'WUaS News and Q&A M 2/21/22' open conversation in Zoom VIDEO
~ (like CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU in 4 languages with Wikipedia in 300 languages)
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday 2/19/22 was generative - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/02/otter-sea-enhydra-lutris.html - with Minutes to come. WUaS is excited to hear further from you, and Brendan Chan at Google, and from WUaS Google Workspace for Education, and re https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home.
Announcement: Mon., 2/21/22 WUaS News and Q&A, 10am PT in Zoom?? -
Scott GK MacLeod is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A Mon 2/21/22
Time: Feb 21, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 769 3227 1970
Passcode: tgiE5F
Looking forward to further communication with you.
With very best wishes,
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/innovation (innovation blog label in daily blog)
WUaS wiki Subjects, for open teaching and learning, planned in many languages too -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects (and in the academic subjects, please see the CC-4 MIT OCW courses that will eventually be for credit for free-to-students' online degrees, Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB or similar ... and potentially in all ~200 countries and in their main languages. And have you seen this new CC-4 "Computer Science CS First with Google at WUaS" course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home - by any chance? Would this or this Google platform be of any help or use to you - and please see the 2/19/22 WUaS Agenda and News in these regards too).
WUaS News and Q&A M 2/21/22
Hi Universitians, All,Here are the 3 'asks" regarding what WUaS asked of the Google Lead for Computer Science Education, Brendan Chan, the other day ... including following up on his suggestion of engaging a GMAIL team approach to developing World Univ & Sch translation in all ~200 countries' official and main languages:)"Hi Brendan,
Thanks so much for your reply again - and the further information. Three 'asks,' please, and in seeking to keep these simple:
A course in May for learning Python and via Lego Robotics' Spike Prime kits, in Cameroon, and in the USA (all 50 states), and potentially in all ~200 countries, and for a hypothetical Mwende Evande in Cameroon, and many other Cameroonian, as well as Gulf of Guinea countries' students?
Additionally, adapt ~3 introductory courses from CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU to CS First withGoogle at World Univ & Sch, for engagement, also for a hypothetical Mwende Evande, and another 3 beginning in term 3 in September (re 4 month terms at WUaS - September-December, based on 15-16 week long MIT OCW courses)? And similarly, adapt ~3 introductory courses from CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU to CS First withGoogle at the PhD level for September?
Begin to list the 2-3 Lego Robotics' Kits on "CSFirst withGoogle at World University and School" courses, available potentially in Cameroon Africa (if their departments of Education can reimburse for this). For your information, the WUaS Educational Services' Store is an authorized reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits in the USA, and online. Was glad to have seen 'kits' listed (regarding not printing paper for lessons at CSFirst withGoogle at WUaS recently). Thanks so so much!
(Will inquire with the CSFirst help links you shared about an automatically generated Certificate of Completion of CSFirst withGoogle at World Univ & Sch soon - for Mwende Evande, so I don't have to write this by hand on the computer, and the 'authority' of the teacher is removed from the student-teacher interaction, thanks to CSFirst withGoogle).
Thanks too for the suggestion about reaching out to Gmail, as I read you, and regarding potentially WUaS setting up language translation teams for developing courses - say 'CS First with Google at WUaS' in all 22 official languages in India - and for translation of many CC-4 licensed resources+ for WUaS courses and toward free-to-students' online CC-4 ocw.mit.edu-centric WUaS degrees, including this CSFirst withGoogle course, Scratch itself, and CC-4 MIT OCW (in its 4 languages), and CC-3 Yale OpenYaleCourses +. Suggestions please on whom to reach out to at Gmail in some of these regards?
Thanks, Scott
12/18/21 Minutes for World Univ & Sch / the WUaS Corp (re Lego Robotics' kits)
- https://worlduniversityandschool. -blogspot.com/2022/01/121821- wuas-minutes-for-open-monthly. html
1/15/22 Minutes for World Univ & Sch / the WUaS Corp (re Lego Robotics' kits too)
https://worlduniversityandschool. -blogspot.com/2022/01/11522- minutes-for-world-univ-sch- wuas.html
https://worlduniversityandschool. -blogspot.com/search/label/ robotics
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/robotics "And here's the video from today, part way down - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/02/northern- ... (FYI, it seems like an 8 minute Zoom video recording can be uploaded to blogspot, but not a 9 minute one ... and will keep you posted for your blogging and Zoom conversations, wiki teaching and learning-wise even, in the future)elephant-seal.html
Best wishes, Scott
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Day 09: And then the #SouthernOcean slowly changed color from blue to white. We made it! Nothing to add, except: Happy me! @Endurance_22 @AWI_Media #endurance22 pic.twitter.com/9bUYTWRHlO
— Stefanie Arndt (@arndt_st) February 14, 2022
The WUaS News and Q&As @WorldUnivAndSch continue at 10 am PT & here's the video from M 2/14/22 - https://t.co/wwwRESVwP7 ~search on 'WUaS News and Q&A M 2/14/22'. If you'd like to join Q&A & help create CC-4 https://t.co/zi8WxtRKGg -centric Meeting@ https://t.co/PxbdiQnysi, email https://t.co/esKV5CDntH
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) February 21, 2022
no pic -
6 years ago today SF Bay Area, Golden Gate Bridge, East Bay. Found daily blog post on 2/21/16 Southwest African lion: Friendly-informed WUaS as an expression of care seeks to facilitate major wiki universities in all countries & their main languages (OCW)https://t.co/TO1WiXaMQ7~ pic.twitter.com/WrUKqr05Rh
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 21, 2022
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Surfing in February in Santa Cruz, California, not too far from the University, (with UCSC's former banana slug mascot, now sea lion) ...
Surfing in February in Santa Cruz, California, not too far from the University, (with UCSC's former banana slug mascot, now sea lion https://t.co/TzEARbY1tU), 8 yrs ago today. With an invitation to @WorldUnivAndSch'S open Monthly Business Meeting Sa 9a PT https://t.co/ZSey6JskHV~ pic.twitter.com/mnGmjazgTm
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 18, 2022
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A very quickly charging very light weight battery to come along, removable from a bicycle with a powerful little motor in the back hub (both super light weight for security & Solar backpacking tent heat, and super light weight fast charging new lithium-metal batteries?
Must look more closely at the design! Innovative! Is that an open flame? Am waiting for a very quickly charging very light weight battery to come along, removable from a bicycle with a powerful little motor in the back hub (both super light weight for security ... remove the back wheel and the battery, like in yesteryear), that could heat a tent at night from the solar panel cloth of the back pack itself in the high Sierra ... but you shared a hot design prototype, and such bicycle motor elements' and design I can't share (but here are some beginnings - scottmacleod.com :)
Ed, - 48 Inch x 100 Ft TEXTILENE 80 Percent Solar - https://www.metroscreenworks.com/48-inch-x-100-ft-textiline-80-percent-solar/ - and - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cell_fabric ... I'm not gonna think about making a homemade back pack out of this yet, until batteries come along! ... and it probably isn't waterproof yet at the same time as being sun conductive!
But heating energy generation is on the way with solar backpacks - https://www.solarfabric.com/voltaic-systems-solar-backpacks/ !:)
Searched on: 'most lightweight fast charging batteries for backpacking' and found: https://www.nitecorestore.com/Nitecore-NB10000-Power-Bank-p/bat-nite-nb10000.htm 🙂
How would, in a tent, such hypothetical back packing heaters - https://www.omega.com/en-us/industrial-heaters/surface-heaters/flexible-heaters/srfra-srfga/p/SRFGA-810-2?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjc2QBhDgARIsAMc3SqROtOrYzrFkMp-dPXVaD-gmsYi7kC0OADXp-XMA6ruikxBDMEt2NQ4aAtU3EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds - work with something like a fan, and as a solar power electric air heater? 🙂
How to use these in a versatile way to heat a room or a house too somehow? 🙂
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Light weight fast charging efficient energy generating battery, Solar electric air heater (DIY,) Solar Cell Cloth, electric bike (DIY with light weight rear wheel motor in hub, and light weight fast recharging battery, also for removal for security and carrying on person)
48 Inch x 100 Ft TEXTILENE 80 Percent Solar - https://t.co/d2uLVNduqk - and - https://t.co/nCY4NqvX8A I'm not gonna think about making a homemade back pack out of #SolarCellCloth, until light batteries come along & it probably isn't waterproof yet while also being sun conductive!
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 21, 2022
But light weight backpacking energy generation - eg
— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) February 21, 2022
'Voltaic Systems Solar backpacks' https://t.co/qwqb4bNVoL - is on the way !:) In the high Sierra mountains in a tent on #PCT? That light & efficient?:) (See too today's @WorldUnivAndSch Q&A blog post - https://t.co/pcgta0mW1E)

