humor, smart-response-to-law-enforcement, let's-get-high aspects to this story; and, for all I know, they might have just been in the warm pool, with the stash under a hat on their head. I've found I have to think about the stories I've heard about Harbin, in its context of the watery milieu there. In virtual worlds, it will be interesting to explore in what ways people tripping on psychedelics from home, while visiting virtual Harbin, will create and do, with what technologies, and in what ways these technologies will help us learn more, scientifically and ethnographically, about psychedelic experiences. The virtual Harbin milieu, as well as the limitations of virtual, digital technologies will raise further, fascinating, similarities, comparisons and contrasts between actual and virtual Harbin, especially in terms of place, since individual avatars can freely simulate Harbin's nature, its waters and, for example, holes in the ground. Such ethnographic study of psychedelics and virtual Harbin will further understanding of end-users, entheogens, and virtual Harbin building.
What about Harbin, or what happens there, as kinds of 'principles' (Boellstorff 2008:49) will emerge from actual Harbin to inform virtual Harbin? ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/klamath-mtn-wilderness-both-actual-now.html - September 16, 2010)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bobolink: We're - WE Are - the budding community at editable World University & School, Invitation to Engage
We're - WE Are - the budding community at editable World University & School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ - as well as friends, UC Berkeley & other great Universities.
Invitation to become ACTIVE in this idea dance and group knowledge production conversation ...
in technological development ...
in fund raising ...
in open teaching, learning & creating ...
in ALL that makes a community FLOURISH :)
Come engage World University and School.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/bobolink-were-we-are-budding-community.html - September 15, 2010)
Invitation to become ACTIVE in this idea dance and group knowledge production conversation ...
in technological development ...
in fund raising ...
in open teaching, learning & creating ...
in ALL that makes a community FLOURISH :)
Come engage World University and School.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/bobolink-were-we-are-budding-community.html - September 15, 2010)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Waterfall Pool: Paradigm shift - Innovation - MIT's von Hippel, Correspondence, Scott McNealy, Webnographers.org
Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation
MIT professor Eric von Hippel spoke at Harvard's Berkman Center Luncheon and this was streamed live to Harvard's virtual island (and browsers) at 9:30 am Pacific Time.
World University and School will represent a paradigm shift:
Here's an email I sent to Eric von Hippel, his reply, and then my reply.
Dear Professor Von Hippel,
Greetings from Berkeley. Thanks for a fascinating and informative presentation this morning at Harvard's Berkman Center which I saw online from here.
I want to let you know about the open innovation and collaborative World University and School, which I'm developing (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University). It's like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast, and other great open course ware, is editable and facilitates people-to-people teaching via video and interactively in virtual worlds like Croquet, OpenSim and Second Life. WUaS is planning on offering free degrees with matriculating classes beginning in 2014 for B.A.s, Law Degrees, Medical Degrees and Ph.D.s, potentially through partnering with great universities such as MIT, Harvard and Berkeley. WUaS would like it to be in all 3,000-8,000 languages (each as their own school, some degree-granting), and in all (200-ish) countries; Wikipedia is in around 272 languages, by way of comparison. There is already a free Harvard doctoral degree in education for 25 students in 2011 and 2012 (in Cambridge) linked at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Free_Ph.D.s. This January-May 2011, WUaS will stream, in real time, a free, open UC Berkeley Biological Anthropology course with Terry Deacon (Harvard Ph.D.), and offer WUaS credit.
There are already many open, free resources at this open, free teaching and learning wiki, which should grow abundantly over the years. There's even a budding wiki music school (potentially for all musical instruments). With all languages, we would also like to work toward a universal translator building on Google Translate and other translation projects.
(Besides developing World University and School, I teach an open, free course on Harvard's Berkman Island in Second Life on Saturdays - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com).
WUaS is looking for collaborators, particularly faculty and students at great universities, who might enjoy, for example, developing a WUaS 'Subject' page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - or helping develop, for example, the Computer Science Subject page (department) in remarkable ways. For all of this, we are looking to develop financial resources, as well.
