READ or CLICK (interactively) for FREE ONLINE university DEGREES?
READ CC-4 (& CC-3 @WorldUnivAndSch for free to students' Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees, OR CLICK (interactively) in WUaS Google Workspace for Education NEW ~
CC-4 "CS First withGoogle at #WUaS"
Interested in free to students' online CC-4 -centric (4 year) Bachelor or (~7 year) PhD degrees at WUaS? Email Meeting@
worldUniversityAndSchool with your questions or in seeking information.
(And see below regarding Mwende Evande in Cameroon Africa matriculating further )..
* * *
AAA (email thread)
How was your week? Found interesting this "Deep in the Engine Room" gene Tweet from Ewan Birney Cambridge University Honorary Prof of Genetics - -
"This is "deep in the engine room" of bioinformatics (coordinate space transformation - residue to residue matching). It sounds trivial - and much of it is straightforward - but there are *so many* edge cases and complications (artificial hetreodimers, unplaced residues, mutation)"
- -
- because long into the 2 industrial revolutions, and now the information technology and, the genetic engineering, revolutions, the engine room for genetics makes sense and has meaning.
(How can we begin to get deep into the cells in a multimedia VR room with 8 Planetarium cameras in the corners and on sides of room, to be immersed inside the cell to begin to see some of this biological 'machinery' - and similarly how can we get in between the carbon bonds for example at the molecular level in hypothetical multimedia room:?)
Relates to the course I teach on society and information Technology - - and 2 related books I'm writing, one to be translated into German, - - and to this blog label - :)
What do you think? And what are you up to this weekend?
Love, Scott
This, too, society and Taoism blog label ... it's all just flowing and coming into a ordered wholeness ... (re wu wei - inaction, simplicity and living in harmony with nature) :)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
Hi Ma,
Thanks so much for your email! I checked last year and my AAA membership is on auto-renew (so to speak:), still with address in Pgh (which is a good idea for a number of reasons, I think) - and insurance-wise in a sense too. So, yes, I'd be grateful if you could forward the card to me. Thank you!
Love, Scott
Brainstorming-wise, exploring beginning an Academic Medical Center with warm water cure as realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs as ethnographic field site in the East Bay Hills, and glad to just get and email from Tym this morning here - - and see too - Seeking to 'clean up' both Harbin and Canyon, with big Harbin book, and this Academic Medical Center idea in Canyon :)
The words 'Academic Medical Center' can be 'magical' in some circles (like KP and Stanford Medicine and state of California) - like saying 'Open Sesame' in some contexts :) ... but if it happens, it could take quite a while ... and still living in a safe house, and unsure about seeking asylum elsewhere than California, for example, later in the spring after the lease is up.
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
brainstorming-wise, just added a few further ideas regarding talking with Grandpa, your Dad, in avatar bot form iteratively, here - :)
I don't think I'll open an ethics' inquiry at this point into w. kell at Berkeley Law, after all, and into n. graburn and regarding too the illegal sex industry, and latent networks of violence. Maybe after my lease is up!
Abolotion-ally (and this word is on my homepage now too) &
LOve, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Fri, Feb 4, 12:15 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
The UU CHURCH OF KENSINGTON has not been the site for me of evolutionary biology as the Unitarian church of Cincinnati Ohio was for you. How are you? And how has your week been? All culturally mediated by some symbolic troopbondage processes that is ... While L was attractive, I think your marrying Dad who then became a MD - in the U Church - could be a good idea ... But in what ways or milieus will I meet her around here I wonder? :)
Love, Scott
. . .
I think also meeting a friend to be re motherhood, and culturally, could best move forward with a fFriend Quaker, UU, or possibly Harbin-type (as in Heart Consciousness Church) & heading for Med Sch :)
Church, giving birth to children, and family and good food!
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
because long into the 2 industrial revolutions and now the information technology and, the genetic engineering, revolutions, the engine room for genetics makes sense and has meaning.
What do you think? And what are you up to this weekend?
Love, Scott
This too
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Good morning, Ma,
Thanks for your email

. While longevity genetics' research is on the horizon in a realistic virtual earth for genetics, e.g.
