Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Barau's Petrel: A Bengali World University and School, and in Bengali ... and MIT OCW-centric?, Here are Bengali Wikipedias in Bengali (mobile and browser, and eventually in voice) and English, as 'building blocks' for World University and School's Bengali wiki subject pages, and university and schools, Wiki is very grass roots ... and MIT OCW-centricity is a great academic and STEM standards, with much innovative collaboration ahead

Hi Sati,

Here are Bengali Wikipedias in Bengali (mobile and browser, and eventually in voice) and English, which we can all edit,

 and which are 'building blocks' for World University and School's Bengali,  wiki, subject pages,

and Bengali WUaS university and schools ...

(English) Bengali Wikipedia

(Bengali) Main page of Bengali wikipedia

(Bengali) Bengali Wikipedia mobile version

World University and School's Bengali wiki subject (and the beginning of an accredited MIT OCW-centric university - - in Bengali, eventually)

Bengali / Banga language, wiki, subject page at WUaS ...



Wiki is very grass roots ... and MIT OCW-centricity is a great academic and STEM standard, with much innovative collaboration potential ahead.


There are around 250 million Bengali speakers in the world, and it's about the 5th largest language in the world.


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