Sunday, January 5, 2014

Asian Openbill: Rolling out World University and School, first in English, for undergraduates, matriculating this autumn, 2014, online with Google India (in Wikidata plus). Is this possible?, MIT OCW's "Mechanisms of Drug Actions" ... - which I (anyone could as well) added to the following 4, beginning, wiki, subject pages at WUaS - Biological_Engineering, World_University_Pharmacy_School, Pharmacology, Medicine (links' section) -

Hi Saurav, Pallav and Rinku,

Saurav, I'd like to co-explore collaborating with you rolling out World University and School, first in English, for undergraduates, matriculating this autumn, 2014, online with Google India (in Wikidata plus). Is this possible? Who would your team be? Shall we contact PN, a research director at Google (and whom I know in person a little bit) about this, with you as the lead?

Pallav and Saurav, to give you an idea of how WUaS works, here's a recent MIT OCW course, here's a recent course (in your field professionally, Pallav) -

"Mechanisms of Drug Actions" ... -

which I (anyone could as well) added to the following 4, beginning, wiki, subject pages at WUaS:

Biological_Engineering -

World_University_Pharmacy_School -

Pharmacology -

Medicine (links' section) -

Undergraduates would take 32 of these MIT OCW online courses over 4 years for a free, Creative Commons' licensed, undergraduate, MIT-centric, WUaS, bachelor's degree.

Please come into conversation with your team at Google India near Dehli, Saurav, about this as well, in addition to us possibly contacting PN about this.



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