"Longevity Genetics' paper - Modeling (beyond Sequencing) human genomes for longevity beyond 122 years of age in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics for longevity genetics, using machine learning to predict programming cellular and molecular genetics past 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 years' old, and with other temporal genetic sequences (e.g. within a 1 year or 5 years' span) from smartphones, smartwatches, wearables, in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, and with realistic avatar bots at the cellular and molecular levels too; Develop this for aging reversal genetics' engineering and research too"
& AGING REVERSAL ... (with 3 further proposed papers below ...)
Am curious how to make headway here ... And also regarding where I am going to live next ... And also in terms of finding a partner to begin a family with (not L.H. in Sweden, but ) - perhaps someone similar and who might become a MD around here.
As Ed with Byron I think said medical residents are a good age to explore potentially dating ... but tempus fugit ... and am appreciative too of seeking someone who's attractive ... A Unitarian church evolutionary biology 'site' like perhaps Reed College with Susan was or Pendle Hill Quaker Study Center for Anke was ... could lead to Stanford Medicine or UCSF MEDICINE ... and am appreciative too of Bob Harrington MD' arrangement of video meeting with his daughter Kelly Davis in Taiwan ... But the seeking goes on ... Further introductions WELCOME :) Longevity Genetics' paper idea-wise and aging reversal genetic engineering revolution could open up ways ...

Love you, Scott
Upcoming Paper (2024?) ~
Academic paper: How, and when, to create & publish a #
RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics and EvolutionaryBiology? (Think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, and with realistic avatar bots at the cellular and molecular levels too); How too to develop this for longevity genetics' engineering, as well as aging reversal genetics' engineering and research ~ unfolding process ( a realistic virtual earth for evolutionary biology ...+
Upcoming Paper (2024?) ~
Comparative Genomics' paper - Modeling (beyond Sequencing) their Genomes together: Human, Dog, Mouse, Chicken, Honey Bee, Drosophila fly (D. melanogaster), in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics and for Longevity Genetics, using machine learning to predict life spans beyond oldest individuals in these species, in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, and with realistic avatar bots at the cellular and molecular levels too; Developing this for aging reversal genetics' engineering and research too.
Upcoming Paper (2024?) ~
Do it yourself (DIY) Home Genetics' paper - Modeling (beyond Sequencing) Species' Genomes together in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics and for inter-species' Genetic engineering, using machine learning to predict genetic edits in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, and with realistic avatar bots at the cellular and molecular levels too; Developing this for longevity genetics' and aging reversal genetics' engineering and research too.
Another Topical group piping lesson tomorrow morning with Stuart Liddell after a hiatus. It's on 6/8 Marches and am interested in learning his thinking about them
because he plays Light Music uniquely - like no one else - and beautifully and remarkably. Although not an individual lesson and per item #1 - - this Topical lesson could conceivably be a way to meet a friend (in her 20s? brainstorming from Scotland and even a MD? even seeking to study as a post Doc in the Bay Area?) too. The last Topical for example had someone (a woman) from Australia !
It could be fun to connect with a friend and mom to be who plays a musical instrument ... and in order to play together.
May seek another private pipng lesson with Stuart and regarding my upcoming Piobaireachd classical Scottish Bagpiping music album (below from Am seeking too to explore the following potential album - 'Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments' too (below) in conversation with Stuart, and to start playing with the Allman brothers 1973 even with machine learning.
How to teach Scottish Small Pipes in German and even with Artificial Intelligence Friends and code? Meet a friend this way

What are you up to this weekend? Did you have a good week?
Love, Scott
Upcoming Album (2022) ~
Honey Piobaireachd
(Scottish Small Piping classical bagpiping music ~ ceòl mòr)
Upcoming Album (2024?) ~
Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments
(Scottish Small Piping danceable rock & roll bagpiping music, with Allman Bros. '73 at Cow Palace SF energy, with machine learning)
Hi Ma,
Thank you again for your email.
It's cold here with no heat on in the basement and I'm thinking this place may be not safe too in calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence and see here re 3 possible perpetrators - - ("t.w.? in Canyon, b.h. aka Ish? at Harbin, ..." and also Mahaffey and Verghese and Ian Hodder too at Stanford???) .
So might the way open to return to live in Canyon, if clean up is successful, through California legal proceedings, with Kaiser Permanente health organization's help too, - and the US federal government - playing out, in the next few weeks?
