Monday, December 31, 2012
Water lily flowers: In warm pool chez Harbin
In warm pool
chez Harbin,
both naked,
he turned her bodymind,
freely, in so many,
almost trippy, ways,
with skill, confidence,
and wonderful, therapeutic
assurance ~ normality in
meditative freedom,
in human wine cask rolling ...
an emergent, Harbin skill ...
and what lovely wine,
dancing together
in these wondrous waters!
Harbin Hot Springs,
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Portulaca flowers: Would like to explore welcoming Indian classical music online in World University and School, with performances et al., and with interactive, live communities, and audiences, and in a way that is beautiful and flourishing
I'd like to explore welcoming Indian classical music online in World University and School, with performances et al., and with interactive, live communities, and audiences, and in a way that is beautiful and flourishing ...
It would be fun to find beginning examples as precedent, beyond YouTubes
(e.g. Ravi Shankar at Monterey ... :)
... perhaps where we learners could discretely make music with, on the internet, and thereby learn ...
Carnatic Music:
Classical Indian Music:
I'd like to explore welcoming Indian classical music online in World University and School, with performances et al., and with interactive, live communities, and audiences, and in a way that is beautiful and flourishing ...
It would be fun to find beginning examples as precedent, beyond YouTubes
(e.g. Ravi Shankar at Monterey ... :)
... perhaps where we learners could discretely make music with, on the internet, and thereby learn ...
Carnatic Music:
Classical Indian Music:
global university,
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Palau Rock island: Support World University and School in the remaining hours of 2012
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS pages:
Dear Universitians,
As 2012 draws to a close, we hope you'll consider supporting World University and School with a contribution.
Every day World University and School adds further MIT-centric and wiki resources, inviting you to do the same, as we work toward offering free, online, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor, Ph.D., I.B., law and M.D. degrees.
We're thankful for the funding we receive from the individuals who've supported us over the years, but in order to keep doing what we do, and begin to become independent, free and sustainable, we also depend on the generous support of independent friends and readers like you. Your donations will help cover the cost of server space, administrative costs, our microgrant programs and World University and School staff.
Please consider a gift to World University and School today.
Here's how to Support World University and School in the remaining hours of 2012, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
Best wishes for the New Year,
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS pages:
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Geyser Lady Knox, New Zealand: Here's how to Support World University and School in the Remaining Hours of 2012
World University and School had a lovely holiday party yesterday evening in Pittsburgh, PA, and while its baby steps continue to get more certain, they're still baby steps and the baby still isn't holding hands, to speak of, especially financially.
Here's the invitation:
"I'm writing to invite you to come over to the MacLeod's on Juniata, 15208, for a tune or two on the bagpipes, snacks, a 10 minute information session / Q&A about World University and School, as well as to meet some of WUaS's officers, and for information about WUaS's finances and plans, on Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 7:30.
It would be great to see you if you are in town.
WUaS would like overachieving students to apply this autumn 2013, to matriculate in autumn 2014 for free, MIT-centric, bachelor degrees.
As 2012 draws to a close, we hope you'll consider supporting World University and School with a contribution.
Every day World University and School adds further MIT-centric and wiki resources, inviting you to do the same, as we work toward offering, free, online, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor, Ph.D., I.B., law and M.D. degrees online.
We're thankful for the funding we receive from the individuals who've supported us over the years, but in order to keep doing what we do, and begin to become independent, free and sustainable, we also depend on the generous support of independent friends and readers like you. Your donations will help cover the cost of server space, administrative costs, our microgrant programs and World University and School staff.
Please consider a gift to World University and School today.
Donate now
Here's how to Support World University and School in the remaining hours of 2012 and click on the PayPal button ... ... ...
World University and School had a lovely holiday party yesterday evening in Pittsburgh, PA, and while its baby steps continue to get more certain, they're still baby steps and the baby still isn't holding hands, to speak of, especially financially.
