Wednesday, November 30, 2022

American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua): Dear MIT President Rafael Reif, and MIT President-elect Sally Kornbluth, Would it be possible for World University and School to co-accredit with MIT?


Dear MIT President Rafael Reif, and MIT President-elect Sally Kornbluth, 

Greetings from CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries as major online free-to-students' degree granting universities, in these countries' main languages, and in each of all 7,151 known living languages as wiki schools for free people-to-people open teaching and learning -

As World University and School proceeds with seeking to become accredited by Middle States' Commission on Higher Education (with offices in the greater Philadelphia PA area), and licensed by a related university licensing organization, I'm writing to inquire at this stage of licensing and accreditation about possible co-accrediting with MIT itself (where MIT is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education).

While as president of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, I think that Creative Commons' 4 licensing of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare (which allows for 1. sharing MIT OCW, 2. adapting it, 3. but non-commercially) is what makes it possible for MIT OCW-centric World University and School to build and grow potentially to offer free-to-students' online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school, or similar, WUaS degrees, and that this legally is the extent of our MIT-WUaS relationship, I'm writing to inquire with you MIT President Rafael Reif and MIT President-elect Sally Kornbluth - and in this time of MIT presidential transition - about new possibilities of open co-accreditation, as well as to further grow our communication.

Would it be possible for World University and School to co-accredit with MIT? 

All the best, 
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World University & School (WUaS) 
PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221 
1) non-profit 501 (c) 3 World University and School , and an exempt legal entity in CA too -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(3 legal entities in total)

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

Related articles and URLs - 

Office of the President
(November 30, 2022)
Welcome! MIT is a community eager to solve hard problems in service to the nation and the world. Thanks to our students, faculty, staff and more than 143,000 alumni around the globe, the Institute hums with bold ideas and inspired solutions. We invite you to join us in the work.
– L. Rafael Reif

L. Rafael Reif to step down as MIT president
For a decade, Reif’s bold vision led the Institute to dynamic growth and increased stature on the world stage.
Steve Bradt | MIT News Office
Publication Date: February 10, 2022

Sally Kornbluth is named as MIT’s 18th president
As Duke University’s provost since 2014, she has advocated for faculty excellence and reinforced the institution’s commitment to the student experience.
Steve Bradt | MIT News Office
Publication Date: October 20, 2022


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

Dear Universitians, Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch, Larry, All, 

Thanks, Sri Lanka WUaS (Rifai in Sri Lanka at <>), for your brilliant alternative accreditation suggestions - and especially to explore co-accreditation in WUaS proceeding to seek to become accredited (long after seeking this with WASC senior and CA's BPPE, and after the coronavirus pandemic). It occurred to me this morning to email the current president of MIT, Rafael Reif, and the incoming president, Nancy Kornbluth, of MIT on January 1, 2023, and to explore thi co-accreditations possibility. Thanks, too, Larry Viehland, for the two MIT magazines on Sunday at your house, 1. with the MIT Tech Review article on Aging Reversal, and 2. with the picture of Rafael Reif on the cover and in the MIT Alumni magazine and an interview with him. 

While I think again that the Creative Commons' 4 licensing of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare (which allows WUaS or anyone to 1. share 2. adapt 3. but non-commercially) is what makes it possible for  World University and School to build on MIT OCW (in 7 languages presently), and grow with this, and that this is the extent legally of our relationship, I think inquiring with MIT President Rafael Reif and MIT President-elect Nancy Kornbluth, and at this time of MIT presidential transition, could open new possibilities and possibly different kinds of accreditation possibilities as well as further grow out MIT-WUaS communication. Thank you.

Here's a draft of my email to these 2 current MIT presidents: 

"Dear MIT President Rafael Reif, and MIT President-elect Sally Kornbluth, 

Greetings from CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries as major online free-to-students' degree granting universities, in these countries' main languages, and in each of all 7,151 known living languages as wiki schools for free people-to-people open teaching and learning -

As World University and School proceeds with seeking to become accredited by Middle States' Commission on Higher Education (with offices in the greater Philadelphia PA area), and licensed by a related university licensing organization, I'm writing to inquire at this stage of licensing and accreditation about possible co-accrediting with MIT itself (where MIT is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education).