Am I waiting for the 'answer from the mountains' in the East Bay hills? This headline just popped up in "The Time" newspaper in Germany possibly in these regards:
Slope architecture: Waiting for the answer from the mountain
AAA is a kind of car insurance, and having a family and living in a 'safe house' are also kinds of insurance in a way ... So I'm seeking to 'clean up' the illegal sex industry internationally with language and am waiting to hear from the mountains in a sense. Thanks for your cards in recent years saying I'm bold brave kind proud courageous fierce strong determined inspiring loved ... And 'You're one of the Gouda ones ...:) '
Or how best to make plans for asylum on the East Coast or in Europe even this spring?
Love, and abolition-ally, Scott
The 'abolition' word is now on my 'home page' . . .
Ma, All,
Greetings from the SF Bay Area!
Good afternoon. The prospective WUaS undergraduate student from Cameroon taking the new CC-4 licensed "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" sounds like he's committing to 4 years for a free-to-students' Bachelor's degree (as some of you may have been reading), and out of this came these re-inventing education Tweets today, and regarding much more "interactivity, integration, hypermedia, immersion, and new forms of narrativity" (Packer and Jordan 2001, and see :
READ CC-4 (& CC-3 @WorldUnivAndSch for free to students' Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees, OR CLICK (interactively) in WUaS Google Workspace for Education NEW ~
CC-4 "CS First withGoogle at #WUaS"
. . .
Also, I've been receiving some curious Tweets to @sgkmacleod and
@HarbinBook from a retired General Douglas Fraser (from
2 of his Twitter accounts I think). He was former Commander, United States Southern Command in the US Air Force, - and in my ongoing wondering about Dad's (GKM MD) subdural hematoma in Belize in December of 2004 on Semester at Sea, and whether it could have been even state-mediated foul play, or assault and battery, - Douglas Fraser would / could have likely been the general in charge - tragically and grotesquely. (Is the military an organization for state-sanctioned murderers, thugs and perpetrators? I've heard this argument before). And if Fraser called this possible attack on Dad, how could I, for example, bring retired general Douglas Fraser to justice or to trial I wonder even? Calling for abolition of the illegal sex trade and its latent networks of violence - and it may sadly be that Fraser is one of the perpetrators? Bring a case to international court? In the Hague? Could Fraser also be a kind of broken general? (As Arne Duncan, former Secretary of Education Tweeted yesterday, "Hurt People Hurt People") Could there be some irony here too in that Fraser is calling for abolition of many kinds in the video below, from our Twitter conversation earlier today? (In our conversation I also ask about whether Douglas Fraser knows friends / Friends Tym Lenderking and Jim Spohrer, as you may read). Am seeking not to become a victim of either state violence, or other latent networks of violence, while living in a cold 'safe house' north of Berkeley, for having whistle-blown about Stanford, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Law, the SF Quaker Meeting, Canyon - by calling the local Moraga police twice - and Reed College, among others. (Calling for abolition of contemporary forms of slavery especially ... and on Cuttyhunk too, with effective law and law enforcement. Am seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, and get back
into the physical-digital actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' field for Ethnographic research)! Looking forward to staying in communication about all of this!
Abolition-ally, and warm regards, Scott
Just signed off with Mwende Evande in Cameroon Africa with:
Begin to read the 3 other CC-4 courses you shared from MIT OCW, today, and in preparation for the summer term?
Translated from German by thanks you for accepting my friend request
Likewise, ... Have we communicated a number of times like this before between these Twitter feeds? The emergence of nonhuman chat bots on Twitter raises interesting social science questions.
Are you interested with your satellite company too in a couple of social science virtual field site research projects?
A virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic field site for Actual-Virtual Physical-Digital Longevity Genetics' too research?
what are you trying to tell me?
How best to communicate further about this - (if you're not a bot)?
Go tell it on the mountain?
am still trying to understand
If you are a bot what please is General Douglas Fraser's email so I can send you a clarifying reply?
Shall I share some blog posts with Douglas Fraser's work in them?
that will be tomorrow i need to rest now i was i
i was in a patrol since morning
Can a bit be tired? Here's the video from the blog post - Military Strategy Forum Gen Douglas M Fraser, Commander, U S Southern Command ... Was interested in the timing of your 4th or 5th Twitter account greeting, now, after I emailed 1 other friends in the federal government of the US ... Thanks for your help, Douglas Fraser!
