How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook? A #ToyotaProaceElectric 2023 USA in with enough range & great for sleeping in!
How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook? A #ToyotaProaceElectric 2023 USA in with enough range & great for sleeping in!
— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) February 23, 2022
How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual Hot Springs? #RealisticVirtualHarbin A Toyota Proace Electric 2023 USA in w/ enough range & great for sleeping in!
How best to develop #PhysicalDigital #HotSprings, for soaking from home, & #EthnographicResearch by visiting actual Hot Springs? #RealisticVirtualHarbin A Toyota Proace Electric 2023 USA in w/ enough range & great for sleeping in!
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) February 23, 2022
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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Cas13 RNA design for knockdown of chicken cells
Hi Julian Sng & Genome scientists,
Into a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics for TRANSLATION too? Think #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider Maps Earth #TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords, - @WorldUnivAndSch to translate 1) #CSFirst 2) #Scratch 3) these moleculeS -ALL HANDS ON DECK?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) February 3, 2022
Molecular electronics sensors on a scalable semiconductor chip: A platform for single-molecule measurement of binding kinetics and enzyme activity
— george church (@geochurch) February 3, 2022
Publish & connect 360 photos with the Street View app
Here's the proposed 'brainstorming' academic paper -
Comparative Genomics' paper - Modeling (beyond Sequencing) their Genomes together: Human, Dog, Mouse, Chicken, Honey Bee, Drosophila fly (D. melanogaster), in a #
One aspect of WUaS World Univ & Sch's seeking to develop a realistic virtual earth for genetics in Google Street View with time slider is WUaS's plans to facilitate academic publishing in new ways, potentially publishing in 3D for example, and with text-in-the-sidebar as well, both to paper, as well as to something like #wuAsVR on a new digital platform too (possibly a new computer, and even with new chips).
adding all genes, and All libraries, all museums, in all languages - ever - by iteratively adding them to Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI + in 1 realistic virtual earth for libraries and museums (and everything), especially genetics ...
With a #FilmTo3D App, e.g. -
Also found ...
lentiCRISPR v2
(Plasmid #52961) - which is far too expensive ...
Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program
At Google Education - Dear Brendan, Appreciating the two links you shared (mission-wise in a sense):
"CS First: A computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn"
"How can we help you?
Dear Peter and Brendan,
"How can we help you?"
Hi Scott -I've attempted to respond to your questions below in blue, but I think generally, I should emphasize that the role that my team and I play is focused on what you see on the official CS First website and related properties like our Help Center.Anything outside of that is done either needs to be discussed with other organizations you name (for example, you've mentioned Lego and Scratch and MIT in your emails, but those are separate entities from Google, so you'd need to contact them if you have questions about their work or a proposal to collaborate with them). Otherwise, anything done with CS First by other organizations or individuals is done based on the licensing and terms listed on our website and typically without our assistance.I hope this helps! And I'm afraid that I won't be able to respond in this level of detail moving forward, so best of luck.Thanks,BrendanOn Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 9:22 AM Info WorldUniversity < > wrote:Hi Brendan,Thanks so much for your reply again - and the further information. Three 'asks,' please, and in seeking to keep these simple:A course in May for learning Python and via Lego Robotics' Spike Prime kits, in Cameroon, and in the USA (all 50 states), and potentially in all ~200 countries, and for a hypothetical Mwende Evande in Cameroon, and many other Cameroonian, as well as Gulf of Guinea countries' students?CS First is exclusively built on top of Scratch and is unrelated to Python or Lego, so I don't think we can help you with anything here. You're welcome to use CS First content for educational purposes per the licensing and terms listed on our website, but you'd need to do all of that without the assistance of our team.Additionally, adapt ~3 introductory courses from CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU to CS First withGoogle at World Univ & Sch, for engagement, also for a hypothetical Mwende Evande, and another 3 beginning in term 3 in September (re 4 month terms at WUaS - September-December, based on 15-16 week long MIT OCW courses)? And similarly, adapt ~3 introductory courses from CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU to CS First withGoogle at the PhD level for September?If you have questions about MIT's OpenCourseWare, you would need to talk to the team at MIT. The CS First team does not work with them.Begin to list the 2-3 Lego Robotics' Kits on "CSFirst withGoogle at World University and School" courses, available potentially in Cameroon Africa (if their departments of Education can reimburse for this). For your information, the WUaS Educational Services' Store is an authorized reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits in the USA, and online. Was glad to have seen 'kits' listed (regarding not printing paper for lessons at CSFirst withGoogle at WUaS recently). Thanks so so much!CS First does not have any connection to Lego Robotics at this time, so I don't think we would be able to assist with anything related to this effort.(Will inquire with the CSFirst help links you shared about an automatically generated Certificate of Completion of CSFirst withGoogle at World Univ & Sch soon - for Mwende Evande, so I don't have to write this by hand on the computer, and the 'authority' of the teacher is removed from the student-teacher interaction, thanks to CSFirst withGoogle).Our certificates are not co-branded or auto-generated at this time. We offer a digital PDF of our certificate here and have a select set of countries where we offer physical kits (those are found on our Help Center). I don't think you'll get a different answer by contacting our team through our support channels so if you haven't reached out already, I think you're okay to skip that question or questions like it.Thanks too for the suggestion about reaching out to Gmail, as I read you, and regarding potentially WUaS setting up language translation teams for developing courses - say CS First with Google in all 22 official languages in India - and for translation of many CC-4 licensed resources+ for WUaS courses and toward free-to-students' online CC-4 WUaS degrees. Suggestions please on whom to reach out to at Gmail in some of these regards?I was attempting to use the Gmail team in my previous email as an analogy about the work we do as a team and was not suggesting that you contact someone on the Gmail team. Any translation related to the development of your courses would need to be done by your organization.Thanks, Scott12/18/21 Minutes for World Univ & Sch / the WUaS Corp (re Lego Robotics' kits)1/15/22 Minutes for World Univ & Sch / the WUaS Corp (re Lego Robotics' kits too)
https://worlduniversityandschool. minutes-for-world-univ-sch- wuas.html On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 2:26 PM Brendan Chan <> wrote:Hi Scott,We don't have any formal engagements like what you're describing right now, so anything you did would have to be on your own without our support or engagement. As a small team, we're pretty focused on specific efforts each year and have to prioritize a bunch, but I hope that one day we can offer the ability to engage on a larger scale!I'm not seeing anything in your email that requires direct engagement with our team. I think a good analogy might be to ask yourself how you'd interact with a team like the Gmail team at Google if you were trying to do something for your organization. They offer a tool with supporting resources and support channels, and our equivalent of a 'tool' is our curriculum and supporting resources and channels are all available on our website.Thanks,Brendan
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