In further creating a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology w a #FilmTo3D App on SmartPhones (& at cell & atom levels in microscope) in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth @WorldUnivAndSch, how best to plan for volcanism volcanoes' energies, re eruptions vs sunlight? ...
In further creating a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology w a #FilmTo3D App on SmartPhones (& at cell & atom levels in microscope) in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth @WorldUnivAndSch, how best to plan for volcanism volcanoes' energies, re eruptions vs sunlight #Agung #AgungVolcano Indonesia?
Small puff just then #volcano #agung #agungvolcano #bali
Mt. Agung one last time. Morning at 6:30. All clear & beautiful. #Bali #balisafe #Balivolcano #Agung #agungvolcano #balibeautiful
Sunset, during the way for a night dive
#diving #scuba #lombok #gili #divecenter #sunset #nightdive #bali #agung
The ladies continue their practice under the intense watch of Agung and our thoughts out to the volcano evacuees @blue_earth_village #volcanowarriors #amedisamazing #apneistafreedivingbali #yoga #iaminbalinow #freedivingretreats #agungvolcano
How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual #RealisticVirtualHarbin
? A #ToyotaProaceElectric 2023 USA… in… with enough range & great for sleeping in!
* * *
WUaS Corp CA FTB Form 100 for 2021
Dear Larry, (Ed, Jane, Sid),
Is this the CA FTB Tax Form 100 for 2021 -
Could we do it online this year, I wonder?
(Interesting, in successfully filing the Non-Profit World Univ & Sch Statement of Information - SI 199N - card yesterday, that for the first time, the CA online process did not ask for an email address, and I had to PRINT on paper the receipt for WUaS records, rather than being able to save a PDF to my hard drive, at least easily ... both were new developments in my experience, but the state of CA FTB's SI 199N is now filed for 2021 for the NonProfit, as is the US Federal statement of information card 990-N for the 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch as tax exempt charity) ...
WUaS Corp taxes (texas?:) still to do! :) ... and thanks to Larry so much for facilitating doing the 2018, 2019 and 2020 WUaS Corp tax returns last year, having gotten and paid our first tax bill ever from the state of California!
time to head to the hot springs on the east side of the Sierra - natural, free, beautiful - but am curious how to digitize it for virtual visiting in #wuAsVR and even ethnographic research therein :) (but seeking a better overnight sleeping experience in van ... like ...
How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual #RealisticVirtualHarbin
? A #ToyotaProaceElectric 2023 USA… in… with enough range & great for sleeping in!
Minutes for 2/19/22 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting still to come
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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a WUaS Longevity Genetics' engineering revolution Institute
My guess is that N.P. MD is married ... But she's a potentially good example of a life partner to connect with, ... . And if she has a UU CHURCH relative near you ... whether somehow we could meet.
Appreciating somehow her Massachusetts' roots ...
... here North of Berkeley perhaps, am wondering too about potentially a WUaS Longevity Genetics' engineering revolution Institute (in Canyon?) and first post Docs or faculty even, and how we might develop the 2nd item here -
"Cas13 RNA design for knockdown of chicken cells" (which little title I'll add soon) ... Collegial Academic community on the ridge somehow like a Hippie back-to-the-land commune and, as you'll read, drawing gene editing samples to digitize from the 6 species on farm-let, human beings Drosophila fly chicken mice dogs honey bee and maybe ducks too. Might need or benefit from a farmer too and as plant geneticist ... Could we even design a humanoid robot, with initial build from Toyota, to become a farmer? As Academic Medical Center, with Warm Water Cure, to focus on Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records for genetics and pharmaceuticals too and for all 7.9 billion people on planet, as well as for tele-robotic surgery. There's not that much land in Canyon in this brainstorming so many people would work remotely academically, perhaps in a realistic virtual earth for history and Canyon and generation of STEM and Ethnographic field site research with Warm Water Cure on East Bay MUD forested lands nearby. But how best to create a knowledge oriented and generating open community in all of this, - and with the Warm Water Cure up near the old warm water tank for cattle, even clothing optional? State of California monies? Am thinking Stanford's culture in the 1970s, (or even Earlham's culture in the 1950s) but not today ... So in what ways could a realistic virtual earth for Soaking and history with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records help, and also with Peter Norvig's thinking and information Technology machine learning coding?
If not married, and if we connected naturally - brainstorming wise - could N.P. MD or similar move into the house?
... for centuries?:)
For other faculty at WUaS, there are a lot of houses in all of these nearby large East Bay Cities ... Connect everyone in a brand new Academic way with a Realistic Virtual Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots virtually from all the houses (way beyond connecting everyone with the INTERNET and information Technology that happens now)?
Love you, Scott
* * *
Cuttyhunk island, Massachusetts
Hi David,
How are you? And how's your teaching going? Thinking about you and Cuttyhunk,
I looked up Serena Davis Hall and found her and 2 of her brothers here, all looking happy, and as trustees of the Arthur Vining Davis company -
Interesting ...
I looked up 'Brent Hall MIT Sherborn Massachusetts' ... And is that a picture of him, with 2 other people, on LinkedIn as Executive Director of the Oasis Company? Is that he, and what company is that? We haven't talked in about 5 years ... Hoping they are ok ...
Appreciating Brent's thinking regarding both Work CC-4 MIT OCW-CENTRIC WIKI World University and School, and regarding my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic field site research projects. He was a philosophy and psychology major at MIT, and in the early '70s, an interesting time in Cambridge :)
What are you doing these days otherwise? Are you circulating in possibly seeking a partner or friend to begin a family?
Per our conversation about aging reversal and longevity Genetics' research, beyond 122 years' old, and what I texted you too on Sunday, - (at the beginning) - are we going to get an annual vaccine in the future for this, and what might it do? (And could I at Work World University and School do more research about this with scientists on the ridge in Canyon at a new Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure there even, - and see related proposed academic papers here: ... and see below too ...
Would be interested in finding a partner possibly re UU Church, Quaker Meeting, - somehow even emerging from my previous connecting with S. and A. (and other past mutual loves too) ... Christian Protestant background even? ... and a MD too ... Reciprocating lovemaps ( ... Connecting naturally ...
Centuries of life ahead together David ... Might be good to begin a family sooner than later re the unknowns of aging reversal genetic engineering revolution drug therapies emerging :)
Re seeking a friend for beginning a family, and regarding the possibility of living in Canyon again in a few weeks, just texted this to my mother -
Think I'm going to take a walk up the hill 1.8 miles, Ma!