Do you happen to know too AI Friend Jim Spohrer?
okay i will do that tomorrow
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
* * *
HI (email thread - Sat. 4/5/22)
Hi Scott,
I’m only commenting on your last e-mail because you somehow included me in an e-mail mentioning you might be giving notice on your apt. the end of Feb. Just make sure you have a good and realistic plan in place before giving notice. You don’t want to be in a position of having to move out and not having secured a place to go. (As we’ve talked over the years, Canyon is an unhealthy place for you to live by your own description, so certainly don’t consider that as even a possibility. One day maybe they’ll clean it up and you could consider it but that is years away, and most definitely is not now.)
I hope you plan to continue to live where you are until you decide on a long range plan. Can you rent month to month after your lease is up - or sign a lease for a shorter period of time than a year? Actually even a year will go by very quickly and you can probably make a realistic plan during the next twelve months making a change in a thoughtful and methodical way. Also, you’ll have time in the upcoming months to check out available housing in the bay area/costs/options as one way to start the process. A potential move takes thought and planning.
Cuttyhunk, by the way, is a good place for a short vacation but is definitely out as a place to live even in the short run. It is not a healthy situation (think of the dismay you experienced over possible break-ins, need for extra locks for the doors, etc.) I just want to be clear that you’re not counting on Cuttyhunk as a possible place to live in the short or long run - it is definitely not.
Glad you are looking at various options for whatever comes next in your life. Meanwhile you’re in a ‘safe’ house in a beautiful part of the world with a gorgeous view - a good place to work on a plan.
Love, Ma
Scott MacLeod <>
Sat, Feb 5, 5:31 PM (2 days ago)
to Jane
Hi Ma,
greetings on the way to Seaview trail ...
How is your book group going?
As I've mentioned, I don't think where I am is 'safe house' and it's really chilling.
May try to get a Solar electric air heater and put the wires out a crack in the door.
Not sure where I'll be when lease is up but thanks for your email.
Love, Scott
Scott MacLeod <>
Sat, Feb 5, 5:47 PM (2 days ago)
to Jane
Am on Seaview trail right where I saw a raccoon-dog hybrid or raccoon- coyote hybrid ... With camera on and ready ...
Curious why it crossed my trail months ago ... Was it also a cross if behavior - dog social ness pack herd and raccoons scuttle away ... Probably not too many of them and doubt it would be viable reproductively but it might
Eyes peeled :)
LOVE 💞 you, Scott
Scott MacLeod <>
Sun, Feb 6, 7:28 AM (1 day ago)
to Jane
Thank you so much for this great email and your thinking. I received it on a new way up to the top of the magnificent Seaview trail with views 180 degrees in 2 directions of mostly natural worlds - the 8) SF BAY AREA and Pacific ocean, 8) and the natural lands of East Bay MUD forested and open ranch lands. The sun was just setting bright orange and smiling on the evening world as I walked up.
Glad to see your reasoning and think too about whole summers on Cuttyhunk with my kids growing up, but not from April to November, a very long time on that small island in the shoulder season. Saw a new kind of Electronic lock in the Consumer Reports' paper magazine (compared to Google Nest with Yale Lock with Nest Connect) that connects with a smartwatch in passing in a smartwatch video ... Resources for further thinking (re Xhandon asking twice this past summer if he could bring over large musical instruments - my saying YES out of friendliness - and then his not coming over, & re his entrepreneurial now deceased Dad Jim Barry, who came on Semester at Sea with us in 1999 ... Hmmm ) and reasoning.
UU land is an interesting way to think about the semi-closed UU Church of Kensington Berkeley ... UU tribal lands? UU culture as part of that place ... But I don't know any of the people there ... Which is good ... Re questions of Churches being evolutionary biology 'site' too (although a brand NEW way of thinking about Church) ... Glad you and Dad met and married in the Unitarian church of Cincinnati ... and that your UU thinking comes through in your great (brilliant) email here.