Searched on: 'most lightweight fast charging batteries for backpacking,' and found: https://t.co/QDjf234fV8 🙂
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) February 21, 2022
Cool or Hot, and how could the Educational Services' Bookstores and Robot Store cafes @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch begin to manufacture & make these available value-wise?

How would, in a tent, such hypothetical back packing heaters, like these could be -https://t.co/7UUDYFTtjV - work w something like a fan, & even as a solar power electric air heater, for heating a whole tent at 9000 ft or 3000 meters? Get them here 🙂 @WUaSPress@WorldUnivAndSch?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 21, 2022

!#SolarElectricAirHeater! (100W 12V) - 100W Solar Panel runs it! - PV space heating!! Ez #DIY" - https://t.co/sWhdWZit6L
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) February 21, 2022
& with 2nd video on how to double 2X this here - https://t.co/IH3W44BQwW. Integrate with emerging #NovelLithiumBatteries aka #LithiumMetalBatteries @WUaSPress~
Zap Electric Motor on bicycle https://t.co/wuaWubQnh8)
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) February 21, 2022
So, with a new kind of motor, a new light back wheel hub motor, with a light long lasting battery that I could remove for security, And w throttle on the handlebar like old Zap Motor, See 2015 blog https://t.co/uMh0qLDber ~
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Evidence was on the floor (thanks even, somehow, to Stanford Law Prof Hank G., and even former Stanford President and current Chairman of Alphabet, J.H. ... & their deep experience, in Academia and the Law)
Dear Tym,
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