Thursday, October 7, 2021

mourning dove (Zenaida macroura): Abolitionally - at World Univ & Sch

Abolitionally - at World Univ & Sch

Dear Larry Viehland (WUaS chairman), Ed Smyth, Lydia Pintscher (Wikidata Product Manager) Sid Mazumdar, Peter Bothe, (Angela Merkel, as well, if possible), All, 

Greetings. I received an email today from someone whom I think is a racist, fritz lebowsky, in the Chiemsee area of Munich, Bavaria, and who also seems to be expressing an interest in becoming a pimp or purveyor in the illegal sex industry, if I understand him correctly. He's come back with the idea again of parallel decision-making processes or structures at WUaS, not seeming to recognize the role that WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes play, and have played for years, in WUaS's forward movement - see the 9/18/21 Minutes, and Minutes 7 and 7i - I don't think f.l. 'gets' or understands the role that racism has played either in Germany's history of devastating different groups people, (and when I met him at Stanford, he said was .....h), or of the role that slavery and racism have played in African history, for example, or in other countries around the world, for centuries. Is he speaking, in a sense, also for the head of Bavaria as well, I wonder? I just would like to alert you to the fact that fritz lebowsky is NOT involved in World Univ & Sch or WUaS, especially as WUaS seeks  to code for, brainstorming-wise, all 7.8 billion people on the planet, for a variety of reasons. I'd also like to alert you to the central and key role that WUaS Monthly Business Meeting plays in WUaS's decision-making. See these recent WUaS Minutes in these regards - 

WUaS Minutes, Sep 18, 2021 -

WUaS Minutes, Jul 17, 2021 -

WUaS Minutes, Jun 19, 2021 -

... and which all Minute a WUaS call for abolition of the illegal sex industry, and the further abolition of slavery ... and in the name of freedom for people in all ~200 countries. 

While racist fritz lebowsky's first emails referred to Bavarians not liking Africans to come and leave their trash in Germany - - and that he, out of the blue, would like to get involved in waste management (when we had never talked about this), his most recent email in this thread seems to call into question the idea of abolition (and re Quakers as pioneers in the worldwide abolition movement - where Britain outlawed slavery in 1833, probably with Quaker help, and the USA's Emancipation Proclamation dates from 1862 around the time of the bloodiest war in US history, the so-called Civil War). 

In WUaS calling further for abolition, of the illegal sex industry (following on the abolition of slavery) in all ~200 countries re WUaS coding for 7.8 billion people (, WUaS would navigate, and even possibly teach about, these issues, partly from Friends' Quaker, Unitarian Universalist (also pioneers in abolition, especially in New England), and Methodists (Claudia Viehland here is a Methodist Minister, and a MIT BS graduate in chemistry), and from legal, abolitionist, psychiatric (helping people who may have become enslaved in this day and age to find freedom and good mental health, and even financial resources, for example), and other ethical perspectives; see -

If Germany begins to think in terms of helping to develop MIT OCW-centric wiki Germany World University and School in German for free-to-students' online Bachelor, Ph.D, Law, MD, and IB high school (or similar online h.s. degrees) - (from - please remember that the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting process (which lebowsky has never attended), and which is loosely conducted in the Manner of Quakers, is where WUaS decisions are made at World Univ & Sch, and not in any kind of parallel decision-making processes. 

Friendly greetings, and abolition-ally,  


See the 9/18/21 WUaS Minutes 7 and 7i  -

- here - 


WUaS is calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry because it's the right thing to do, as a Friend/Quaker, with Unitarian U sympathies (in their abolitionist histories), and also in seeking to potentially protect somehow, as WUaS brainstorming-wise plans to code for, all 7.8 billion people on the planet as wiki teachers and learners, and UBI recipients re a single cryptocurrency in most of 200 countries' and in their official languages, re budding artificial intelligence and machine learning - 

here at You at WUaS - - so abolition of the illegal sex industry (following on the abolition of slavery) ...

for 7.8 billion people, brainstorming-wise, each a Wikidata Pin #

And see, Minute 8 re abolition, and Minute 9 re WUaS psychiatry, both planned in ~200 countries and in 7,139 known living languages

7 i

And WUaS is calling for no racism either, and even regarding the illegal sex industry, which seemed to pop up completely unexpectedly; see -

Dear Larry Viehland (WUaS chairman), Ed Smyth MD, Lydia Pintscher, Sid Mazumdar, Peter Bothe, (Angela Merkel, as well, if possible), All, 

Friends, I've created a blog post today - - 

with some of the above. 

Sincerely, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor




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