Dear Ambassador Teikmanis, Provost Keller, Dr. Viehland (chair of World University's Board) and friends,
It was very nice to meet and talk with all of you Thursday, March 2, at the Stanford library Latvia talk.
I'm including my emails to Ambassador Teikmanis and Ms. Dace S., of the American Latvian Association, below for your edification concerning wiki CC MIT OpenCourseWare- and Yale OYC-centric Latvia World University and School, planned in Latvian, as well as the opportunity for Latvian students this autumn to matriculate online for free CC OCW Bachelor degrees in English, from the comfort of their homes in Latvia, in the U.S. or anywhere in the world.
Looking forward to staying in communication about Latvia and Latvian language World University and School as these grow. Please let me know if you have any further questions, or feel free to edit a wiki page in Latvian after Latvia World University and School is up and running in its new wiki, emerging from CC Wikidata/Wikbase (which is CC Wikipedia's database, developing for its 358 languages).
Best regards,
- World University and School
Dear Ambassador Teikmanis,
Thank you for your Stanford talk yesterday, and it was an honor to meet you ( & ). I wondered as you spoke whether you had ever met a friend of mine in the U.S. State Department, T.L., who is also an ambassador. We know each other from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, from the early 1980s, where we both studied.
World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC, and plans to offer online university and high school degrees in all countries' official languages, beginning with English. (WUaS is also CC - Creative Commons' licensed). World University would like to offer online Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, as well as International Baccalaureate (I.B.) high school degrees in Latvian, and WUaS is planning to matriculate our very first students for online best CC OpenCourseWare Bachelor degrees beginning this autumn in English - with online Latvian students very welcome if they will likely complete ~36 courses over 4 years for this free CC OCW Bachelor's degree.
World University and School seeks to become the online Stanford of the Internet, with, if possible, our law schools and medical schools emerging out of the Stanford law and medical schools themselves - for free-to-students online CC OCW law and medical degrees - EVENTUALLY in Latvian. In so doing, wiki World University and School seeks to become the Harvard / MIT of the internet for free CC OCW degrees in all ~200 countries' official languages, as well as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,097 living languages.
What would be the best way to communicate further about this with you or your embassy? I will also get in touch with Dace S. soon, with whom it was very nice to chat about World University yesterday (especially since we both lived in Munich and studied at LMU), about her, and the American Latvian Association, potentially organizing online group video language Hangouts in both a) Latvian and b) English as a beginning to Latvia World University and School in Latvian, as well as a way to inform Latvians about this free CC OCW University opportunity in English beginning this autumn.
Thank you again for your timely and edifying talk yesterday in the Stanford library, and it was very nice to meet you in person.
Dear Dace,
It was very nice to meet and talk with you in person yesterday at the Stanford Latvia talk with Ambassador Teikmanis. I'm including below the email I just sent to the Ambassador for your information. How best might we communicate further about World University and School, and possibly Latvian students matriculating this autumn for free CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric online Bachelor degrees from the comfort of their homes, and live and interactively as well?
Since you speak German too - it's a small world that we both studied at LMU - I'd like to invite you too to Peter Bothe's Language Communities - - both in German and English (roughly at 1pm ET on Tu, Th & Sa), because it would be nice to visit again :), and in this live virtual space. I think you might also find inspiration from these group video sessions for potentially beginning or organizing - perhaps in conjunction with the American Latvian Association - weekly group video Hangouts both in Latvian and in English, for the benefit of Latvian students matriculating at World University in English (potentially this autumn), and eventually in Latvian for free CC OpenCourseWare (OCW) degrees. As wiki schools, and with the possibility to create wiki subjects about any subject one loves or is interested in for open teaching and learning - (planned in English and Latvian in a new WIKI) - WUaS will be of interest to many Latvians who are NOT planning on or interested in matriculating at WUaS for free CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric degrees (so like Latvian Wikipedians). I suspect you will be able to add creative ways of making these Hangouts and group video sessions very enjoyable that are particularly Latvian.
Thank you again for talking yesterday in the Stanford library, Dace, and it was very nice to meet you in person. In seeking to become the Stanford of the Internet in Latvia in Latvian homes, and as wiki (editable web pages) too, World University also seeks to create education and learning anew, building on the excellence and STEM thinking, of Stanford and MIT and greatest universities in all countries' languages - and with information technologies, such as a universal translator and a realistic virtual earth, as these continue to develop and grow rapidly and with excellence in the coming decades.
What are the best ways to communicate further about this with you, Dace, concerning this remarkable opportunity for Latvians especially, but also with regards to many other things we talked about yesterday? It was very nice to meet and talk with you.
Best regards,

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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