WUaS Corp CA FTB Form 100 is in, with taxes!
Dear Ed, Sid, Janie, Larry, All,
California State Capitol in Sacramento
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Dear Ed, Sid, Janie, Larry, All,Glad World Univ and Sch (WUaS) got the WUaS Corporation taxes done for 2021 (CA FTB Form 100) and they are in the mail. Big thanks to Larry in this especially.Still living in an 'unsafe house' North of Berkeley as WUaS calls for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence, and as this revamps after the winding down of new kinds of 'legal round ups' and post self-roundup (re Pendleton Oregon rodeo Roundup idea too, re rodeo, and corralling, animals-wise :) due to the dwindling of the coronavirus meme pandemic self-quarantine (where many people may have put themselves in their own corrals metaphorically, and are beginning to head out of them). Yoga has the idea of restraint in it too, possibly in some of these regards.Will gladly give notice here in this cold basement by Monday 2/28/22 to the landlord of this current unsafe house if way opens to move back into Canyon 94516 again, in a month, due to it having become safer - if one main risk, the mentally ill former landlord in Canyon, is moving to a secure retirement facility, for example, due to state of California and federal government legal process.In a possible related vein, ...Stanford Law CodeX's director, Roland Vogl (who's great) departed the CodeX presentation on Thursday with a 'hard stop' said softly - 'I have a hard stop today' he said or similar (that is, he had to sign off at 2:30 pm PT to do something else) ... with the CodeX workshop being given by 3 German language lawyers (from Germany, Austria and Switzerland I think) ... while for the first time ever, in my experience, everyone else at CodeX could stay talking freely for 15 minutes. Significance for abolition too? Could this refer also to Stanford Law calling for a hard stop to the illegal sex industry? Possibly. (And I had shared with Roland and about 15 other friends and colleagues that I may be seeking asylum in the upcoming weeks (see email below)).It may not be easy at all to get 'the cat back in the bag' in California or the US - post the Biogen conference in Boston about 2 years ago (with unrestrained sex or similar?) from a CA legal, or MA legal, or a Stanford perspective, but I and WUaS are continuing to call for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence, and Roland Vogl may be joining us in this (as pandemic self-quarantine winds down), and as an Austrian American lawyer, and the Stanford Law CodeX director.I don't want to become a victim, and don't think I'm safe north of Berkeley (where I have been living for about 17 months, having extended the lease here for an extra 6 months about 5 months ago, with an exorbitant rent increase too) and think that the mentally ill former landlord in Canyon is one of the main perpetrators purveyors offenders murderers (re the SF BAY AREA's latent networks of violence and the illegal sex industry, evidence needed, - and in my calling for abolition), for many decades - (since the 1970s possibly?) and one of the biggest risks re unsafe house here north of Berkeley or in Canyon or in Europe, even for me ... So were the state of California and the federal government to get its act Together and he were locked up, the abolition movement might be growing a bit.Awful stuff this is,band sorry we have to deal with it ... or I can become a victim, yet as a friend and a Friend, and Presiding Clerk of WUaS, with a conscience, and as a conscientious objector (CO), to ethical wrong doing and harm, I'm continuing to call for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence. Sometimes I feel alone in this, yet writing can be a way to connect curiously ... So I write ... And wonder what what roles the state of California, Ed, and the federal government, Sid, may be playing here regarding both the law and law enforcement ... (if not a change in culture).I realize that the illegal sex industry may be profitable and scaled large (am not sure how these communications or economic systems work), and thus requiring a lot of people to sign off abolitionally (against their desires to be slavers in a sense) and that calling for abolition and growing this abolition movement may take years or decades to bring to fruition further, but please think how long it took to enact the Anti-Slavery Act in Great Britain in 1833 and the Emancipation Proclamation in the US in 1862, and with the bloodiest war on American soil. Glad the first ever African American woman lawyer was nominated for the Supreme court yesterday in 235 or so years, and that America has functioning legal