Here's the invitation:
"I'm writing to invite you to come over to the MacLeod's on Juniata, 15208, for a tune or two on the bagpipes, snacks, a 10 minute information session / Q&A about World University and School, as well as to meet some of WUaS's officers, and for information about WUaS's finances and plans, on Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 7:30.
It would be great to see you if you are in town.
WUaS would like overachieving students to apply this autumn 2013, to matriculate in autumn 2014 for free, MIT-centric, bachelor degrees.
As 2012 draws to a close, we hope you'll consider supporting World University and School with a contribution.
Every day World University and School adds further MIT-centric and wiki resources, inviting you to do the same, as we work toward offering, free, online, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor, Ph.D., I.B., law and M.D. degrees online.
We're thankful for the funding we receive from the individuals who've supported us over the years, but in order to keep doing what we do, and begin to become independent, free and sustainable, we also depend on the generous support of independent friends and readers like you. Your donations will help cover the cost of server space, administrative costs, our microgrant programs and World University and School staff.
Please consider a gift to World University and School today.
Donate now
Here's how to Support World University and School in the remaining hours of 2012 and click on the PayPal button ... ... ...
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Seedbank: Here's MIT Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and President of edX, Anant Agarwal, offering a key argument for open, free, online education: INNOVATION in education, World University and School's Innovation and Technologies' wiki subject pages ...
Here's MIT Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and President of edX {}, Anant Agarwal, offering a key argument for open, free, online education: INNOVATION in education via computation and technology ...
Here are World University and School's
Innovation - - and
Technologies' - - wiki subject pages ...
with an invitation to edit these and other WUaS wiki pages.
Here's MIT Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and President of edX {}, Anant Agarwal, offering a key argument for open, free, online education: INNOVATION in education via computation and technology ...
Anant Agarwal: We can really change the face of education
Here are World University and School's
Innovation - - and
Technologies' - - wiki subject pages ...
with an invitation to edit these and other WUaS wiki pages.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Great apes: As human primates, I think yoga, particularly yogasana (e.g. yoga poses), has much value for navigating not only the evolutionary biological history of our hominid bodyminds in terms of socioculture, but also learning about our hominid neurophysiologies in terms of critical thinking from a place of health and ease (which yoga generates), Ahimsa - Nonviolence - Pacifism - To avoid harming, Bonobo chimpanzee, Ecology, Evolution, Evolutionary biology, Modernity, Primatology, Theories of Learning, Yoga
As human primates, I think yoga, particularly yogasana (i.e. yoga poses), has much value for navigating not only the evolutionary biological history of our hominid bodyminds, but also providing a kind of code (e.g. Patanjali's sutras, - - thought about critically, and, vis-a-vis the yamas, for example, minus conceptions of the divine, of brahmacharya, of greedlessness {e.g. a fair/living wage and socially conscious entrepreneurship both have merit}, et al., and plus with support for primate mates/offspring, and sexuality, and also plus nonharming, integrity/truthfulness, and non-stealing, et al.), with which to navigate, and affect, the socioculture within which we live, as well as our own neurophysiologies/biologies, in terms of critical thinking from a 'place' of health and ease (which yoga can generate). As human hominids that learn, I wonder particularly how we might learn 'nonharming,' vis-a-vis Bonobo chimpanzees - which is so much nicer, and caring, for the 'other,' than harming.
While both species of chimpanzees are our closest genetic relatives (by some estimates, we share 98% of our genes in common), Bonobo chimpanzees seem to have been selected for nonharming, matriarchal society, egalitarianism and much sexuality, and common chimpanzees seem to have been selected for violence and territorialism, in part, among other sometimes negative-to-the-'other' traits, - where speciation occurred possibly 5-7 million years' ago for all of our species, as I interpret the scientific literature. While such an inheritance, or legacy, and its implications for humans, aren't too actively considered these days in the modern world, or in the media, and also vis-a-vis the internet, particularly in terms of 'narratives' from which we can learn, I wonder how humans might benefit from learning about our natural history, vis-a-vis these species as a form of realism - with much further research and primatological science needed - and wonder also about ways in which this might create more peace on earth among humans, especially.