... in new long-enough Birkenstock sandals (nice to wear sandals thru whole winter in SF Bay Area), and with a R lift a good height! ... How is the weather by you? And How are you? As I make plans for next steps about giving notice, depending on what I learn this week, my plans to potentially meet and connect with a life partner to begin a family are a bit on hold until after any house developments in the next few weeks ! But who knows, perhaps I'll connect with someone while walking ... say hi ... & she'll be a MD, and loosely affiliated with the UU Church too, ... and that connecting would turn out to be a good long term fit

Talk with you soon!
And maybe a WUaS Longevity Institute and a WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure (affiliated with Stanford even, but not KP) ... but less of a hippy commune possibly than I've suggested in the past (but seeking nevertheless to potentially generate community, however, wherever I live next ... there's not that much community here :) ... in this safe house north of Berkeley ... and planning, if somehow I come into an ownership arrangement of a house in Canyon (due to the state of California and federal government), for potentially some leasing even, Ma! ... with the pluses and minuses of ownership and creating such documents too !

Hi Ma from the UU Church of Kensington Berkeley ... Nice evening, but cool ... day is still light ... How was your day? Your classes yesterday and today? ... In this curious post coronavirus meme pandemic and ~13 years of living in Canyon ... Am not clear how I'll meet a friend with whom to begin a family ... But appreciate that Ed (possibly in contact with Byron) suggested that post Doc MDs are a good idea for a possible partner ... beautiful and fun too and in her mid-20s and interesting/interested would be great :); Love

Scott (Talk to you soon

It wasn't Brent in the little picture on my smart phone next to the Oasis company sign, when I looked on my laptop), FYI ...
Am impressed with sports' teams connectedness (in my going solo, and also seeking community, an old theme back to high school and college years, re an interest in hippy communes esp. whereas sports' teams' connections are different ) ... and regarding basketball, and for example, Arne Duncan's connection on the basketball court with Black Americans in particular ... Here's Arne Duncan connecting 'in organic networking team formation' through basketball ...
How are you? How is your commune? :)
MIT & Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
1973 - 1979 · 6 yrs
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Worked for MIT and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, coding flight control for the approach and landing test version of the Space Shuttle Backup Flight System in assembly language, and later assisting in the integration and testing of the orbital version of the Space Shuttle Backup Flight System as a liaison to Rockwell in Downey, CA
(re some Apollo, I recall, space mission he was part of) and as a Humanities, Philosophy, and Psychology MIT major in 1972
How are you doing?
Am wondering if things are going to change re planning the next phase of living really in a safe house ... possibly back in Canyon in April!
Wanna come visit the World Univ & Sch commune ?:)
May blog about this thread further here today -
or possibly in the Cuttyhunk label tomorrow -
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