Hi B.A.S.K.,
Here's yet another fascinating MIT Media Lab Joi ITO interview with the 12th in the line of a Japanese textile family, now a Directors' Fellow at the MIT Media Lab - old world comes to space age (old world of Japanese traditional society comes to the space age of the MIT Media Labs innovations) - and it's in Japanese. There's so much settled-ness, understanding, and civility in Japanese culture and identity in this conversation - loving their language. (Does Joi mention too "tie die" which doesn't get into the subtitles?) As Joi says here: weaving Media, Art and Science - the mission of the Media Lab - together, isn't easy at all surprisingly, and it looks like Mr. Hosoo Masataka may do that literally at the Media Lab.
MIT Media Lab
Joi Ito Conversation with
Conversation with Mr. Hosoo Masataka
Curious how this Media Lab interview re new fabrics - could be a metaphor for WUaS weaving all 7,097 languages together into World University and School, coding-wise. Japanese identity and culture seems to shape a space for scions if this is what Mr. Hosoo Masataka is. Joi is so brilliant, and harmonizing too. :)
Conversation with Matsutaka Hosoo 12th head of Nishijin weaving family in Kyoto - English subtitles https://t.co/zDtd5Rx2wf— Joi Ito (@Joi) March 17, 2017
Model for WUaS universal translator with video (Youtube) ... and later into real time voice too
Electrostatic Playground … Basis for realistic virtual earth/cosmos at street, cellular, molecular & atomic levels? For learning!
Electrostatic Playground. A virtual reality sandbox where you can see & touch physics. My team's new work. https://t.co/x252fcFC2F @medialab— Scott W. Greenwald (@scottgwald) March 2, 2017
(reposted this
here https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -
here https://twitter.com/scottmacleod -
here https://twitter.com/HarbinBook)
How to weave in all 7,097 living languages here in to a realistic virtual earth for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy? Given the "virtual world" graphics in the above INCREDIBLE team video by Scott Greenwald and friends, I assume the World Wide Web "markup languages" at the cellular, molecular & atomic levels will be similar and emerge from HTML 5.
Purple Hair! - some of the team in this AMAZING video seem to be wearing their MIT un-dress code "uniforms" ... :)
... great for wiki-building a realistic virtual Harbin as well.
Tuesday, March 23, 2017
Glad Scott Greenwald liked my posting with video URL about "Electrostatic Playground"
Electrostatic Playground https://t.co/Gp8eNIydJu Basis for realistic virtual earth/cosmos at street, cellular & atomic levels? For learning!— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) March 22, 2017
Electrostatic Playground
How can WUaS support or help your teams work with growing "Electrostatic Playground" into a STEM field site and "classroom" at the atomic, molecular, cellular and street view levels - and in all 8k languages and ~200 nation states?
Monday, March 22, 2017
Did you ever take a course at MIT's Experimental Study Group in the early '70s?
Would you like to explore teaching a WUaS course informed by this alternative experimental learning approach eventually - to complement the course you have in mind?
Here's my first blog post touching on MIT"s ESG - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/03/root-pressure-mits-experimental-study.html - with their courses here in the recently updated developing WUaS Course Catalog for-credit - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing. Were you ever involved with ESG at MIT, directly or indirectly?
Also, in planning an ethnographic comparison (and potential book) of innovative STEM ethoses/cultures/discourses of MIT and Stanford - perhaps learning- and teaching-focused from the '60s forward, and furthermore possibly Computer Science focused - see this post ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/07/carrot-compare-stem-cultures-of-mit.html -
I'm also curious about what people or resources from MIT from your time there you might suggest inquiring/talking with about this. I heard a great related Stanford CS panel, with many department heads, recently and was very glad to talk afterward with Stanford Computer Science emeritus professor and great Don Knuth - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/03/dracunculus-vulgaris-happy-birthday.html .
I'm also curious about what people or resources from MIT from your time there you might suggest inquiring/talking with about this. I heard a great related Stanford CS panel, with many department heads, recently and was very glad to talk afterward with Stanford Computer Science emeritus professor and great Don Knuth - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.
I'm curious too how some of this MIT-Stanford STEM ethos ethnographic comparison might find form newly in a realistic virtual earth ... as a new kind of representation beyond the book ...
There's an amazing virtual world creation story in this recent post by Scott Greenwald - https://twitter.com/scottgwald/status/837414401854566400 - at the MIT Media Lab (posted about this here - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/844567406307565568 and in my blog post from today)
... Kind of earth shaking when we'll be able to feel the virtual world's electromagnetic static fields, and so so much more in these regards.
Regards, Scott
Hi Scott,
Pretty cool stuff. I knew people in ESG - but I was doing physics at the time at MIT.
Too swamped to too teach at moment, but perhaps sometime.
I am juggling fast here, so apologies for overly brief response - more when I can.
Thanks, -Ji
Jim Spohrer, PhD
Director, Cognitive OpenTech
IBM Research - Almaden
What are some economists' projections you know for balancing work loss due to AI and robotics, with a basic universal income and work generation ahead, say, nation state by nation state?
Hi Scott,
This is a way to fund Basic Income Guarantee - it will be coming out as an ISSIP BEP book soon...
Thanks, -Jim
Hi Scott,
This is a way to fund Basic Income Guarantee - it will be coming out as an ISSIP BEP book soon...
Thanks, -Jim
Thanks, Jim,
Hoping WUaS can organize - work-creation wise - a basic universal income, and perhaps the administrative structures (tax systems may be inevitable - and re bitcoin and blockchain) for this in all 200 countries too. ("Hoping WUaS can organize ..." http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/03/biocoenosis-fascinating-mit-media-lab.html )
Thanks, Scott
Thanks for this, Heartsong,
How the future of work is not “Jobs” | Rudy Karsan | TEDxCalgary
This realistic virtual earth / cosmos (observable universe, by one definition) as good work - for many many - won't get built in a day, or even in a week, with a day of rest ... will be an unfolding building project, for people in all ~200 nation states and 8k languages, all ... Lots of building, lots of work ...
Hoping WUaS can organize - work-creation wise - a basic universal income, and perhaps the administrative structures (tax systems may be inevitable - and re bitcoin and blockchain) for this in all 200 countries too.
Hi E.L.M,
Here's some further MIT Media Lab brilliance ...
... Kind of earth shaking when we'll be able to feel the virtual world's electromagnetic static fields - in so many of the ways we experience reality - and so so much more in these regards ...
Check out MIT Media Lab's Scott Greenwald's video herein
(here - https://twitter.com/scottgwald/status/837414401854566400)
Did you study with MIT Physics' professor John Belcher in the late 1960s, L?
Hope WUaS can create 1 million jobs in 8 k languages ... as well as plan for a basic universal income (including 're anticipated work loss created by AI and robotics) ...
Earthy quaky, warmy pooly,
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