As a world university, WUaS is a remarkable opportunity for contributing to the paradigm shift from producer innovation to user and open collaborative innovation (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2010/09/vonhippel) which you talked about today.
I hope we might come into further communication about this. Thank you for an edifying talk.
And here's is Eric von Hippel's reply:
Hi, Scott -
I really do appreciate what you are doing and think it is very important - thank you for telling me about it.
On my side, I am so totally swamped - studies going on in 4 countries at once, etc - that I simply cannot interact on this one. I very much hope you understand and I wish you every success!
Best, Eric
Dear Eric,
Thanks for your support, and I'm glad we've made contact.
Here is Webnographers.org - a wiki bibliography focusing on virtual ethnography - with some of yours and Christina Raasch's books
and papers
(http://www.webnographers.org/index.php?title=Papers#Open_Source_and_Innovation_vis-.C3.A0-vis_Virtual_Ethnography) listed.
Good luck with all your projects!
All the best,
Just added "Scott McNealy's favourite Sun Innovations" video to Webnographers.org:
as well as a Scott McNealy video "Breaking the Rules":
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/waterfall-pool-paradigm-shift.html - September 14, 2010)
MIT professor Eric von Hippel spoke at Harvard's Berkman Center Luncheon and this was streamed live to Harvard's virtual island (and browsers) at 9:30 am Pacific Time.
World University and School will represent a paradigm shift:
Here's an email I sent to Eric von Hippel, his reply, and then my reply.
Dear Professor Von Hippel,
Greetings from Berkeley. Thanks for a fascinating and informative presentation this morning at Harvard's Berkman Center which I saw online from here.
I want to let you know about the open innovation and collaborative World University and School, which I'm developing (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University). It's like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast, and other great open course ware, is editable and facilitates people-to-people teaching via video and interactively in virtual worlds like Croquet, OpenSim and Second Life. WUaS is planning on offering free degrees with matriculating classes beginning in 2014 for B.A.s, Law Degrees, Medical Degrees and Ph.D.s, potentially through partnering with great universities such as MIT, Harvard and Berkeley. WUaS would like it to be in all 3,000-8,000 languages (each as their own school, some degree-granting), and in all (200-ish) countries; Wikipedia is in around 272 languages, by way of comparison. There is already a free Harvard doctoral degree in education for 25 students in 2011 and 2012 (in Cambridge) linked at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Free_Ph.D.s. This January-May 2011, WUaS will stream, in real time, a free, open UC Berkeley Biological Anthropology course with Terry Deacon (Harvard Ph.D.), and offer WUaS credit.
There are already many open, free resources at this open, free teaching and learning wiki, which should grow abundantly over the years. There's even a budding wiki music school (potentially for all musical instruments). With all languages, we would also like to work toward a universal translator building on Google Translate and other translation projects.
(Besides developing World University and School, I teach an open, free course on Harvard's Berkman Island in Second Life on Saturdays - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com).
WUaS is looking for collaborators, particularly faculty and students at great universities, who might enjoy, for example, developing a WUaS 'Subject' page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - or helping develop, for example, the Computer Science Subject page (department) in remarkable ways. For all of this, we are looking to develop financial resources, as well.
As a world university, WUaS is a remarkable opportunity for contributing to the paradigm shift from producer innovation to user and open collaborative innovation (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2010/09/vonhippel) which you talked about today.
I hope we might come into further communication about this. Thank you for an edifying talk.
And here's is Eric von Hippel's reply:
Hi, Scott -
I really do appreciate what you are doing and think it is very important - thank you for telling me about it.
On my side, I am so totally swamped - studies going on in 4 countries at once, etc - that I simply cannot interact on this one. I very much hope you understand and I wish you every success!
Best, Eric
Dear Eric,
Thanks for your support, and I'm glad we've made contact.