Orangutans and humans may share a common ancestor from some 17 million years' ago, and Orangs may also be very solitary in their habitats, and some researchers also consider them among the most intelligent of primate species, of which there are some 376. Such solitariness seems to have much benefit for learning from, as well, in terms of human, social conflict, as I see it.
But while we human primates are intelligent and can learn, our closest, primate relatives, - which are also most intelligent, including gorillas, by some accounts among all the 376 species of primates - seem to learn far less well than humans, by way of comparison, with language, for example. Evolutionary biology, language and symbols have given humans the ability to learn in remarkable ways.
Yoga's focus on Ahimsa (i.e. to avoid harming), and that both Yoga and Ahimsa are learnable, and Bonobo chimpanzees' evolutionary biological 'inheritance' of nonharming via evolution by natural selection in this primate species, seem to be fruitful avenues for study, and for learning from, by us human primates.
I'm particularly interested in how learning nonviolence for us human primates might occur through kinds of 'ecology,' which not only include questions, and research about, inter-species relationships and habitat, - our human, hominid, evolution legacy, - but also include understanding the internet, modernity, languages, interspecies and inter-sociocultural relationships.
Writing, research, teaching and learning seem to be possibly fruitful avenues for this ... and with an invitation to do yogasana regularly, and learn pacifism.
World University and School offers some wiki subjects / approaches to learn about these issues ...
Ahimsa - Nonviolence - Pacifism - To avoid harming -
Ecology -
Evolution -
Evolutionary biology -
Modernity -
Theories of Learning -
Yoga -
From Harvard pediatrician Dr. John Palfrey:
"Please read our son, John Palfrey's letter to his Phillips Academy, Andover students, about the violence (recent shooting of 26 children and teachers in Newtown, CT) and how students might respond: ."
SM: Thanks! ... added this to World University and School's Ahimsa - Nonviolence - Pacifism - To avoid harming, wiki, subject page ... ...
From Harvard pediatrician Dr. John Palfrey:
"Please read our son, John Palfrey's letter to his Phillips Academy, Andover students, about the violence (recent shooting of 26 children and teachers in Newtown, CT) and how students might respond: ."
SM: Thanks! ... added this to World University and School's Ahimsa - Nonviolence - Pacifism - To avoid harming, wiki, subject page ... ...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Whistling caterpillar: Whistleblowing is such an important societal function in terms of information sharing for getting companies to do the right thing, and all of this is rewritten with wikis and the web, Wikipedia's history and protocols inform wiki World University and School, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, with free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric, university degrees planned
Whistleblowing is such an important societal function in terms of information sharing for getting companies to do the right thing, and all of this is rewritten with wikis and the web, in general. And wiki knowledge-generation, - with Wikipedia's protocols (see Wikipedia:How to edit a page - Wikipedia), and as an example, and with its progressive (as I see it) guiding vision and history, and in multiple languages, - is a great way to share knowledge about companies, and help them do better than they already are, in a market-economy in the information age. And with the distributed internet (there are infinite URLs :), web sites and wikis, there are fortunately a lot of good ways to do this. Wikipedia's history and protocols inform wiki World University and School - - which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, with free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric, university degrees planned.
Merry, merry and Happy, happy! :)
The Whistling Caterpillar LiveScience
Whistleblowing is such an important societal function in terms of information sharing for getting companies to do the right thing, and all of this is rewritten with wikis and the web, in general. And wiki knowledge-generation, - with Wikipedia's protocols (see Wikipedia:How to edit a page - Wikipedia), and as an example, and with its progressive (as I see it) guiding vision and history, and in multiple languages, - is a great way to share knowledge about companies, and help them do better than they already are, in a market-economy in the information age. And with the distributed internet (there are infinite URLs :), web sites and wikis, there are fortunately a lot of good ways to do this. Wikipedia's history and protocols inform wiki World University and School - - which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, with free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric, university degrees planned.