While as president of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, I think that Creative Commons' 4 licensing of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare (which allows for 1. sharing MIT OCW, 2. adapting it, 3. but non-commercially) is what makes it possible for MIT OCW-centric World University and School to build and grow potentially to offer free-to-students' online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school, or similar, WUaS degrees, and that this legally is the extent of our MIT-WUaS relationship, I'm writing to inquire with you MIT President Rafael Reif and MIT President-elect Sally Kornbluth - and in this time of MIT presidential transition - about new possibilities of open co-accreditation, as well as to further grow our communication.

Would it be possible for World University and School to co-accredit with MIT? 

All the best, 
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World University & School (WUaS) 
PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221 
1) non-profit 501 (c) 3 World University and School , and an exempt legal entity in CA too -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(3 legal entities in total)

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - "

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?
More in Monday's 11/28/22 WUaS News and Q&A here (and will add this email here) - 

Sincerely, abolitionally, all the best, 

Related articles and URLs - 

Office of the President
(November 30, 2022)
Welcome! MIT is a community eager to solve hard problems in service to the nation and the world. Thanks to our students, faculty, staff and more than 143,000 alumni around the globe, the Institute hums with bold ideas and inspired solutions. We invite you to join us in the work.
– L. Rafael Reif

L. Rafael Reif to step down as MIT president
For a decade, Reif’s bold vision led the Institute to dynamic growth and increased stature on the world stage.
Steve Bradt | MIT News Office
Publication Date: February 10, 2022

Sally Kornbluth is named as MIT’s 18th president
As Duke University’s provost since 2014, she has advocated for faculty excellence and reinforced the institution’s commitment to the student experience.
Steve Bradt | MIT News Office
Publication Date: October 20, 2022 


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

speckled alder: Regarding the #StanfordCVsymposium researcher who asked abt how to approach #EnormousData? How about #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.9 billion people in #RealisticVirtualEarth #TensorStore? * Here are some of the questions I asked in this Stanford-Cornell Cardiovascular Symposium in the text chat from Pennsylvania * * * Nice to meet you Professor Nicholas Humphrey (with your 8 books on consciousness) in the [CamPhilEvents] Kinds of Intelligence reading group * * * * Pixel 8 ? smartphone virtual reality tensor chip


Regarding the #StanfordCVsymposium researcher who asked abt how to approach #EnormousData? How about #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.9 billion people in #RealisticVirtualEarth #TensorStore? Thnx, #ScottGKMacLeod #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch ~

@WorldUnivAndSch is planned in 200 countries w online 200 #MedicalSchools #TeachingHospitals & for speakers of all 7151 known living languages with /You_at_World_University & w coding for 7.9 billion people, each a #WikidataPIN # ~

Retweeting - 

Please join
 for 2-day in-person symposium on Nov 28-29 w/ keynote talks by Dr. Valentin Fuster



-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

Here are some of the questions I asked in this Stanford-Cornell Cardiovascular Symposium in the text chat from Pennsylvania - 

Regarding the researcher who asked about how to approach massive amounts of data? How about #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.9 billion people in a realistic virtual earth for genetics (think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI and TensorStore). Thank you, Scott GK MacLeod at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School planned in 200 countries - with online Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals - and for speakers of all 7151 known living languages (, and with  coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN# (


Elsie Gyang Ross, and researchers, how about Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Interactive N-Dimensional for #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicHealthRecords for all 7.9 billion people and other species' individuals in a realistic virtual earth for genetics (think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI and TensorStore, and at the cellular and molecular levels, and for Physical-Digital STEM research - and with the new Pixel TensorChip for N-Dimensionality,)? Thank you, Scott GK MacLeod at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School planned in 200 countries - with online Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals - and for speakers of all 7151 known living languages (and ESPECIALLY too for ), and with  coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN# (