Here is Webnographers.org - a wiki bibliography focusing on virtual ethnography - with some of yours and Christina Raasch's books
and papers
(http://www.webnographers.org/index.php?title=Papers#Open_Source_and_Innovation_vis-.C3.A0-vis_Virtual_Ethnography) listed.
Good luck with all your projects!
All the best,
Just added "Scott McNealy's favourite Sun Innovations" video to Webnographers.org:
as well as a Scott McNealy video "Breaking the Rules":
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/waterfall-pool-paradigm-shift.html - September 14, 2010)
Sun: Bagpiping - Original compositions and GREAT (& very fast) piping by Chris Armstrong, Scottish Power Quartet
Original compositions and GREAT (& very fast) piping by Chris Armstrong :)
I posted this to World University & School's Bagpipe Tutorials - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bagpipe_Tutorials
And here's a great bagpiping quartet - Scottish Power Quartet - Piping Live! 2008 :
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/sun-bagpiping-original-compositions.html - September 14, 2010)
I posted this to World University & School's Bagpipe Tutorials - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bagpipe_Tutorials
And here's a great bagpiping quartet - Scottish Power Quartet - Piping Live! 2008 :
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/sun-bagpiping-original-compositions.html - September 14, 2010)
Rhexia Virginica: Actual 'stuff' one sees at Harbin, besides that which you bring with you, is informed by the counterculture of the 1960s, Nakedness
Harbin ethnography:
... 'Stuff' here refers to actual 'stuff' and virtual 'stuff.'
The actual 'stuff' one sees at Harbin, besides that which you bring with you, is informed by, and emerges from, the counterculture of the 1960s and is significantly visually-oriented around nakedness, which is normalized, as well as the colorful and creative approaches to clothing, nature, abodes and life (politics, revolution, art, drugs, music, indigenous peoples, etc., too) that hippies explored and experimented with, – actual, radical, trippy, far-out, Be-In history - which occurred - and at Harbin, too. But actual Harbin transforms the 'stuff' you see through the milieu of a hot springs' retreat center which is open for visiting 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and in the Harbin warm pool, for example, which is also open all the time, - by creating a space where people can do nothing, or simply do what they want – all the time – and all the while heading in and out of the pools to soak. So, people's actual 'stuff' – stresses from life in modernity, city-life, family-stuff, attractions, spiritual journeys, emotional ideation and imaginings, etc., are transformed in the context of Harbin. Virtual 'stuff,' here, will be seen in relation to virtual Harbin and the possibility for Harbin creativity and connectivity from anywhere, but in addition to the above, may eventually have to do with creating things easily on devices like brainfingers (see http://brainfingers.com or this “Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves” TED Talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/tan_le_a_headset_that_reads_your_brainwaves.html) and other direct, brain-computer interfaces. This may be particularly interesting to observe in virtual Harbin, for example, when someone is on magic mushrooms (I've only seen one person tripping at Harbin in nearly 20 years, that I know of – I would guess in this instance that it was mushrooms), which such a brain-computer interface, and in virtual Harbin in Second Life, for example, would make fascinating in new ways. What virtual worlds make possible more generally are rich forms of self-centric visuality through the increasingly graphically complex and interactive character of worlds, and these processes gave rise to programming architecture for worlds like Second Life and Open Sim (Boellstorff 2008:48). As these develop vis-a-vis virtual Harbin, the relationship between people's actual and virtual, personal 'stuff' in the context of virtual Harbin Hot Springs, especially via brain-computer-virtual world interfaces, will take on new fascinating qualities, especially vis-a-vis ethnographic observation. And people's actual 'stuff,' at actual Harbin, will continue to interface, and sometimes find ease, sometimes unsettledness, etc., in milieus like the Harbin warm pool, and with people at Harbin – a kind of oneness of virtual 'stuff.'
