Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Great Barrier Reef: While remaining an OPEN teaching & learning wiki, WUaS welcomes States' Parties to write applications for specific schools

While remaining an open wiki for teaching and learning resources,

where anyone can add a free online School,

or something they teach,

will World Univ & Sch - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ -

engage an approach akin to UNESCO world heritage's inscription of properties,

by welcoming same states' parties to write applications for specific schools

(vis-a-vis their WUaS university)

in various languages and kinds of knowledge in their particular state...?

Hmm ... would get states' parties engaged in many ways :)

(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/05/great-barrier-reef-while-remaining-open.html - May 24, 2011)

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