Dr Kristy Red-Horse & researchers too, regarding your focus on the VIRTUAL, and in SimVascular (, (again) how about Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Interactive N-Dimensional for #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicHealthRecords for all 7.9 billion people and other species' individuals in a realistic virtual earth for genetics (think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI and TensorStore, and at the cellular and molecular levels, and for Physical-Digital STEM research - and with the new Pixel TensorChip for N-Dimensionality), in ONE REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH for indexing and Medical AI Libraries? Thank you, Scott GK MacLeod at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School planned in 200 countries - with online Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals - and for speakers of all 7151 known living languages (and ESPECIALLY too for ), and with  coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a #WikidataPIN # (



Regarding the #StanfordCVsymposium researcher who asked abt how to approach #EnormousData? How about #AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.9 billion people in #RealisticVirtualEarth #TensorStore? Thnx, #ScottGKMacLeod #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch ~

@WorldUnivAndSch is planned in 200 countries w online 200 #MedicalSchools #TeachingHospitals & for speakers of all 7151 known living languages with /You_at_World_University & w coding for 7.9 billion people, each a #WikidataPIN # ~

retweeting -

Please join
 for 2-day in-person symposium on Nov 28-29 w/ keynote talks by Dr. Valentin Fuster


Please refer to our Stanford-Cornell Cardiovascular Research Symposium website for additional and updated information, as well as our Victor J. Dzau, MD, Distinguished Lecture in Cardiovascular Medicine website for additional information.

As the symposium approaches, please look for email reminders sent to your listed email address.  

To update or cancel your registration, please email



On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 8:58 AM Francesca Tongco <> wrote:
Webinar banner
Hi Scott GK MacLeod,

Thank you for registering for Stanford-Weill Cornell Cardiovascular Research Symposium.

Date Time: Nov 29, 2022 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Nov 28, 2022 12:30 PM
Nov 29, 2022 09:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

* * * 

Nice to meet you Professor Nicholas Humphrey (with your 8 books on consciousness) in the [CamPhilEvents] Kinds of Intelligence reading group

Dear Nicholas, 

Nice to meet you in the .[CamPhilEvents] Kinds of Intelligence reading group earlier today. 

I'm assuming this is you - 

but I couldn't reach your web site, so I found an archived version here - 

What are your thoughts about the anti-nuclear movement these days? Looking forward to learning further about your theory of primate intelligence too, and your thinking about consciousness. 

Best wishes, Friendly regards, Scott

Just shared this with you and [CamPhilEvents]  - 

... and nice to meet you in the video conference today - 

Theories of consciousness

Some text chat observations:

Hi All ...

Thank you!

These 1st and 3rd person experiences seem un-dovetail-able, irreconcilable, unmeetable and un-joinable - again scientifically, brain and cognitive science-wise.  And how far down the phylogenetic tree does consciousness go - sea slugs? bats? What is it like to be that blue whale in a pod in the south seas as scientific and philosophical humans, in English, think about and study this idea of consciousness (post Darwin, and with science-STEM) to co-constitute with language an understanding about a biological process which many species seem to have in common.

Am appreciating at least 2 channels of communication with video conferencing - audio and text chat: what about a #FilmTo3D App at Street View with time slider, cellular and molecular levels focusing on language to brain modeling as further iterating on “higher -order theories” and  “predictive processing theories and integrated information theory”?

(regarding even implicitly Yoga and Taoism ... per David Chalmers in Italy, east meets west and science of philosophy)
science of consciousness meets the white lotus in taormina, sicily, may 2023. abstracts are due by dec 5.

Here’s an interesting opportunity to bring these 4 theories in these papers together in a paper from David Chalmers - science of consciousness meets the white lotus in taormina, sicily, may 2023. abstracts are due by dec 5.

 … appreciating the white lotus and tao words in this Twitter post in some of these regards.