In many ways both actual, and now virtual, Harbin Hot Springs are great adventures, in the sense of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters' hippy bus “Furthur” (http://www.nofurthur.com/images/furthur_newbus.jpg). ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/rhexia-virginica-actual-stuff-one-sees.html - September 14, 2010)
... 'Stuff' here refers to actual 'stuff' and virtual 'stuff.'
The actual 'stuff' one sees at Harbin, besides that which you bring with you, is informed by, and emerges from, the counterculture of the 1960s and is significantly visually-oriented around nakedness, which is normalized, as well as the colorful and creative approaches to clothing, nature, abodes and life (politics, revolution, art, drugs, music, indigenous peoples, etc., too) that hippies explored and experimented with, – actual, radical, trippy, far-out, Be-In history - which occurred - and at Harbin, too. But actual Harbin transforms the 'stuff' you see through the milieu of a hot springs' retreat center which is open for visiting 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and in the Harbin warm pool, for example, which is also open all the time, - by creating a space where people can do nothing, or simply do what they want – all the time – and all the while heading in and out of the pools to soak. So, people's actual 'stuff' – stresses from life in modernity, city-life, family-stuff, attractions, spiritual journeys, emotional ideation and imaginings, etc., are transformed in the context of Harbin. Virtual 'stuff,' here, will be seen in relation to virtual Harbin and the possibility for Harbin creativity and connectivity from anywhere, but in addition to the above, may eventually have to do with creating things easily on devices like brainfingers (see http://brainfingers.com or this “Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves” TED Talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/tan_le_a_headset_that_reads_your_brainwaves.html) and other direct, brain-computer interfaces. This may be particularly interesting to observe in virtual Harbin, for example, when someone is on magic mushrooms (I've only seen one person tripping at Harbin in nearly 20 years, that I know of – I would guess in this instance that it was mushrooms), which such a brain-computer interface, and in virtual Harbin in Second Life, for example, would make fascinating in new ways. What virtual worlds make possible more generally are rich forms of self-centric visuality through the increasingly graphically complex and interactive character of worlds, and these processes gave rise to programming architecture for worlds like Second Life and Open Sim (Boellstorff 2008:48). As these develop vis-a-vis virtual Harbin, the relationship between people's actual and virtual, personal 'stuff' in the context of virtual Harbin Hot Springs, especially via brain-computer-virtual world interfaces, will take on new fascinating qualities, especially vis-a-vis ethnographic observation. And people's actual 'stuff,' at actual Harbin, will continue to interface, and sometimes find ease, sometimes unsettledness, etc., in milieus like the Harbin warm pool, and with people at Harbin – a kind of oneness of virtual 'stuff.'
In many ways both actual, and now virtual, Harbin Hot Springs are great adventures, in the sense of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters' hippy bus “Furthur” (http://www.nofurthur.com/images/furthur_newbus.jpg). ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/rhexia-virginica-actual-stuff-one-sees.html - September 14, 2010)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Baby Rhino: Initial, virtual Harbins may take on multiple kinds of virtual, interactive representations, Furthur, Seeing Own Mental 'Stuff'
Harbin ethnography:
... Such experiences of virtual Harbin place will be notably different from the actual Harbin pool area experience, yet will develop, merge and meld as well.