Merry, merry and Happy, happy! :)
The Whistling Caterpillar LiveScience
Monday, December 24, 2012
Plant communities: I'm curious to explore how COMMUNITY will develop around WUaS, wiki, Subject pages, Ways in which WUaS can help generate / develop this. Google + group video hangouts are one likely 'place' but there are so many other online possibilities, Would such 'WUaS Subject page' communities rewrite familiar understandings of local community, Online, 'eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology' communities, Online, Scientific communities
I'm curious to explore how COMMUNITY will develop around WUaS, wiki, Subject pages, - -
as well as many other wiki pages at WUaS,
and ways in which WUaS can help generate / develop this.
Google + group video hangouts are one likely 'place' this will occur,
but there are so many other online possibilities.
Would such 'WUaS Subject page' communities rewrite familiar understandings of 'local community'?
Online, 'eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology' communities ... ? :)
And 'online, 'green chemistry' communities ...
as well as other MIT/Harvard-centric, scientific and academic communities ... ? :) ...
yes, yes, yes ...
I'm curious to explore how COMMUNITY will develop around WUaS, wiki, Subject pages, - -
as well as many other wiki pages at WUaS,
and ways in which WUaS can help generate / develop this.
Google + group video hangouts are one likely 'place' this will occur,
but there are so many other online possibilities.
Would such 'WUaS Subject page' communities rewrite familiar understandings of 'local community'?
Online, 'eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology' communities ... ? :)
And 'online, 'green chemistry' communities ...
as well as other MIT/Harvard-centric, scientific and academic communities ... ? :) ...
yes, yes, yes ...
global university,
local community,
loving bliss,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Flowers on the trail: Holiday greetings!
Flowers on the trail ~ Holiday greetings 2012 !
World University and School - - has grown over the course of the year, but the WUaS baby is only still walking, and not yet running 'holding hands,' especially financially.
I'm glad to say that as a consequence of a Stanford Coursera 'Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship' course this autumn, World University and School has doubled the size of its board, and our new Board Members hail from three non-U.S. countries, and are native speakers of three non-English languages.
World University and School plans to move from Wikia to Wikidata in the New Year. Wikidata is a new, Creative Commons' licensed database being developed with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind by Wikimedians.
Thanks to wiki World University and School, with its wiki-openness, and MIT OCW as academic standard, basis and content, - and eventually for all 7,413+ languages and 205+ countries - WUaS is seeking to generate a flourishing, people-to-people, teaching and learning conversation, with an invitation to edit a page, and teach to your web camera. Wikipedia is in 285 languages, by way of comparison, and we all created this.
World University and School continues to hold electronically-mediated, hour-long open, monthly business meetings on the second Saturdays of the month at 9 am PT, in the manner of Quakers, having started to do these in Google + Hangouts, this autumn, and no longer in Free Conference Call. The Google + Hangouts remarkably facilitate international communication. WUaS welcomes you to participate, via - - and via this email address - - and via this blog -
In seeking to become a MIT / Harvard of the internet, I think free, C.C., online, university degrees in many languages will benefit so many people, and is also a fascinating process to develop.
My actual / virtual Harbin ethnographic book proceeds apace ~ I'm writing the 8th out of 9 chapters, in this first book, with potentially 3 or 4 more Harbin books planned - I find Harbin both inspiring and fascinating, emerging from the 1960s and 1970s as it does, and especially its pools-centric milieu and influences thereof.
I was glad to give a talk about Harbin at UC Berkeley on November 2, 2012, which you can view here ...
Naked, Virtual Harbin:
An Anthropology of Erotisme and the Touristic Imaginaire
also accessible here -
While I haven't taught the "Society and Information Technology" course, on Harvard's virtual island, or elsewhere, which I've taught for years, I have continued to teach yoga regularly - I'm curious to explore teaching {and learning} yoga via something like Skype or in a Google + Hangout with a large screen.