Am curious how empirical iterative approaches to consciousness will eventually be added to our Physical-Digital Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (see below for the Twitter #Hashtag) and not only at the Google Street View with time slider level, but also at the cellular, molecular and atomic levels (potentially in TensorStore) in iterating further theories regarding the brain, body mind and cognitive sciences - eg -  regarding MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (planned in all 7151 known living languages). Attended a Stanford philosophy talk a few years ago with David Chalmers on the Real and the Virtual and some of his approaches to consciousness then - .

See, too, the very early CC4 MIT OCW-centric WIKI schools / subjects planned in all 200 countries' main languages ... - -  


Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of Mind

Philosophy of Science


#AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in #StreetView w #TimeSlider for #AgingAsProgram? How in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics 1 #TranscriptionFactors 2 #fertilization 3 #cloning 4 #BloodBornFactors 5 #YamanakaFactors #OSKM ? Thnx @geochurch!

Bye for now. Regards, Scott

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

Dear Scott


It’s good to hear from you.  I saw your post on the zoom chat, and responded with a piece of my own which takes a rather different line about the distribution of sentience.


Between ourselves, I thought the discussion at today’s event was surprisingly shallow. Is the best Cambridge can do? I wasn’t sorry when the change of zoom login gave me an excuse to leave!


Best wishes, Nick


Professor Nicholas Humphrey

West Grange

Church Street

Great Shelford

CB22 5EL

Scott, I can’t resist sending you this review of my new book, Sentience, on Amazon UK


Mr. Stephen Palmer


5.0 out of 5 stars A life's work

Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 25 November 2022

Verified Purchase

Originator of the social intelligence theory of consciousness, philosopher and psychologist, Nicholas Humphrey's books have enthralled and inspired me ever since I saw his 'The Inner Eye' television series in the mid-1980s. Now, eleven years after his last book, comes a new work.

First of all, 'Sentience' is fascinating, beautifully written, thought-provoking and important. But more than that, to my mind it is true. Everything Humphrey writes here, which in some ways sum up his huge contribution to the field of the understanding of consciousness, has that feel of being fundamentally correct. The tale he is telling matches reality.

The book falls into three thirds, the first giving the background to Humphrey’s journey through life and the questions he asked himself as he pondered various unknowns: consciousness… why, and when? This summary is vital for the following two parts, one of which deals with our phenomenal experiences (the redness of a poppy, the sweetness of sugar, etc), and one of which sums it all up in a new perspective, drawing at all times from evolutionary reasoning.

It’s this latter third which I think is groundbreaking. The issue for the vast majority of philosophers dealing with qualia in the brain (that is, how the redness of red can be generated and experienced by “mere” neuron activity) is how to make the leap from neurons to private mental experience. There’s a couple of sentences in this book which I suspect may be the most important Humphrey has ever written. They read: "Remember how it emerged in the earlier discussion that when, for example, you project phenomenal redness onto a poppy, you are in effect making a bridge to other sentient beings. You’re seeing the poppy as being ‘rubropotent’ – as having the power to evoke red qualia in another like yourself."

Isn’t that extraordinary? Other philosophers look at one brain in isolation and try to pin down the mind/body relationship therein, but that’s their mistake. Conscious brains, human brains, never exist in isolation. They grow, develop and mature only in social groups. Personally, I think this cultural blind spot has a lot to do with men dominating such intellectual discussions, men who in comparison with women have little grasp of the true importance of relationships.

This, then, is the brilliance of Nicholas Humphrey. He grasps the fundamental role of social relations in the evolution of consciousness. He never loses sight of that evolutionary history, and indeed uses it to underpin the truth of his theory.

As he notes early on in the book, his intellectual and philosophical journey has been rather a lonely furrow. I hope this exceptional work changes all that. It certainly deserves to. It’s more than worthy of being added to his outstanding canon of work. Trailblazing, compelling and true.




From: Nicholas Humphrey <>
Sent: 29 November 2022 19:11
To: 'Scott MacLeod' <>
Subject: RE: .Nice to meet you in the [CamPhilEvents] Kinds of Intelligence reading group


Dear Scott


It’s good to hear from you.  I saw your post on the zoom chat, and responded with a piece of my own which takes a rather different line about the distribution of sentience.