But the initial, virtual Harbins may take on multiple kinds of virtual, interactive representations, besides in Second Life and Open Sim, that this ethnography will also at least touch on. Some 'furthur' examples of virtual Harbin's emergence that are mind-turning / trippy / fascinating: “Culturally, in my observations of Harbin, people see their own ‘mental stuff’ here, and come to face it, in interesting and sometimes affirmative, and at other times unsettling, ways. In my interest in writing an ethnography about Harbin, I continue to be curious about what of my own 'stuff' I would see, as well of others’ stuff (reflexively-wise and subjectively in anthropological senses 20xx). One prevailing mode of understanding here at Harbin is the New Age or spiritual understanding “I am that” (from something like 'om tat sat' in Sanskrit?) or “I see things from your perspective” – a kind of monism or oneness expressed in the fabric of a kind of hippie or alternative culture. This can lead to a playing down of critical thinking, and to a kind of being in the present, which disaffirms active engagement with ideas about what happens here, for example. Harbin also seems quite sophisticated; Ish has a subtle mind and many interesting people from all over visit here but especially from the S.F. Bay Area as well as Sacramento, and have done so for years. Ish and Harbin have also responded to many unique situations vis-à-vis the outside world. So Harbin's 'all is one' (empathic to a degree) culture, rooted in a New Age understanding of “I am that,” including the divine connotations here, and to a degree in intimacy and receptivity, and personal understanding (I lived here for 4 ½ months in the first half of 2005) can (and often may seem to) lead to people seeing their own stuff (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, March 31, 2008). 'Stuff' here refers to actual 'stuff' and virtual 'stuff.'
The actual 'stuff' one sees at Harbin, besides that which you bring with you, is informed by, and emerges from, the counterculture of the 1960s and is significantly visually-oriented around nakedness, which is normalized, as well as the colorful and creative approaches to clothing, nature, abodes and life (politics, revolution, art, drugs, music, indigenous peoples, etc., too) that hippies explored and experimented with, – actual, radical, trippy, far-out, Be-In history - which occurred - and at Harbin, too. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/cabra-kid-initial-virtual-harbins-may.html - September 13, 2010)
... Such experiences of virtual Harbin place will be notably different from the actual Harbin pool area experience, yet will develop, merge and meld as well.
But the initial, virtual Harbins may take on multiple kinds of virtual, interactive representations, besides in Second Life and Open Sim, that this ethnography will also at least touch on. Some 'furthur' examples of virtual Harbin's emergence that are mind-turning / trippy / fascinating: “Culturally, in my observations of Harbin, people see their own ‘mental stuff’ here, and come to face it, in interesting and sometimes affirmative, and at other times unsettling, ways. In my interest in writing an ethnography about Harbin, I continue to be curious about what of my own 'stuff' I would see, as well of others’ stuff (reflexively-wise and subjectively in anthropological senses 20xx). One prevailing mode of understanding here at Harbin is the New Age or spiritual understanding “I am that” (from something like 'om tat sat' in Sanskrit?) or “I see things from your perspective” – a kind of monism or oneness expressed in the fabric of a kind of hippie or alternative culture. This can lead to a playing down of critical thinking, and to a kind of being in the present, which disaffirms active engagement with ideas about what happens here, for example. Harbin also seems quite sophisticated; Ish has a subtle mind and many interesting people from all over visit here but especially from the S.F. Bay Area as well as Sacramento, and have done so for years. Ish and Harbin have also responded to many unique situations vis-à-vis the outside world. So Harbin's 'all is one' (empathic to a degree) culture, rooted in a New Age understanding of “I am that,” including the divine connotations here, and to a degree in intimacy and receptivity, and personal understanding (I lived here for 4 ½ months in the first half of 2005) can (and often may seem to) lead to people seeing their own stuff (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, March 31, 2008). 'Stuff' here refers to actual 'stuff' and virtual 'stuff.'
The actual 'stuff' one sees at Harbin, besides that which you bring with you, is informed by, and emerges from, the counterculture of the 1960s and is significantly visually-oriented around nakedness, which is normalized, as well as the colorful and creative approaches to clothing, nature, abodes and life (politics, revolution, art, drugs, music, indigenous peoples, etc., too) that hippies explored and experimented with, – actual, radical, trippy, far-out, Be-In history - which occurred - and at Harbin, too. ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/cabra-kid-initial-virtual-harbins-may.html - September 13, 2010)
Skunk Cabbage: MIND-TURNING solar innovations, Singing Walking Bass Lines - Want to teach?, Wisest Children's Lit?, Country-Singing Economics
I added Heliotrope (solar building) to World University and School's editable 'Solar Energy' subject page.