systems both state and federal ... And hopefully this abolition movement thinking can help to grow these legal systems internationally, - and to abolish the illegal sex industry internationally (and on Cuttyhunk island too).Glad the WUaS Corporation taxes are in, and to be exploring the idea of beginning an Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure in Canyon and with a WUaS Longevity Genetics'Institute too (potentially with Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records and for chatting 7.9 billion people's pathways to health ... Re Google Stanford Duke's Project Baseline into a single realistic virtual earth for history, genetics, medicine +, - meditation too).Sincerely, and abolitionally, ScottAn email thread beginning in 2017, and which email I sent 2 days ago (to some of you too) ...'Summer, family and ethics' inquiry into UC Berkeley's B.K.?'Ed, Jane, All,In a related vein, and regarding further documentation, and Quakers, I just shared this with a Quaker Friend Paul Jolly, whom I know from Pendle Hill Quaker Study Center, from about 1987-1990:Paul (Jolly),Thanks again - and I don't know why you can't see it. Am leaving in a (un-) 'safe house' north of Berkeley having whistle-blown about the SF Quaker Meeting, and Pacific Yearly Meeting (PYM), and in calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry and its latent networks of violence ... and may be seeking asylum on the East Coast or in Europe soon-ish as a consequence. It's possible that contemporary forms of slavery, here wrongful buying and selling of people ... and among Friends and Quakers on the west coast, in Friends General Conference (FGC), in America and in the British Isles ... are getting 'cleaned up' ... as well as places like Canyon and Harbin Hot Springs too, through a combined legal process of state of California, and the US federal government ... and I don't want to become a victim. Please stay tuned, and check out the MIT OCW-centric wiki Friendly informed World Univ & Sch Minutes too regarding abolition in the past few months.Here are the Minutes from the open 1/15/22 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting:Sadly, one person, Bob.K. saying they were on the SF Quaker Meeting's Ministry and Counsel committee asked to meet with me on Skyline Drive in a park, mentioning one other person, Paula.S. on this committee from the SF Meeting, and proceeded to tell me his erotic fantasies about having his niece pull down his pants ... and as an expression of Ministry and Counsel???? I'm not sure whether he was trying to coopt or corrupt me into an illegal sex ring out of the SF Quaker Meeting or what ... but the SF Quaker Meeting was also breaking the law when I was there, up to about 2017, around the time I was whistle-blowing and documenting some of this too. I was also assaulted by a minor in the SF Quaker Meeting sadly - and am not sure the cause of this ... alice.s.? and a.b.? and to keep the illegal sex ring going through framing me somehow even (?). I haven't called the SF Police to report this yet, since a minor, but was also very concerned with what I learned at AFSC interim director Laura Magnani's house after some of this when Traci Hjelt Sullivan was visiting the SF Bay Area on behalf of FGC, I think, about pedophilia in the SF Quaker Meeting by a caregiver of the smallest kids n.f., and have recently boycotted a FAHE panel (see bottom section here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/02/stinson- ), organized by Haverford director of student affairs' walter sullivan I think ... and who was the director of Ben Lomond Quaker Center, which may have been a site for the illegal sex industry as well, tragically and sadly, and ethically wrongly.beach.html Hoping Quakers and Friends can become observant of the law (CA, PA, federal) and join the growing abolition movement.Appreciating your poem (Paul Jolly - who may know much about John Woolman Quaker Center's related kid slavery??? history, tragically and very speculatively), and hoping you're doing well.Friendly greetings, and aboliton-ally,PSYour poem is in a section here -Scott MacLeod - World University books--- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorWorld Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.comOn Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 4:14 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org > wrote:Dear Larry and Ed, Ma and Pin, Sandy, All,WUaS Corporation taxes, a FOR PROFIT GENERAL STOCK COMPANY in CA, are printed to paper & in the mail to Sacramento, with check to the CA FTB for $800. I had to add an additional .20 in postage to the old Forever stamp that had been riding in my wallet for a few