Between ourselves, I thought the discussion at today’s event was surprisingly shallow. Is the best Cambridge can do? I wasn’t sorry when the change of zoom login gave me an excuse to leave!


Best wishes, Nick


Professor Nicholas Humphrey

West Grange

Church Street

Great Shelford

CB22 5EL







From: Scott MacLeod <>
Sent: 29 November 2022 15:55

Well met, Nick, and thanks for your emails. 

Humphrey Chadbourne is a family name for me, crossing the Atlantic ocean in the 1600s I think. (And did I hear your former wife Caroline Humphrey when she gave a Stanford Anthropology talk a few years ago? We emailed afterward partly about my physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book and project ).  

What you think of Alex O'Connor's take here on questions of nuclear ? Any relevance for the anti nuclear movement for today out of the 1970s ?

Would be curious how to digitize your 2 great solutions which you shared - in an iterating realistic virtual earth for everything. Thank you.

Have you by any chance ever gone to unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Cambridge? (I became a member of the RSOF in Edinburgh Scotland in 2003-04, while writing a MSc paper about nascent St. Kilda as virtual place.

Friendly regards, abolition-ally, best wishes, Scott 

What do you think about aging reversal avatar bot electronic health records as a possible iterating way to approach questions of consciousness? 


Great to hear from you. 

Regarding your - 

"Remember how it emerged in the earlier discussion that when, for example, you project phenomenal redness onto a poppy, you are in effect making a bridge to other sentient beings. You’re seeing the poppy as being ‘rubropotent’ – as having the power to evoke red qualia in another like yourself."


"How blindsight answers the hard problem of consciousness

Seeing and somethingness:
An evolutionary approach to consciousness can resolve the ‘hard problem’ – with radical implications for animal sentience"

will give some further thought re consciousness to these fascinating ideas. 

Best wishes, Scott


Well met, Nick, and thanks for your emails. 

Humphrey Chadbourne is a family name for me, crossing the Atlantic ocean in the 1600s I think. (And did I hear your former wife Caroline Humphrey when she gave a Stanford Anthropology talk a few years ago? We emailed afterward partly about my physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book and project).  

What do you think of Alex O'Connor's thinking here on questions of nuclear - ? Any relevance for the anti nuclear movement for today out of the 1970s? I was part of this too, - and am appreciating that Germany abolished to large degree nuclear this year (with 2 or 3 plants still phasing out, as I understand this, some benefits of which seem to be in not poisoning its people or water 10000s of thousands of years into the future, for example). 

Would be curious how to digitize your 2 great solutions which you shared - in an iterating realistic virtual earth for everything. Thank you.

Have you by any chance ever gone to an unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Cambridge? (I became a member of the RSOF in Edinburgh Scotland in 2003-04, while writing a MSc paper about nascent online St. Kilda as a virtual place).

Friendly regards, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott 

What do you think about aging reversal "avatar bot electronic medical records" as a possible iterating way to approach questions of consciousness? 

(And what's your understanding as a psychologist on the role consciousness has played in medical health records regarding psychiatry if at all. A family friend from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, George L Alexander, MD, gave much thought to consciousness, but in our many conversations, I don't recall how his thinking about this would have informed for example his medical records of his 'analysands' in private practice (or patients in a state mental hospital) as a brilliant Lacanian MD psychoanalyst. Thoughts?) 

Best regards, 

* *

[CamPhilEvents] Reminder for the Kinds of Intelligence reading group meeting 

Hello everyone, 


This is a reminder for tomorrow’s, i.e., 29th of November, Kinds of Intelligence reading group meeting which will take place at the LCFI Boardroom, 16 Mill Ln from 2pm to 3:30pm. 


