Vielen Dank, Professor Ledderose,
Höchst interessant -
Lothar Ledderose: "The Remarkable Diamond Sutra of Mount Tai and its Carved Colophons" ... ... your Stanford talk on Saturday!
In what ways did these colophon writers at Mount Tai create a 3D interactive actual world - and one which can be built and developed in a realistic virtual earth, conceptually like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with Time Slider and group build-able like OpenSim / Second Life (but realistic with regard to these virtual worlds too, which are currently cartoon-esque)? This realistic virtual earth would be WIKI (editable web pages) for STEM and Humanities' researchers, like yourself, and eventually in all 7,097 living languages, and serve as a classroom as well, and planned at the cellular and atomic levels as well. (I'm hoping to help create such a realistic virtual world for World University and School - and as an virtual ethnographic field site for my next Harbin book. As a beginning example of what I mean by a realistic virtual world, you can visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house here - (accessible here - to which I've added my own photo of the Harbin Gatehouse, and eventually we'll be able to add our own video/films as well as Youtube videos, I think, and then may be able to convert this into a 3D interactive build-able virtual earth with avatars - like OpenSimulator, which is a 3d interactive group build-able virtual world).
I'm calling this whole process - ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ( ) - a new method of academic research. There's a slide presentation here from an UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave on ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy here - (accessible here -
I'm curious which colophons were created out of or for ongoing "enlightenment" experiences if any?
This was the cover of "The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui Neng" I was reading in the late 1970s and 1980s - . Have we met before?
(Here, by the way, is CC World University and School - - which is like CC Wikipedia in 358 languages with CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC).
Thank you very much for your fascinating talk, Professor Ledderose, and very nice to meet you.
Alle beste,
(Some of my own colophons - - I suppose; please see the "virtual world" label, for example, the "Mandarin," or the "language" one).
Vielen Dank, Herr MacLeod,
it was very good to see you yesterday and to talk to you. I immediately looked at some of the links you provide. All this is so interesting, and we will try and see, what we can apply to our own work.
Thank you so much,
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