years.Big thanks to Larry for his great knowledge in our filling out the form 100 together (again).With Physical-Digital Educational Services' Bookstores and Robot Stores in 200 countries (planning further) ... Might WUaS end up listing Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily and to end poverty with UBI EXPERIMENTS planning for all 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata Pin #, first? To begin ... :)Have a great weekend.Sincerely, ScottOn Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 12:45 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org > wrote:Dear Ed, and Larry,Yay, I was able to print it after all, after using for the first time in Adobe the Page Setup option, about the Print option ... :)Thank you, Larry and Ed! I'll sign this now, fill out the check and bring it to a US Post Office today :)Sincerely, ScottOn Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 12:35 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org > wrote:Dear Larry and Ed,Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well.And thanks so much, Larry!So, I found the check book for the WUaS Corp ForProfit bank account - x9028 -and will mail this Form 100, with payment with a check for $800 (with about 2x this in the account), towith payment address -
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942857
Sacramento CA 94257-0501
https://www.ftb.ca.gov/help/contact/mailing-addresses.html Ed, would it be possible for you to please print this again? My printer still isn't working, and I'm not sure why. Rebooted and will try one more time. Thank you so much!Will this make the WUaS Corp a possible stock corporation to even list the Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency somehow, I wonder?Sincerely,Scott2/19/22 WUaS Agenda and News -Minutes to come ...On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 12:15 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org > wrote:Dear Larry and Ed,Thanks so much for talking through this WUaS Corp Form 100 for 2021 - attached - with me just now (2/25/22), Larry!Here's the CA FTB Form 100 2021 blank form - https://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2021/2021-100.pdf - and booklet with instructionsLooking for the address in Sacramento to send this into.Ed, my printer does not seem to be working again however! Would you possibly please be able to print this out? And could I possibly please pick this up later this afternoon?Talk to you soon. Thank you!Sincerely, ScottEd,These pictures just popped up, and they made me realize that your birthday was on Wednesday! Happy belated birthday, Ed!
5 years ago today Corte Madera CA + friend #EdSmythMD's birthday hike w his daughter Brianna, in Marin, #SFBayArea How best can we all add photos & resources > #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistor y in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #MachineLearning (@WorldUnivAndSch) Happy birthday Ed! :) Let's take a birthday hike and celebrate soon-ish.Warm regards, Scott----- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorWorld Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 945161) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.
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Norway won the most Gold and other medals at 2022 Olympics in China
#WarmWaterCure #HashTag
Thank a resident for becoming a Medical Doctor - https://youtu.be/CiCfYMxcQck #ThankaResidentDay & re the upcoming Academic Medical Center with #WarmWaterCure in the SF Bay Area part of
's ~200 online Medical Schools and Teaching hospitals - https://wiki.
Thank a resident for becoming a Medical Doctor - https://t.co/cC47QjyBEB #ThankaResidentDay & re the upcoming Academic Medical Center with #WarmWaterCure in the SF Bay Area part of @WorldUnivAndSch's ~200 online Medical Schools and Teaching hospitals - https://t.co/GTme1o0rMR ~
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 25, 2022
Video pic of MD resident
Thank a resident for becoming a Medical Doctor - https://youtu.be/CiCfYMxcQck #ThankaResidentDay & re the upcoming Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure in the SF Bay Area part of
's ~200 online Medical Schools and Teaching hospitals - https://wiki.
Thank a resident for becoming a Medical Doctor - https://t.co/LYuaazHKRQ #ThankaResidentDay & re the upcoming Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure in the SF Bay Area part of @WorldUnivAndSch's ~200 online Medical Schools and Teaching hospitals - https://t.co/uXwz76dq8T ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) February 25, 2022
A new table of medals and countries ... :)
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