The reading is as follows:

Theories of consciousness

Anil K. Seth and Tim Bayne

Nature Reviews, Neuroscience, Volume 23, 2022, Pages 439-452



Recent years have seen a blossoming of theories about the biological and physical basis of consciousness. Good theories guide empirical research, allowing us to interpret data, develop new experimental techniques and expand our capacity to manipulate the phenomenon of interest. Indeed, it is only when couched in terms of a theory that empirical discoveries can ultimately deliver a satisfying understanding of a phenomenon. However, in the case of consciousness, it is unclear how current theories relate to each other, or whether they can be empirically distinguished. To clarify this complicated landscape, we review four prominent theoretical approaches to consciousness: higher- order theories, global workspace theories, re- entry and predictive processing theories and integrated information theory. We describe the key characteristics of each approach by identifying which aspects of consciousness they propose to explain, what their neurobiological commitments are and what empirical data are adduced in their support. We consider how some prominent empirical debates might distinguish among these theories, and we outline three ways in which theories need to be developed to deliver a mature regimen of theory- testing in the neuroscience of consciousness. There are good reasons to think that the iterative development, testing and comparison of theories of consciousness will lead to a deeper understanding of this most profound of mysteries.


If you cannot make it in-person and wish to attend online on zoom, please send me an email and I’ll send you the details for the same. 

For further information regarding the reading group, please visit:


Hope to see you all there!


Thanks & regards,

Dvija Mehta


Dvija Mehta

Visiting Scholar at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge

MSc Philosophy, University of Glasgow



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Dear Dvija Mehta, ALL, 

I would be interested in receiving the Zoom link please. Thank you. 

Best regards, Scott
Am curious how empirical iterative approaches to consciousness will eventually be added to our Physical-Digital Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (see below for the Twitter #Hashtag) and not only at the Google Street View with time slider level, but also at the cellular, molecular and atomic levels (potentially in TensorStore) in iterating further theories regarding the brain, body mind and cognitive sciences - eg -  regarding MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (planned in all 7151 known living languages). Attended a Stanford philosophy talk a few years ago with David Chelmers on the Real and the Virtual and some of his approaches to consciousness then - .

See, too, the very early CC4 MIT OCW-centric WIKI schools / subjects planned in all 200 countries' main languages ... - -  

non-degreeBrowser, Second LifeStart anytimeEnglish
Philosophynon-degreeBrowser, Second LifeStart anytimeEnglish
Philosophy of Languagenon-degreeBrowser, Second LifeStart anytimeEnglish
Philosophy of Mindnon-degreeBrowser, Second LifeStart anytimeEnglish
Philosophy of Science

... and nice to meet you in the video conference today - 

Theories of consciousness

Some text chat observations:

Hi All ...

Thank you!

These 1st and 3rd person experiences seem un-dovetail-able, irreconcilable, unmeetable and un-joinable - again scientifically, brain and cognitive science-wise.  And how far down the phylogenetic tree does consciousness go - sea slugs? bats? What is it like to be that blue whale in a pod in the south seas as scientific and philosophical humans, in English, think about and study this idea of consciousness (post Darwin, and with science-STEM) to co-constitute with language an understanding about a biological process which many species seem to have in common.

Am appreciating at least 2 channels of communication with video conferencing - audio and text chat: what about a #FilmTo3D App at Street View with time slider, cellular and molecular levels focusing on language to brain modeling as further iterating on “higher -order theories” and  “predictive processing theories and integrated information theory”?

science of consciousness meets the white lotus in taormina, sicily, may 2023. abstracts are due by dec 5.

Here’s an interesting opportunity to bring these 4 theories in these papers together in a paper from David Chalmers - science of consciousness meets the white lotus in taormina, sicily, may 2023. abstracts are due by dec 5.

 … appreciating the white lotus and tao words in this Twitter post in some of these regards.

Am curious how empirical iterative approaches to consciousness will eventually be added to our Physical-Digital Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (see below for the Twitter #Hashtag) and not only at the Google Street View with time slider level, but also at the cellular, molecular and atomic levels (potentially in TensorStore) in iterating further theories regarding the brain, body mind and cognitive sciences - eg -  regarding MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (planned in all 7151 known living languages). Attended a Stanford philosophy talk a few years ago with David Chalmers on the Real and the Virtual and some of his approaches to consciousness then - .