And I continue to blog daily, - - which I've been doing now for nearly 5 years, and which is a way to share ideas, even as a kind of conversation, which I find inspiring in a variety of ways.
And in a variety of ways, I continue to explore thinking out of the box ... with a focus of inquiry on eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, here, for example - - and here - ... I haven't yet found the 'on/off switch,' the 'cello bow stroke,' or the dial, but listening to music is a beginning.
My home in the east bay hills of the San Francisco Bay Area, and in the city of Oakland's watershed, in the community of Canyon, above a redwood forest, continues to be inspiring in so many ways.
Canyon, California
Here are a few of the poems I've written this year, which I think you'd enjoy ...
Yosemite Traveling Poem to Lembert Dome
She dappled sun
I started piping for
The bell was sailing off Canapitsit
I kissed your back
Would like to sail
Bodymind electricity sings to me, o thee, who are pair
In the space between warm water molecules, home at Harbin
Elephant seals: Santa Cruz, on New Year's Day
How different it is to soak at Harbin, than to realize it virtually
... accessible here at the 'poetry' label ... ...
All the best to you all in the new year and beyond,
Scott MacLeod
PO Box 442,
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Larch tree: Want to read/learn about the Scottish Independence movement, enjoying Gerry Hassan's thoughts and Scottish insights vis-a-vis independence and insights into Scottish culture
M, Can you please suggest an article or two with a good overview on how Scottish Independence would play out vis-a-vis England and the EU, in terms of education, law, defense, taxation, political representation, and the many, other, related 'sociological' categories/departments, perhaps for a non-Scottish European or American readership, after a UK vote in 2014 or later? ( Thanks!
Want to read/learn about the Scottish Independence movement ... How about ... ... > will add to WUaS's Scotland wiki subject page > ... (recommended by an on-the-ground Scottish friend :) Fascinating, timely, historical events …
... enjoying Gerry Hassan's thoughts and Scottish insights vis-a-vis independence - - and insights into Scottish culture ... methinks the internet matters ... are there folks similar to Hassan focusing on such questions of Scottish independence and information technologies (added the Scotsman article on Three providing free internet to the Highlands here - ) ... and who are the 5-100 N. Gregory Mankiw's (chair of the Harvard economics' department) writing copiously and rigorously about Scottish Independence and Scotland's economic future, and since '76-77 with a first, recent attempt at independence, (as I understand it)? What are the best, online, free, MIT-like courses on Scottish History and Scots' Gaelic ..
M, Can you please suggest an article or two with a good overview on how Scottish Independence would play out vis-a-vis England and the EU, in terms of education, law, defense, taxation, political representation, and the many, other, related 'sociological' categories/departments, perhaps for a non-Scottish European or American readership, after a UK vote in 2014 or later? ( Thanks!
Want to read/learn about the Scottish Independence movement ... How about ... ... > will add to WUaS's Scotland wiki subject page > ... (recommended by an on-the-ground Scottish friend :) Fascinating, timely, historical events …
... enjoying Gerry Hassan's thoughts and Scottish insights vis-a-vis independence - - and insights into Scottish culture ... methinks the internet matters ... are there folks similar to Hassan focusing on such questions of Scottish independence and information technologies (added the Scotsman article on Three providing free internet to the Highlands here - ) ... and who are the 5-100 N. Gregory Mankiw's (chair of the Harvard economics' department) writing copiously and rigorously about Scottish Independence and Scotland's economic future, and since '76-77 with a first, recent attempt at independence, (as I understand it)? What are the best, online, free, MIT-like courses on Scottish History and Scots' Gaelic ..
Friday, December 21, 2012
Evergreen forest: This good Harvard piece took me into the world of Tolkien's "The Hobbit" again, just like that ... there and back again ..., The article makes mention of the '60s, Counterculture and Modernity, - + - Frodo Lives :) Ah, writing and the virtual
This good Harvard piece took me into the world of Tolkien's "The Hobbit" again,
just like that ... there and back again ...
