Thursday, January 28, 2016

West Usambara two-horned chameleon: How best will WUaS be able to pair individuals of different Languages (in all 8k) who want to learn the other's ? … Begin a school in your language with this SUBJECT TEMPLATE - - as this list of languages populates to all ~ 8 thousand languages, Send WUaS an email, Now how best to turn WUaS's SUBJECT TEMPLATE and related, and into real templates probably with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in MediaWiki (which would have to develop to support HTML 5 I think), and then begin to develop in Wikidata / Wikibase? What would some initial (defining even) querying re SQL, and inter-lingually be?, Here are the retiring Languages and SUBJECT TEMPLATE wiki subject pages in Wikia, All languages as wiki schools - and for a universal translator - and questions of consciousness re the brain even - at WUaS is far-reaching, I'll add language learning pairing section to WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE ...

How best will WUaS be able to pair individuals of different Languages (in all 7,938+) who want to learn the other's?

Begin a school in your language with this new SUBJECT TEMPLATE in MediaWiki - - as this list of languages populates to all ~ 8 thousand languages, from the page above.

Send WUaS an email - - since WUaS in English in MediaWiki is currently restricted to reduce vandalism. It's possible to begin a WUaS language wiki school in German in MediaWiki at the point, however. 

Now how best to turn WUaS's SUBJECT TEMPLATE and related, and into real templates probably with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in MediaWiki (which would have to develop to support HTML 5 I think - When will MediaWiki fully support HTML5? I think this suggests it doesn't yet -, and then begin to develop in Wikidata / Wikibase? What would some initial (defining even) querying re SQL, and inter-lingually be?  This latter aspect could develop with a universal translator where wiki-additions could inform the development of the universal translator due to Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikibase and new WUaS contributions to such applications.

Making beginning a wiki WUaS subject page very easy will be key - and inter-lingually.

Here are the retiring Languages - - and SUBJECT TEMPLATE - - wiki subject pages in Wikia.

All languages as wiki schools - and for a universal translator {} - and questions of consciousness re the brain even - at WUaS is far-reaching.

I'll add language learning pairing section to WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE ...



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