The Solar Car and Solar Roadway here are also pretty cool:)
What other MIND-TURNING solar innovations would you add?
And what might you teach about solar (for example, to your web camera or other ways)?
Singing Walking Bass Lines - Want to teach how to do this?
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ has this subject
(http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Singing_Walking_Bass_Lines) ...
Innovate on how to teach or learn this ...
Singing bass lines - harmony of all kinds - is wonderful.
Let's make this easy by teaching & learning about it (to your web cam, or in a virtual world:) at World Univ & Sch :)
These are in the buds of World University's Music School :)
and to sing from home with others all over the world will be fun :)
as will be singing with creative computing developments ...
Check out, too, the Virtual Choir subject at World Univ & Sch:
What are your favorite, WISEST, Kid's books? Add them + to World Univ & Sch's Children's Literature & Wisdom subject - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Children%27s_Literature_and_Wisdom
Join the conversation -
Teach, for example, by reading a story to your web camera ...
and finding the pleasure in wise kid's stories :)
Vis-a-vis The New Yorker audiocast & WUaS below, check out economist Merle Hazard's " Double Dippin' " (2 mins.) - he country sings economics :) - at the open, free, editable World Univ & Sch's Economics' subject http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Economics. WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast, facilitating people-to-people teaching. There's so much at WUaS already.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/skunk-cabbage-mind-turning-solar.html - September 13, 2010)
The Solar Car and Solar Roadway here are also pretty cool:)
What other MIND-TURNING solar innovations would you add?
And what might you teach about solar (for example, to your web camera or other ways)?
Singing Walking Bass Lines - Want to teach how to do this?
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ has this subject
(http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Singing_Walking_Bass_Lines) ...
Innovate on how to teach or learn this ...
Singing bass lines - harmony of all kinds - is wonderful.
Let's make this easy by teaching & learning about it (to your web cam, or in a virtual world:) at World Univ & Sch :)
These are in the buds of World University's Music School :)
and to sing from home with others all over the world will be fun :)
as will be singing with creative computing developments ...
Check out, too, the Virtual Choir subject at World Univ & Sch:
What are your favorite, WISEST, Kid's books? Add them + to World Univ & Sch's Children's Literature & Wisdom subject - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Children%27s_Literature_and_Wisdom
Join the conversation -
Teach, for example, by reading a story to your web camera ...
and finding the pleasure in wise kid's stories :)
Vis-a-vis The New Yorker audiocast & WUaS below, check out economist Merle Hazard's " Double Dippin' " (2 mins.) - he country sings economics :) - at the open, free, editable World Univ & Sch's Economics' subject http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Economics. WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, Berkeley Webcast, facilitating people-to-people teaching. There's so much at WUaS already.
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/skunk-cabbage-mind-turning-solar.html - September 13, 2010)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Bidens cernua: Breathing World Univ & Sch - Anthropology in, Relaxation response out, Economics in, Med Sch out, Loving Bliss out, INFINITE Subjects
Breathing World University & School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com -
anthropology in,
relaxation response out,
economics in,
Med Sch (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School) out,
loving bliss eliciting in ...
INFINITE subjects out,
wiki (editable web pages) in,
teaching & learning {ideas} conversation out ...
check out these subjects,
'edit this page,'
teach or take a course ...
potentially in ALL 3000-8000 languages
where each language becomes its own school ...
WUAS is looking for collaborators ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/bidens-cernua-breathing-world-univ-sch.html - September 12, 2010)
anthropology in,
relaxation response out,
economics in,
Med Sch (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School) out,
loving bliss eliciting in ...
INFINITE subjects out,
wiki (editable web pages) in,
teaching & learning {ideas} conversation out ...
check out these subjects,
'edit this page,'
teach or take a course ...
potentially in ALL 3000-8000 languages
where each language becomes its own school ...
WUAS is looking for collaborators ...
(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/bidens-cernua-breathing-world-univ-sch.html - September 12, 2010)
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