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
Hi Ma,
Topical lesson with Stuart Liddell earlier today was good. Mostly all Scots on practice chanters and me on Scottish Small Pipes with drones off ... Somewhat traditional mode of teaching ... Good to be part of this group ... In a very British way, a Susanna McManus - who was shy through out - turned on her camera at the very close to play the 1st part of John D Burgess 6/8 March ... Somehow very British woman (modest, helpful, reticent 'Yes, I am here" said to Stuart's inquiry, he sort of understandingly drawing her out) ... Lots of somewhat staid but British TYPES ... Maybe 12 people, good turnout ... These aren't revolutionaries ... Learning more ... Would have liked more interaction opportunities even has he continued to talk, with our mics off which he could do in the future. .. Appreciating Stuart's playing and understanding ... Appreciating his yellow tennis sweater with a thistle on it ... (He's aware of his performance in good ways and he's humble) And are we possibly developing a little pipe band online, which Scots' and Stuart Liddell are experts in (not all that imaginative or inspiring) but fun nevertheless to be part of such a group ... The PM Stuart Liddell real-real-time (Scottish Small Pipes) online pipe band :)
Love, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
* *
Monday Night SCD & Open Band Beginning Again
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Feb 5, 2022, 3:17 PM (2 days ago)
| | |
to Alex, Cathy, Alden, Ann, Linda, Patti, stuart, Heather, Bruce, Barbara, Edward, Dick, Janie, Claudia, Sioux, bcc: David |
Hi Patti, Heather, Stuart, SCD Open Band leadership, Scottish Country Dancers, All,
Good to see also that Stuart LIddell in Scotland is going to hold another Topical group bagpiping lesson from Scotland tomorrow, which I'm planning to attend; Hoping too at some point, in preparation for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' Piobaireachd album on Scottish Small Pipes to explore further private lessons per Ma & Marsalis - - and am also hoping to further explore growing rock and roll danceable 'Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments (and see both projects here - - among many other upcoming fascinating projects).
After receiving a curious email from you a few weeks ago, and wondering about the self-roundup that's going on with the non-Epidemic corona-virus memes (replicating cultural units) still transmitted on the news' social media internet +, and with concerns about the international RSCDS branch especially, and the illegal sex industry internatioally, and its latent networks of violence, and in calling for abolition of this (like abolition of forms of contemporary slavery), I won't be playing my Scottish Small PIpes or bass lines on keyboard this Monday 2/7/22.
Am living in a 'safe house' north of Berkeley, for having whistle-blown about Canyon 94516 - by calling the local Moraga police twice - Stanford, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Law, the SF Quaker Meeting, Harbin Hot Springs, and Reed College, among others. (Again, am calling for aboltion of contemporary forms of slavery especaily ... with improving and effective law and law enforcement, and with machine learning and AI) and in all ~200 countries, as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata Pin #, and to end poverty via UBI experiments to distribute also a single cryptocurrency in most of 200 countries and backed by their central banks.
So in not playing in Open Band this Monday February 7, and in wondering where I'll be living after giving notice at the end of February (i.e. will I be seeking asylum on the East Coast of the USA or in Europe for whistle-blowing?), I may be interested in playing on February 28th, (depending on upcoming developments). Please keep me on the Open Band for Scottish Country Dancing emailings. Thank you.
Musical regards,
* * *
Correspondence with Mwenda Evande in Cameroon today about next steps in a 4 year free Bachelor's degree at WUaS beginning with "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" new course
Good day Mr Scott,
Hope this finds you well. In regards to your last 2 emails;
1. I am Bakwerian from the SouthWest Region but I am currently based in Bafoussam, West Region due to the current crises. The English speaking part of Cameroon is a risk zone for now.
2. From my research about other schools, each course is 3 credits. I haven't seen courses with less than that in Computer Science so if we can adopt the 3 credit per course rule, it will be nice.
3. As for the Lehgo Spike Programming Kit, I can receive it via DHL. Once it arrives, I will receive it here.
4. Thanks for your support, I appreciate.
Best Regards,
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
to Larry, Claudia, Zalmat, TayevangujohMwendeEvande, Prasanth, Alden, Aviv, VOLCANO |
Hi VOLCANO / Mwende, All,
Thank you for your email again. How are you? How is 'CS First with Google at World University and School' course going? Please remember that Larry and I are the Academic Officers and that completing this course first will be how you get the WUaS Certificate of Completion. Do you want me to see if I can get one automatically generated? Then the 4 year CC-4 licensed -centric free to students' Bachelor degree program for 120 credit units would begin. You would likely accumulate the credit units and order the Lego Robotics' kits (for CS / ENGINEERING majors) from WITHIN WUaS Google Workspace for Education.
