Dear Takayoshi, Kyungjae, Akiko and Shinobu,
Very nice to meet you at the fascinating "Contents Tourism" conference - - at UC Berkeley on Friday and Saturday. Thank you for coming to the U.S. and focusing such an edifying TSWG conference. I wish I could have come to dinner with you, but I had early mornings Saturday and Sunday mornings, including attending a MIT Media Lab live-streamed conference about the next Space Age (and creation of virtual Space too) which began at 9 am Eastern Time, which is 6am Pacific Time, and in effect 5 am due to Daylight Savings' Time yesterday. Thank you nevertheless for your kind invitations.
While you'll find two of my TSWG talks in the UC Berkeley Anthropology Department's Gifford Room from recent years here - ( .... a) "UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG talk on F 11/2/12" and b) "36 slides from UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG talk on F 11/6/15") - the more recent slide presentation explains a new method I'm developing called ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy. This second talk is particularly relevant for "Contents Tourism" I think.
Wiki CC OCW World University and School - (which I'm also developing) - is like Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OCW (in 7 languages) and seeks to create an online STEM-centric CC OCW major university in Japanese and in Korean ... and offer online Creative Commons' licensed OPenCourseWare-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, as well as I.B. high school degrees - in each countries' official language.
Kyungjae, have you looked at MIT OCW in Korean - ?
You'll find the beginning a) Japan World University and School - - and b) Korean World University and School -,_Republic_of_(South_Korea) (accessible here - and WUaS is moving to a new Wiki emerging from Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikibase in 358 languages) not yet in the Japanese ( ) and Korean languages - (eventually accessible here in the new wiki - in Japanese and Korean).
And here's the beginning Tourism_Studies' wiki subject at WUaS - - as an example of an academic wiki subject that anyone can create ( ), and eventually in any of 7,097 living languages - .
The interesting MIT Media Lab live-streaming conference on Sunday will be archived and accessible soon - . See, too - - and WUaS seeks to create a REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH / UNIVERSE for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - - which will complement this.
Thank you, and looking forward to staying in touch.
Best regards,
Tuesday, March 14th, 2017, 3:10 am PT
Dear Professor Scott MacLeod,
I have just come back to Japan.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your valuable comments and feedback at the conference.
The discussion on the 2D and 3D or “Real” and “Virtual” was really stimulating, you have given us many helpful ideas.
Also, I have just ordered your book “Naked Harbin Ethnography”.
Thank you very much for the information about many helpful websites.
I will check them.
Again, thank you very much for giving us such a good opportunity and it was great honor for us to meet you at the conference.
Please keep in touch and I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Takayoshi Yamamura, PhD.
Center for Advanced Tourism Studies,
Hokkaido University
W8, N17, Kitaku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido
060-0817, JAPAN
Dear Professor Takayoshi Yamamura,
Thank you so much for your email from Japan, so soon after your/our great "Contents Tourism" UC Berkeley conference on Friday and Saturday, which I found very edifying and stimulating idea-wise. (Thanks too to Professor Graburn!)
Thank you too very much for ordering my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book in Japan - I feel very honored that you have done so.
Your focus on 2.5 D will lead me to examine such questions further as avatar bots and landscapes begin to find freedom from the screen/box, and as I continue to explore related ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy developments with the idea, for example, of hypothetical "MIT Media Lab light bulbs" - - and hypothetical "MIT Media Lab space ship light bulbs" - - for generating augmented, illuminated reality around us in a realistic virtual Harbin/earth (conceptually like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with Time Slider with OpenSim/SL for group build-ability and avatars, and in all 8k languages, and also at the cellular and atomic levels). Visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here in Streetview (with the beginning time slider) - (accessible here - ) - and "walk" down the road 4 miles to Middletown, California, if interested.
Thank you very much again for visiting UC Berkeley and sharing your thinking about "Contents Tourism," and it was a great honor to meet you there.
Please keep in touch and I look forward to meeting with you soon, as well.
Sincerely yours,
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