See, too, the very early CC4 MIT OCW-centric WIKI schools / subjects planned in all 200 countries' main languages ... - -  


Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of Mind

Philosophy of Science


#AgingReversal #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in #StreetView w #TimeSlider for #AgingAsProgram? How in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics 1 #TranscriptionFactors 2 #fertilization 3 #cloning 4 #BloodBornFactors 5 #YamanakaFactors #OSKM ? Thnx @geochurch!

Bye for now. Regards, Scott

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * * 

Scott G K MacLeod | 2.. East End Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221

Scott MacLeod

Tue, Nov 29, 12:53 PM (22 hours ago)
to StephonDavid
Stephon, (David, SSA ~'80)

thanks for putting my Google Nest wifi router on the couch outside of your room, and out of your room yesterday (near the Damage hair dryer box I saw on that couch a few days ago - after I think inquiring in email about a police inquiry into our housemate's Jackson Shannon NYC's being deceased after the 2 new people moved into the front porch room here, and the man told me that Jackson Shannon was deceased). I wasn't using it at all anyway (as in going into an Alice in Wonderland world down the rabbit hole into a realistic virtual earth for example). And I doubt that anyone else might have been using it remotely, but don't know. What's up? How are you doing? Why did you remove it from its connection to the router in your room? It could become a useful information technology for real real time music-making as I experiment further with approaches and IT for this. And nice to talk last night, to echo what you said too. If you'd like to talk further please let me know in email, or see you in the kitchen or similar soon. I'm wondering too if we'd all be safer if that new man and his co-resident moved out - since he told me, seeming to be 'in the know' that Jackson Shannon NYC is deceased. What do you think?  

Best wishes, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, 

Dear Sid Mazumdar (in HHS, SSA '78), David Byrne (SSA ~80), Pittsburgh Friend Eric Starbuck, Lieutenant John Tadler (and regarding your FBI Session 254 / similar in 2013 you participated in, and Allegheny County Police lieutenant), Lisa Ximei Peng at KK Rentals, (deceased? Jackson Shannon NYC @ gmail com),  All, 

Greetings and I hope this email finds you well. Some of us held an impromptu online memoriam for Jackson Shannon on Sunday loosely in the manner of Friends / Quakers.

Asking Stephon Owens' and David Byrne, earlier, below if the couple in the front porch room might move out ... and possibly as soon as December 1, 2022 (Thursday), and possibly January 1, 2023, but am recalling that my father's (Gordon K MacLeod MD, a professor at the Univ of Pittsburgh since 1974) first subdural hematoma on Semester at Sea  in in the country of Belize occurred on December 30, 2004, 2 days before January 1 (and I'd say he died from 2 subdural hematomas on Nov 27, 2007, - and I was in his room, near where my mother, his widow, and I may be spending Xmas this year too).  

Housemate Frederic Khayat also had emailed recently that Karen and the new man (replacing Jackson Shannon) in the front porch room are his friends a few days ago (and possibly speculatively regarding them moving in to set up a business in the illegal sex trade internationally??? ... with Frederic even???? ... and regarding its latent networks of violence). 

Am reminded too of the multiple auto-responses I've received from friend Eric Starbuck's (a Quaker in Pittsburgh, whom I've known since the mid 1970s) ... signing off with "Hoping for Light" - and as I've whistle-blown quite loudly in the SF Bay Area, northern California, and Oregon, and all of Quaker Pacific Yearly Meeting (California, Mexico, Hawaii), FGC, and North Pacific Yearly Meeting about the SF Quaker Meeting, and potentially the illegal sex industry and even possibly selling kids tragically ... Have Quakers been losing out to criminal perpetrators, sex offenders, pedophiles, purveyors and similar in their midst (and even in CA since as long ago as Joel Bean in the late 1940s migrated from Maine to California under the Quaker and may have been sex trafficking tragically with minors??? ) ... and am thinking of a recent Tweet that I retweeted to @scottmacleod here - 

Mark Russ @MarkDRuss
Nov 25
My new book "#Quaker Shaped #Christianity" from
 hits the shelves today! To celebrate, I'm giving away a free signed copy. Just like & RT this post and follow me. The winner will be picked at random on Mon 27th Nov. #theology

I also noted on a long walk on Sunday in the Shadyside area of Pittsburgh the following 
"Fuck Maga" graffiti (craven or krav-en maga? perhaps ) spray painted on a green US POST OFFICE box on the street just past the Friends Meeting House in Shadyside, direction of Oakland ..

