Hi Mike, (and Mari, Donald, Aimee and Marc),
Nice to run into you again yesterday, and thanks again for your email.
Here's the Stanford Online High School video I find inspiring and relevant -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRZTFWtRVRY - in conceiving of Friendly-informed World University and School's online high schools in all countries' main languages, in case you didn't find this (accessible from here among other of my blog posts - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/03/species-that-sail-how-friends-education.html).
And here's the Stanford Online High School website itself - https://ohs.stanford.edu.
(And here, too, is the very beginning of the "WUaS International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme" -
and online high school, before WUaS begins to emerge from Wikipedia's database, Wikidata/Wikibase in its 358 languages). CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School would also like to build on CC4 MIT OCW High School - eg https://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/humanities-and-social-sciences/ - and MIT OCW Scholar - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ocw-scholar/ - but the Stanford OHS would still be the model for online human interaction.
Friendly regards,
Hi Mike,
Very nice to meet and talk with you today on Mission Street in SF!
Just shared this with two friends, both of whom went to Stanford in the 1970s, one from SF Friends Meeting and one from Palo Alto Meeting:
"Walking up thru the Mission, just met serendipitously Mike Hanas, new head of SF Friends School - http://www.sffriendsschool.org/ - in front of a food truck at around 15th. Glad I recognized him and said something. We had a good brief talk. He seems like a GREAT head of school." (I was actually coming from the World University and School hive meeting space at AFSC/SFFM - MW 10-noon - when we met, Mike).
Mike, as head of K-8 SF Friends School, have you seen the Stanford Online High School - https://ohs.stanford.edu/ - by any chance?
Stanford OHS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRZTFWtRVRY - as an example for Friends' education even.
I ran into someone at a Stanford University Ceili dance yesterday who is on its staff - and was reminded of very long time Stanford Professor Patrick Suppes
(who was brilliant - possibly a genius, whatever that means - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Suppes and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/07/honduras-rosewood-wuas-international.html - and Patrick Suppes and I both also attended this "Stanford School of Philosophy of Science" conference at Stanford on October 25 and 26, 2013 - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/10/california-tiger-salamander-notes-from.html),
and who founded a precursor to this, also affiliated with Stanford, called EPGY - Educational Program for Gifted Youth.
(who was brilliant - possibly a genius, whatever that means - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Suppes and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/07/honduras-rosewood-wuas-international.html - and Patrick Suppes and I both also attended this "Stanford School of Philosophy of Science" conference at Stanford on October 25 and 26, 2013 - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/10/california-tiger-salamander-notes-from.html),
and who founded a precursor to this, also affiliated with Stanford, called EPGY - Educational Program for Gifted Youth.
You'll find an inspiring video about the Stanford Online High School here -
com/2016/02/masai-lion-how-might-disabled-wuas.html - including about one of its students sailing around the world while studying there online. (Former Stanford President and now Professor-again John Hennessy's video is also inspiring here).
Masai lion: How might a disabled WUaS student & in their room/home in a VIDEO classroom in Google Street View in Addison Museum add to learning exp?, Assistive_Technologies (planned in all 7,943 languages) and Museums (all in all languages) and Virtual Worlds at WUaS, Appreciating this Stanford University Online High School approach to group video classroom, and especially re WUaS's pedagogical plans for engaging the Conference Method re Reed College but online in developing new ways, Appreciating too outgoing Stanford University President Hennessy's talk and emphasis on entrepreneurship, leadership as well as the physical beauty of Stanford's campus, John Hennessy, Stanford University
I'm curious how Friends' education might move into the online high school space (and in all countries' main languages, as you may know) - and think Stanford Online High School is the best example of this that I've seen. I may explore talking with SOHS further about this, having already met with them sporadically and in various ways a number of times over the past few years.
Thanks for our conversation, and nice to meet you in person.
Friendly regards,
WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme -
Carnegie libraries of California by city (great history!) - http://www.carnegie-libraries.org/california/city/ … To /Library_Resources at WUaS Planned in 7,097 LANGUAGES
Carnegie libraries of California by city (great history!) - https://t.co/OqBc3Hug99 To /Library_Resources at WUaS Planned in 7,097 LANGUAGES— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 27, 2017
Carnegie libraries https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnegie_library … A financial model for WUaS? "Carnegie required public support rather than making endowments ..."
Carnegie libraries https://t.co/ZXi7n8dmpa A financial model for WUaS? "Carnegie required public support rather than making endowments ..."— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 27, 2017
WUaS hive meeting space at AFSC-SF Quaker Meeting-10-noon PT Wed. March 29 - Email info@WorldUniversityAndSchool.org with questions & ideas
Species that sail: how Quaker/Friends' education might move into the online high school space (and... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/03/species-that-sail-how-friends-education.html …
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