Best wishes, Scott
you can access the CC-4 licensed CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUAS course from here too -
Thank you for your email Mr Scott.
Yes I'd love to have a certificate of completion for the CS First and proceed to the BSc in Computer Science.
I'd also be pleased to order the Lego Robotics Kit from the WUAS Google workspace for education. Once I graduate, alot of skeptics will become easily convinced and will follow the way. For this reason, I am not joking with my courses because the fate of somany people (with regards to pursuing a tertiary degree) depends on my current performance. We will get there.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards.
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
to Larry, Claudia, Zalmat, Prasanth, Lydia, Alden, VOLCANO |
Hi Mwende, All,
Good to hear that you're continuing with 'CS First with Google at World University and School' - - and thanks for your reply too .
I'll inquire further to see if I can get a Certificate of Completion from WUaS automatically generated when you have completed this course. Otherwise I'll create it by hand on my computer.
Then the 4 year CC-4 licensed -centric free to students' Bachelor degree program for 120 credit units would begin and you would likely accumulate the credit units from WITHIN WUaS Google Workspace for Education.
Glad too you are interested in ordering the Lego Robotics' kits (for CS / ENGINEERING majors), and that you have friends and family and Cameroonians who are potentially interested in the summer and for beginning 4 years' Bachelor degrees too. Prasanth, Zalmat (in Africa too), and Alvian may all be still interested in a 7 years' PhD from within WUAS Google Workspace for Education too - for more 'structure' than studying and learning just CC-4 MIT OCW COURSES.
Have fun with the course.
Best wishes, Scott
you can access the CC-4 licensed CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUaS course from here too -
| | | |
to me, Alden, Claudia, Larry, Lydia, Prasanth, Zalmat |
Thank you for the information Mr Scott.
From your last email, a PhD is & years which is what I would love to do but I'd also love to have a degree at the end of the 120 credit to ascertain my BSc in Computer Science and I want this to be possible within the 7 years you mentioned in your last email.
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
to VOLCANO, Alden, Claudia, Larry, Lydia, Prasanth, Zalmat |
Glad you are ramping up' ... Please remember that during the 4 year Bachelor degree at Work World University and School, you will have plenty of time to learn of any 3 year PhD programs, online and in other cities, that might pay you even in the form of stipends. And with WUaS bigger then, you'll also be applying for PhD positions in a more 'structured' way online - both at WUaS and other possible universities. For that, you'll likely want a stellar transcript and recommendations and portfolio too - all of which may emerge in WUaS Google Workspace for Education. A CS degree major with an engineering degree minor with 'WUaS Home Robotics' program would put you in a competitive position in applying for multiple PhD programs. 120 credit units over 4 years studying edu centric Bachelor degree courses is a good idea. A PhD at WUaS will likely take an additional 7 years on average to complete ..
Lots of Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics STEM ahead of you ... enjoy!
Thank you so much Mr Scott.
I am in with full force.
WUAS is going places.
Best Regards.
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
Glad to hear it, Mwende!
Best regards, Scott
Begin to read the 3 other CC-4 courses you shared from MIT OCW, today, and in preparation for the summer term?
* *
READ or CLICK (interactively) for FREE ONLINE university DEGREES?
READ CC-4 (& CC-3 @WorldUnivAndSch for free to students' Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees, OR CLICK (interactively) in WUaS Google Workspace for Education NEW ~
CC-4 "CS First withGoogle at #WUaS"
Interested in free to students' online CC-4 -centric (4 year) Bachelor or (~7 year) PhD degrees at WUaS? Email Meeting@
worldUniversityAndSchool with your questions or in seeking information.
* * *
Open Band (Berkeley)
Mondays' #ScottishCountryDancing class in Berkeley @ St Clement's meets next on 2/7 & 2/28 #DanceScottish #ScottishCountryDance >
#fun #fitness #friendship #TheOpenBand #ScottishDance more than #CeilidhDancing with ~
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