Could Frederic Khayat have joined a dregs' level maga, which has some connections with an unwell country near Jordan (which may refer to the craven group of violent religious zealots with a paramilitary orientation, and who could be involved with having all the US POSTAL service trucks on the street at multiple times of the day and night ... but could be just another corrupt 'uniformed service' so called security apparatus run amok????) in Switzerland somehow? AND could the massacre in Squirrel Hill area of Pittsburgh under the trump administration have been a federal government response to sex offenders and pedophiles affliliated with maga somehow? 

Here's my email to Stephon Owens and David Byrne from earlier today 

"Stephon, (David, SSA ~'80)

thanks for putting my Google Nest wifi router on the couch outside of your room, and out of your room yesterday (near the Damage hair dryer box I saw on that couch a few days ago - after I think inquiring in email about a police inquiry into our housemate's Jackson Shannon NYC's being deceased after the 2 new people moved into the front porch room here, and the man told me that Jackson Shannon was deceased). I wasn't using it at all anyway (as in going into an Alice in Wonderland world down the rabbit hole into a realistic virtual earth for example). And I doubt that anyone else might have been using it remotely, but don't know. What's up? How are you doing? Why did you remove it from its connection to the router in your room? It could become a useful information technology for real real time music-making as I experiment further with approaches and IT for this. And nice to talk last night, to echo what you said too. If you'd like to talk further please let me know in email, or see you in the kitchen or similar soon. I'm wondering too if we'd all be safer if that new man and his co-resident moved out - since he told me, seeming to be 'in the know' that Jackson Shannon NYC is deceased. What do you think? 

Best wishes, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, 

Stephon, regarding your 'talking' comment last night (and even the CMU French Horn master's degree student who helped you carry your mattress up the stairs, and avoiding with social psychology, very speculatively, turning her into a sex slave or prostitute for example), if you could be part of a 'military band' - you mentioned this a couple of times in early September, do you want to be seeing a good MD psychiatrist for the great benefits of talking (and with one from UPMC, where I don't think you would need to ask your PCP for a referral) ... and for its great benefits for you, and by a MD psychiatrist who would know state of PA and federal law too in some of these regards. (Frederic, I'll ask you this question again too ) ...

(As an aside, I'd also like to report to the FBI, John Tadler, Ken Mahaffey MD in Stanford Medical School who may be involved in multiple criminal activities there (and who called the Stanford police when I was about to attend an open Stanford Medicine talk ... and which I then reported to the Stanford Faculty Senate, but have yet to hear back from them). 

If it's at all possible to move back to the SF Bay Area on September 1, 2023, and into a newly safe Canyon 94516, I don't want to become a victim of the illegal sex industry and their latent networks of violence (and even regarding a Mahaffey ... and stanford police, or local police, for example). 

Larry, how are you doing after literally falling on Sunday afternoon in your house, as I arrived and rang the doorbell? Is your arm alright, your big toe? Hoping you are on the mend, and didn't need to go to the emergency room, for example. Get well soon!

Best wishes, Merry Xmas upcoming, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, 

California - 

Pennsylvania -

Law -

law enforcement -


* * * * 

Pixel 8 ? smartphone virtual reality tensor chip

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Pixel 6's Tensor chip: Inside the brains of Google's newest flagship ...

In a CNET interview, Google executives discuss why they went through the trouble of building a chip for the newest Pixel.

Shara Tibken
Oct. 25, 2021 9:50 a.m. PT