"The ongoing allure of Tolkien: Harvard scholar explores folklore that underscores 'The Hobbit'"
The article makes mention of the '60s, Counterculture and Modernity ...
will look to add it to the Counterculture wiki subject page - -
and to the 1960s' wiki - -
and Modernity - ...
- + - Frodo Lives :)
Ah, writing and the virtual ...
This good Harvard piece took me into the world of Tolkien's "The Hobbit" again,
just like that ... there and back again ...
"The ongoing allure of Tolkien: Harvard scholar explores folklore that underscores 'The Hobbit'"
The article makes mention of the '60s, Counterculture and Modernity ...
will look to add it to the Counterculture wiki subject page - -
and to the 1960s' wiki - -
and Modernity - ...
- + - Frodo Lives :)
Ah, writing and the virtual ...
global university,
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tree frog: World University and School's approach to the 'LOCAL' or PLACE is first with wiki teachers and learners NOW at their computers (edit a page) from anywhere with an internet connection with video, then with students on-the-ground studying for a bachelor's degree beginning in 2014, then in countries (205+), and with places associated with languages (7,413+), and then with the WUAS Medical School in 2019, - for free, online, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW-centric education, including university degrees.
World University and School's (like Wikipedia with MIT OCW)
approach to the LOCAL or PLACE is
approach to the LOCAL or PLACE is
first with wiki teachers and learners NOW
at their / your computers (edit a page)
from anywhere with an internet connection with video,
at their / your computers (edit a page)
from anywhere with an internet connection with video,
then with students on-the-ground studying for a bachelor's degree beginning in 2014,
then in countries (205+) -, and
and with places associated with languages (7,413+) -,
beginning with the 6 United Nations' languages,
and lingua francas of Africa, such as Portuguese and Swahili,
beginning with the 6 United Nations' languages,
and lingua francas of Africa, such as Portuguese and Swahili,
and then with the WUAS Medical School in 2019,
for free, online, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric education, including university degrees.
World University and School ...
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Bush crickets: Ideas about Practicing - Playing a Musical Instrument, Plus many other music-playing / instrument practicing links, You can add to this, Online Music Playing Spaces, How to bring together playing a Musical Instrument with 'Eliciting Loving Bliss Neurophysiology' in flourishing ways?, Guidelines Practicing Loving Bliss v-a-v Musical Instrument
Practicing - Playing a Musical Instrument#Ideas
This page is for sharing ideas about playing / practicing, particularly for making practicing fun or enjoyable, and even flourishing. Explore enjoying the sounds of the music your instrument generates.
Here are some developing, online, Music Playing Spaces, that are free and open:
Try to play / practice at least 20 minutes a day, per instrument, or sing, - with enjoyment, and socially some of the time. Explore in your playing communicative music-making, e.g. a grandmother plays 'Pop goes the weasel' on her violin and her 5 year granddaughter plays the 'pop' sound on her own little violin, plucking a string, and 'hears this,' makes music with her grandmother, and loves it; extend this.
Marsalis, Wynton and Yo-Yo Ma. 2010. Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument.
"Recording became a habit and I have pretty much kept the recorder running for over 30 years." (PM Jack Lee - - who has won every major prize in solo and pipeband bagpiping) ... seems like a good practice when learning and practicing the bagpipe, or practice chanter (, and or instrument (see the Music School at WUaS - I'm going to begin this practice - just got a new hard drive with more disk space :)
Use the word 'playing,' vis-a-vis playfulness, to transform the negative connotations of the word practicing, linguistically. Similarly transform discipline into 'focus,' and play. Playing / Making music, a lot and enjoyably, is the key thing.
Sociocultural context ... if people are making music all around, with a lot of good models, and people to play with, the learning of technique, which can take hours, can be part of a conversation. Also, create an immersive milieu, by playing yourselves, where there's so much music around to 'converse' with, so that your children pick up music freely, and learn by playing with. The internet can generate these possibilities in new; see how you can engage them.
I think playing / practicing a musical instrument is more fun socially than independently, and facilitating open and free 'Music Playing Spaces' in a Google + Hangout in group video chat online, can makes this possible in new ways. If you'd like to try this, email or simply join one when it's happening on the G+ page - See, too ... and ... where everyone plays their own instrument, muting ourselves ... (any e.g. bagpipe, voice, guitar ... play the instrument with which you want to develop 'flow' experiences with :). Let me know if you're interested ... This will help further the World University Music School - (S.M.)
How to make regular playing / practices, in a rock band, a pipe band, an a capella, singing group or a chamber music group, really fun, getting to 'space,' or 'transcendance,' or fugue-informed freedom for example, like the Grateful Dead did, for example? What's the 'structure' of regular, most-fun music-playing together (in the beginning of music-making, and for experienced musicians)?
ideas: ... listen, relax, let musicians choose their own music, keep the group small, regularly make time to explore improvisation, with a musician facilitating this with the other musicians, begin with the blues. Choose, for example, J.S. Bach or similarly moving, and accessible, music, and listen to good, related CDs, mp3s, in Music-playing Spaces in a Google + Group Video chat hangout ...
Explore jamming at :)
I've found there to be little frustrations when learning a musical instrument, and that returning to the relaxation response, or the neurophysiology (release) of soaking in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm water pool at about body temperature, and / or a regular meditation practice, to be helpful, as a kind of bodymind basis to return home to, and from which even to play.
Find a way to get paid money for playing/practicing. For example, if you join a police bagpipe band, as well as the police, in Scotland, you may get paid for bagpiping, and possibly for as much as 2 hours per day (in addition to the other aspects of this job).
Translate the 'discipline' word, which has negative connotations (for me) into the word 'focus' and find the joy of focusing daily. (S.M.)
'Shepherding' vis-a-vis practicing, in many forms, has a lot of merit, especially in terms of sociality and focus.
Structure and vary your practice for your own instrument:
For example, with bagpiping you might play, beginning with 10 minutes, and building up to 1-5 hours per day in your year 7 +:
Piobaireachd on Mondays and Thursdays
March, Strathspeys and Reels on Tuesday and Fridays and
Hornpipes, Jigs, Slow Airs, etc., on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Then adapt such a schedule / structure for your own instrument.
Play, play, play every day into the bodymind electric :)
How to bring together playing / practicing a Musical Instrument with 'Eliciting Loving Bliss Neurophysiology' in flourishing ways?
Guidelines Practicing Loving Bliss vis-a-vis Musical Instrument ...
Practicing - Playing a Musical Instrument#Ideas
This page is for sharing ideas about playing / practicing, particularly for making practicing fun or enjoyable, and even flourishing. Explore enjoying the sounds of the music your instrument generates.
Here are some developing, online, Music Playing Spaces, that are free and open:
Try to play / practice at least 20 minutes a day, per instrument, or sing, - with enjoyment, and socially some of the time. Explore in your playing communicative music-making, e.g. a grandmother plays 'Pop goes the weasel' on her violin and her 5 year granddaughter plays the 'pop' sound on her own little violin, plucking a string, and 'hears this,' makes music with her grandmother, and loves it; extend this.
Marsalis, Wynton and Yo-Yo Ma. 2010. Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument.
"Recording became a habit and I have pretty much kept the recorder running for over 30 years." (PM Jack Lee - - who has won every major prize in solo and pipeband bagpiping) ... seems like a good practice when learning and practicing the bagpipe, or practice chanter (, and or instrument (see the Music School at WUaS - I'm going to begin this practice - just got a new hard drive with more disk space :)
Use the word 'playing,' vis-a-vis playfulness, to transform the negative connotations of the word practicing, linguistically. Similarly transform discipline into 'focus,' and play. Playing / Making music, a lot and enjoyably, is the key thing.
Sociocultural context ... if people are making music all around, with a lot of good models, and people to play with, the learning of technique, which can take hours, can be part of a conversation. Also, create an immersive milieu, by playing yourselves, where there's so much music around to 'converse' with, so that your children pick up music freely, and learn by playing with. The internet can generate these possibilities in new; see how you can engage them.
I think playing / practicing a musical instrument is more fun socially than independently, and facilitating open and free 'Music Playing Spaces' in a Google + Hangout in group video chat online, can makes this possible in new ways. If you'd like to try this, email or simply join one when it's happening on the G+ page - See, too ... and ... where everyone plays their own instrument, muting ourselves ... (any e.g. bagpipe, voice, guitar ... play the instrument with which you want to develop 'flow' experiences with :). Let me know if you're interested ... This will help further the World University Music School - (S.M.)
How to make regular playing / practices, in a rock band, a pipe band, an a capella, singing group or a chamber music group, really fun, getting to 'space,' or 'transcendance,' or fugue-informed freedom for example, like the Grateful Dead did, for example? What's the 'structure' of regular, most-fun music-playing together (in the beginning of music-making, and for experienced musicians)?
ideas: ... listen, relax, let musicians choose their own music, keep the group small, regularly make time to explore improvisation, with a musician facilitating this with the other musicians, begin with the blues. Choose, for example, J.S. Bach or similarly moving, and accessible, music, and listen to good, related CDs, mp3s, in Music-playing Spaces in a Google + Group Video chat hangout ...
Explore jamming at :)
I've found there to be little frustrations when learning a musical instrument, and that returning to the relaxation response, or the neurophysiology (release) of soaking in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm water pool at about body temperature, and / or a regular meditation practice, to be helpful, as a kind of bodymind basis to return home to, and from which even to play.
Find a way to get paid money for playing/practicing. For example, if you join a police bagpipe band, as well as the police, in Scotland, you may get paid for bagpiping, and possibly for as much as 2 hours per day (in addition to the other aspects of this job).
Translate the 'discipline' word, which has negative connotations (for me) into the word 'focus' and find the joy of focusing daily. (S.M.)
'Shepherding' vis-a-vis practicing, in many forms, has a lot of merit, especially in terms of sociality and focus.
Structure and vary your practice for your own instrument:
For example, with bagpiping you might play, beginning with 10 minutes, and building up to 1-5 hours per day in your year 7 +:
Piobaireachd on Mondays and Thursdays
March, Strathspeys and Reels on Tuesday and Fridays and
Hornpipes, Jigs, Slow Airs, etc., on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Then adapt such a schedule / structure for your own instrument.
Play, play, play every day into the bodymind electric :)
How to bring together playing / practicing a Musical Instrument with 'Eliciting Loving Bliss Neurophysiology' in flourishing ways?
Guidelines Practicing Loving Bliss vis-a-vis Musical Instrument ...
global university,
loving bliss,
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Dolphin - Inia geoffrensis: Open Educational Resources and UNESCO, WUaS has been looking for an UNESCO OER educational focus and contact vis-a-vis World University and School's Open Educational Resource's and vis-a-vis WUaS's all languages and countries' mission, United Nations' wiki, subject page at WUaS
Open Educational Resources and UNESCO
WUaS is taking responsibility ...
While not UNESCO WHS, WUaS has been looking for an UNESCO OER educational focus and contact vis-a-vis World University and School's Open Educational Resource's and vis-a-vis WUaS's all languages and countries mission ...
WUaS University Foundation ...
Languages ...
Nation States ...
will look to add this to the United Nations' wiki, subject page at WUaS ... ...
UNESCO has reach ...
Open Educational Resources and UNESCO
WUaS is taking responsibility ...

While not UNESCO WHS, WUaS has been looking for an UNESCO OER educational focus and contact vis-a-vis World University and School's Open Educational Resource's and vis-a-vis WUaS's all languages and countries mission ...
WUaS University Foundation ...
Languages ...
Nation States ...
will look to add this to the United Nations' wiki, subject page at WUaS ... ...
UNESCO has reach ...
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